Document any optimizations used in the project.
Performance optimization
1. The Gzip compression
With the help of CompressionWebpackPlugin to compress files in advance, the server will directly read. Gz files with the same name as the source file, not actively compress, reduce THE CPU load, optimize the server performance. The installation
NPM install - save - dev compression-webpack-plugin@1.1.12Copy the code
Add the following configuration to webPackconfig. plugin:
new CompressionWebpackPlugin({ filename: '[path].gz[query]', algorithm: 'gzip', test: New RegExp (' \ \. (js) | CSS $'), the threshold: 10240, minRatio: 0.8, / / compression ratio deleteOriginalAssets: whether false / / delete the source file})Copy the code
Add gzip to nginx:
Note: Do not configure image correlation in gzip_types
gzip on;
gzip_static on;
gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_vary on;
gzip_comp_level 6;
gzip_buffers 16 8k;
Copy the code
After Gzip is enabled:
The file size was reduced to 1/4 of its original size, and the average overall test load time was reduced by 20%. The larger the file size, the more obvious the effect.
2.Code Split
- The third library is generally more stable, will not easily change, separate extraction, do long-term cache.
- Code blocks can be split to avoid large code blocks and long loading time
Add the configuration in Optimization in the WebPack Config file
SplitChunks: {cacheGroups: {vendors: {test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/, // controls which modules are matched by this cache group. If passed on intact, it implicitly assumes that all modules will be selected. Types of values that can be passed: RegExp, String, and Function; // chunks: 'initial', // chunks: 'initial', // 'Vendors ', // the names of the chunks packed priority: -10, // Priority, indicating extraction weights, and the larger the number, the higher the priority. Whether can be set to true / / reuse have used the chunk not to create a new chunk}, styles: {name: 'styles' test: / \. (CSS | less) $/, chunks:' all ', enforce: true, } } }Copy the code
3.React. Lazy, React
React.lazy allows us to render dynamically introduced components in the same way as regular components, while Suspense makes it more elegant to render lazy transition animations for components and handle load exceptions.
import React, { lazy } from ‘react’ const SmsManager = lazy(() => import(/* webpackChunkName: “manager” */ ‘manager’))
Problems encountered with dynamic loading:
- Loading chunk failed was reported incorrectly due to a network problem. Procedure
- If Loading Chunk failed is reported, the browser cache is an old file and the file name of the file is different from that of the server
Solution: For network problems, you can use the webpack-retry-chunk-load-plugin to reload
Let {RetryChunkLoadPlugin} = require('webpack-retry-chunk-load-plugin') [new RetryChunkLoadPlugin({cacheBust: 'function() {return ();}', maxRetries: 2,// Max attempts})]Copy the code
For the problem of download failure caused by release in the process of use, it can be solved by reloading (this way is not particularly good, if there is a better method I will add).
import React from 'react' import { observer, inject } from 'mobx-react' import Component from 'edt-components/Component' import { sessionStorage } from 'utils/storage' import FullLoading from 'edt-components/FullLoading' import _ from 'lodash' @observer class ErrorBoundary extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) = { hasError: false, errorType: null } this.clearLoadingChunk() } componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) { this.handleError(error, errorInfo) } clearLoadingChunk = () => { window.clearTimeout(this.clearTimer) this.clearTimer = window.setTimeout(() => { sessionStorage.removeItem('loadingChunk') }, 60000) } handleError = (error, errorInfo) => { this.setData({hasError: True}) enclosing handleLoadingChunkError (error)} handleLoadingChunkError = (error, errorInfo) = > {/ / page views during redistribution, The browser cache file name is inconsistent with the server file name. Const loadFaild = new RegExp(/Loading chunk (\d)+ failed/g) if (error && error. Message && error.message.match(loadFaild)) { this.setData({errorType: ERROR_ENUM.RE_LOADING}) let loadingChunk = sessionStorage.getItem('loadingChunk') loadingChunk = _.isNumber(loadingChunk) ? loadingChunk + 1 : 1 if (loadingChunk > 2) { this.setData({errorType: ERROR_ENUM.LOAD_FAIL}) // The current process ends, SetItem ('loadingChunk', 0)} else {sessionStorage.setitem ('loadingChunk', 0) loadingChunk) window.location.reload() } } } renderErrorContent = () => { const {errorType} = if (errorType === ERROR_ENUM.LOAD_FAIL) {return (<h3> Failed to load the page, please refresh the page and load again... </h3> ) } if (errorType === ERROR_ENUM.RE_LOADING) { return ( <FullLoading/> ) } } render() { return ? This.rendererrorcontent () : this.props. Children}} // Enumeration of page error types const ERROR_ENUM = {LOAD_FAIL: 'LOAD_FAIL', RE_LOADING: 'RE_LOADING' } export default ErrorBoundaryCopy the code
4. Js compressed UglifyJsPlugin
optimization: _.assignIn({}, commonConfig.optimization, {
minimizer: [
new UglifyJsPlugin({
cache: true,
parallel: true,
sourceMap: true // set to true if you want JS source maps
Copy the code
5. The Css compression MiniCssExtractPlugin
new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
filename: '[id]_' + config.version + '_[hash].css',
chunkFilename: '[id]_' + config.version + '_[hash].css'
Copy the code
6. HTML compression
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
title: config.title,
template: config.template,
inject: true
Copy the code
7. Long list virtual loading
Then we used the React-Virtualized source code and virtualized list code to implement virtual loading
Code optimization
1. Automatic RECONSTRUCTION of the Css
There is a common style file to manage the project style file. If you need to support theme change, you need to extract and integrate the CSS style in the project. Lemonj, the Css automated refactoring tool, can be used to extract and consolidate automatically, without manual collection and collation. Developers only need to change variable names.
