React is easy to learn compared to Vue and Angular. Here are some notes on how to learn React:
JSX grammar
This is a great syntax for using JAVASCRIPT to express HTML. It is a syntactic sugar, but it is sweet enough to know that JSX will eventually be escaped by Babel into standard JS syntax, for example:
const title = <h1 className="title">Hello, world!</h1>;
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Open the Babel REPL and type in the code above to find that it ends up like this:
const title = React.createElement(
'h1'./ / tag name
{ className: 'title' }, // Attribute object
'Hello, world! ' / / child elements
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At this point, you should have a sense of the structure, but to make sense of it, let’s do a more complicated example:
const element = (
<div className="title" width="200" height="100">
hello<span className="content">world!</span>
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Is converted to:
const element = React.createElement(
"div"./ / tag name
{ // Attribute object
className: "title".width: "200".height: "100",},"hello".// The first child
React.createElement( // The second child
{ className: "content" },
"world!"));Copy the code
It can be seen that JSX is very strong expressive, concise syntax, is a big killer of the front end.
Virtual DOM
We already know that JSX fragments are translated into code wrapped in the react. createElement method. What exactly is the react. createElement method? It’s as simple as converting a parameter to an object:
function createElement(type, attrs, ... children) {
return { type, props: { attrs, children } }
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- The first argument is the label name of the DOM node, which can be div, H1, SPAN, and so on
- The second argument is an object that contains all the attributes of the node, possibly including className, ID, and so on
- Start with the third argument, which is its child node
So JSX will eventually be converted to objects with this structure, which is also called the virtual DOM!
const title = <h1 className="title">Hello, world!</h1>;
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In essence:
type: 'h1'.props: { attrs: { className: 'title' }, children: [ 'Hello, world! ']}}Copy the code
When there is only one child node, children is usually not written as an array. Instead, the first element of the array is taken:
type: 'h1'.props: { attrs: { className: 'title' }, children: 'Hello, world! '}}Copy the code
So our React. CreateElement method can be modified slightly:
function createElement(type, attrs, children) {
return {
props: {
children: arguments.length > 3 ? : children,
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Function component
The function component is a function that takes a property object and returns a React element. Such as:
function Title(props) {
return <h1 className="title">The title</h1>
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This definition is pretty clear, but note that the following functions are also function components:
function MyTitle(props) {
return <Title />
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Because the
Class components
The class component is a react.componentsubclass that implements the Render method.
class TitleComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return <h1 className="title">The title</h1>}}Copy the code
What does a React.Component parent look like, you might ask, if you look at TypeScript type declarations:
class Component<P.S> {
readonly props: Readonly<P> ;
state: Readonly<S>;
constructor(props: Readonly<P> | P);
setState<K extends keyof S>(
state: ((prevState: Readonly<S>, props: Readonly<P>) = > (Pick<S, K> | S | null)) | (Pick<S, K> | S | null), callback? :() = > void) :void; forceUpdate(callback? :() = > void) :void;
render(): ReactNode;
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The React.Component parent class has the following structure:
class Component {
constructor(props) {
this.props = props
this.state = {}
// Status update
setState(nextState, callback) {
// ...
// Force refresh
forceUpdate() {
// ...
render() {
throw new Error('This method is abstract and requires subclass implementation')}}Copy the code
Components are divided into built-in native components and custom components:
- The built-in components are legal HTML tags such as div and SPAN, whose type in the virtual DOM is a string
- A custom component is a function or class component whose type in the virtual DOM is no longer a string but a function
Render method
The render method converts the virtual DOM into a real DOM and inserts it into the container. The function structure is:
function render(vdom, container) {
// ...
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The syntax is as follows:
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>.document.getElementById('root'));Copy the code
What is the dark magic inside the Render function that maps the virtual DOM to the real DOM? Remember the data structure of the virtual DOM?
{ type: 'xxx'.props: { attrs: {}, children: []}}Copy the code
It’s actually quite simple, with just a few lines of code:
function render(vdom, container) {
if (typeof vdom === 'string') { // When vDOM is a string, the render result is a text
return container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(vdom))
const {type, props: {attrs = {}, children}} = vdom
const dom = document.createElement(type)
Object.keys(attrs).forEach(key= > {
const value = attrs[key]
if (key === 'style') {
for (let attr in value)[attr] = value[attr]
} else {
dom[key.startsWith('on')? key.toLocaleLowerCase() : key] = value } }); [].concat(children).forEach(child= > render(child, dom)) // Recursively render child nodes
return container.appendChild(dom) // Mount the render results to the real DOM
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The life cycle
The life cycle is divided into the old version and the new version, each with a diagram to describe, the old version declaration cycle is as follows:
ComponentWillUnmount (); / / Will (); / / Will (); / / Will (); / / Will ();
GetDerivedStateFromProps Static method
GetSnapshotBeforeUpdate instance method
Here is a schematic of the new declaration cycle: