
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate a simple react-Redux state manager in plain English to help you integrate the React-Redux library into your own projects.

  • If you don’t know redux library actions, Reducer, Store… For those concepts, you can learn about Redux from the documentation and then read this article
  • If you already have an in-depth understanding or use of React-Redux, this article may be too easy for you to read, so skip it
  • If you’ve only learned the basics of Redux, but don’t know how to apply react-Redux to a real project, or if you don’t understand some of the concepts in the documentation, this article will give you some inspiration

React and Redux

  • React is unrelated to Redux, which supports React, Angular, jQuery, and even javascript
  • Redux works better with libraries like React


  • React-redux is the redux binding library that works with React
  • React-redux allows your React component to easily read data from the Redux store and distribute actions updates to the store

Two important members of the React-Redux

  • Provider is a component that allows you to access data in the Store throughout your app

    • The Provider wraps around the component so that all child components can get state
    • The Provider receives the Store as props and passes it down through the context so that any component in react can access the Store through the context
    • Resolved that container components may have deep layers, preventing state passing layer by layer
  • Connect is a method that associates components with stores

    • Provider internal components that want to use data in state must be wrapped with Connect (must be reinforced by Connect).
    • Connect is a way for our component to get state from store

React-redux is basically used

1 Preparation

1.1 Use create-React-app scaffolding to generate projects

npx create-react-app count-demo

2.2 Delete unnecessary components and modify the project structure & configuration

2 install the react – story

  • React-redux is not officially provided by React, so it will need to be installed after we build the React project
    yarn add react-redux
    npm install react-redux --save
Copy the code
  • React-redux also relies on stores in Redux, so we also need to install Redux

    yarn add redux
    npm install redux --save
Copy the code

3 Use Redux to build stores

* create reducer/index in js file, build reducer in response to the actions / / reducer/index. The js / * * * @ desc pure functions, *@paream state *@paream action/export const reducer = (state, Action)=> {return state} * createStore /index.js file using createStore // store/index.js import {createStore} from 'redux' import {reducer} from '.. /reducer' const store = createStore(reducer) export default store // app.js import React from 'React' Import "./ app.css "// import our store function App() {return <div className="App"><div/>}Copy the code

4 Building the Page

Create a component called CountButton, Inside put two button button / / components/CountButton JSX import the React from 'React' export default function CountButton () {return ( <button> +10 </button> <button> -2 </button>)} // components/ countnum. JSX import React from 'React' export default function CountNum(props) {return (props) {// components/ countnum. JSX import React from 'React' export default function CountNum(props) {return (props) <div>0</div>)} * Add two components to app.js // app.js import React from 'React '; import './App.css'; import store from './react-redux/store' import CountButton from './components/CountButton' import CountNum from './components/CountNum' function App() { return ( <div className="App"> <CountButton /> <CountNum /> </div> ); } export default App;Copy the code

5 Action and Reducer transformation

  • Action create function

    • Action is the payload for transferring data from the app to the Store; It is the only source of store data.
    • Actions are essentially JavaScript ordinary objects. We agree that an action must use a type field of type string to indicate the action to be performed
    • The Action creation function is the method that generates the Action

    // actions/index.js
    export const addAction = (num)=> {
      return {
        type: 'ADD_NUM',
        payload: {
    export const reduceAction=(num)=> {
      return {
        type: 'REDUCE_NUM',
        payload: {
Copy the code
  • Our component has two functions of increase and decrease, so reducer needs to deal with different scenarios according to different action types.

    • Reducer specifies how do application state changes respond to actions and are sent to the store

    • Reducer is a pure function that receives the old state and action and returns the new state.

    • It is important to keep reducer pure. Never do these things in a Reducer:

      • Modify the passed parameter;
      • Perform operations that have side effects, such as API requests and route jumps;
      • Call impure functions, such as () or math.random ().


Do not modify state. Create a new copy using object.assign (). You cannot use object.assign (state, {visibilityFilter: action.filter}) as this will change the value of the first argument. You must set the first parameter to empty object. You can also turn on support for the ES7 proposal object expansion operator to use {… state, … NewState} serves the same purpose. Return the old state in default. When encountering an unknown action, always return to the old state.

// reducer/index.js const initialState = { count: 0 } export const reducer = (state = initialState, action)=> { switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_NUM': return { ... state, count: state.count + action.payload.num } case 'REDUCE_NUM': return { ... state, count: state.count - action.payload.num } default: return state } }Copy the code

6 Import the Provider component

  • Import the Provider component in app.js

    import { Provider } from ‘react-redux’

  • Use the Provider component to wrap our entire structure

  • Set the Store property to the Provider component. This value is the store instance object constructed by createStore

    function App() { return ( <Provider store={ store }>

    ); }

7 the connect using

  • Import connect method

    import { conenct } from ‘react-redux’

  • Call connect method

    connect(…) (Component)

Connect Parameter Description

  • Use the Connect method to associate our component with a Store

    • Import connect methods in the components CountButton and CountNum, respectively
    • Use the CONNECT method to enhance and export our component
    • The component CountButton belongs to the sender, so the second parameter is implemented
    • The component CountNum belongs to the receiver, so you implement the first parameter

8 Component Implementation

8.1 CountButton Sends the Action

  • Import the connect
  • Strengthen components with CONNECT: CONNECT (function to accept array, function to send action)(place component to strengthen)
  • You need to implement the second parameter builder function, mapDispatchToProps(Dispatch); Dispatch is used to send actions
  • This method can be called inside the component via props
// CountButton.jsx import React from 'react' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { addAction, reduceAction } from '.. /react-redux/actions' function CountButton(props) { const addTen = ()=> { props.sendAdd(10) } const reduceTwo =()=> { props.sendReduce(2) } return ( <> <button onClick={addTen}> +10</button> <button onClick={reduceTwo}> -2 </button> </> ) } const mapDispatchToProps => {return {// dispatch an addAction sendAdd: (num)=> {dispatch(addAction(num))}, // Dispatch a reduceAction sendReduce: (num)=> { dispatch(reduceAction(num)) } } } export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(CountButton)Copy the code

8.2 CountNum receive state

  • Import connect method
  • Components are enhanced with CONNECT
  • As CountNum is on the receiving end, you need to implement the first parameter of connect

The parameter in mapStateToProps is the state that we care about. Return this state to get the latest data from inside the component. The key to whether CountNum can get data is the reducer, which can be obtained only when the reducer returns a new state

 import React from 'react'
    import { connect } from 'react-redux'
    function CountNum(props) {
      return (
    const mapStateToProps = state => {
      return state
    export default connect(mapStateToProps)(CountNum)
Copy the code