The installation
npm install lemonj -g
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Analysis project CSS code,components is the file name to analyze
lemonj analysis components
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Get the overall analysis result (bad taste code), and two files mappings. Less and result.json bad taste code:
Code Smell: {
colors: 24,
importants: 4,
issues: 8,
mediaQueries: 1,
absolute: 0,
oddWidth: 1
Copy the code
@color_8: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
// components\TransferPicker\style.less:4
@color_9: #fff;
// components\ATable\style.less:171
// components\ATable\style.less:177
@color_10: #e6f7ff;
// components\ATable\style.less:284
// components\ATable\style.less:295
@color_11: #fbfdff;
// components\NavigationBar\style.less:30
@color_12: #929598;
// components\Card\style.less:45
@color_13: #F8F9FA;
Copy the code
Change the variable name in mappings. Less, for example, color_8 to primary_color, save the value, and run the following command:
lemonj refactor componnets
Copy the code
All corresponding styles in the project will be changed to the corresponding style variable names in mapping.less
2. Logical layering of complex lists
The original complex list code, all data query, rendering, events are all put in a JS, with the function expansion, the code is more and more large, not easy to maintain. Therefore, the list is designed to be layered with higher-order components, divided into data layer, event layer, and render layer.
import Data from './Data'
import Event from './Event'
import Render from './Render'
class List {
Copy the code
Project engineering
1. The component library
Since there was only one system at the beginning, the component code was directly copied into the new project when time was urgent after the expansion of the new project. However, it is troublesome to maintain a set of components for multiple systems, which leads to the disunity of components after a long time, and the iterative function sometimes requires repeated modification by multiple systems. Therefore, the common component library is removed and multiple systems share one set of component libraries.
2. The component library displays the website
After extracting the component library, you encounter the following problems
- Multiple systems share a component library, and the designer’s component UI design does not have corresponding examples to view, so it cannot be consistent with the style and interaction of the component library
- Component library is difficult to manage at present. Component changes will affect the display and interaction of components in multiple systems at the same time, and it is difficult for developers to control the impact of component changes
- The component library is frequently used in the project, but it is cumbersome to consult the component API, which requires reading the component code
- It is difficult to intuitively and comprehensively understand the functions of each component. It costs a lot to learn new components, and new functions of components cannot be quickly understood by others in the group
- Component test
So take a look at Bisheng and build a component library documentation site to solve the above problems.
Use frame: Bisheng
Reference link: Use of the documentation tool Bisheng
Unit testing
After the component library is removed, unit tests must be added.
Jest is a front-end testing framework that allows you to use enzyme to easily test React applications
- jest
- enzyme
To optimize
- Use the tree – shaking
- CSS modularize (in the process of writing code, we will occasionally encounter the problem that styles are overwritten by other modules. This part has been tried a lot, such as CSS-module, react-CSs-module, babel-plugin-react-CSs-modules, etc.) The main problem is that forward compatibility on the basis of the original project is troublesome and the scope of change is large. The best one we’ve used is babel-plugin-react-CSS-modules, but it’s still a bit of a hassle to work with and push. No particularly good solution has been found.)
- Working with TypeScript(which can be difficult and costly to iterate on right now)
- Introduction of front-end monitoring (it needs to be approved by the group leader and deployed to the Intranet, which is a little difficult to achieve)
- Optimization of common components (form configuration, form expansion, function expansion of some components)