React Native Github is compatible with Android and iOS platforms and is open source at…

From Alibaba technical personnel, key recommendation. Welcome star,fork….

Project introduction

The Github client developed with React Native technology is compatible with Android and iOS platforms.

React Native Communication group 2 (496601483)

Running effect

Review images

Functional specifications
  1. Feeds like web Github Home.
  2. Search users or repos. (Search users or open source libraries)
  3. Star, Watch repos, Follow guys. (Start, Watch library,follow users)
  4. Explore trending repos daily, weekly, monthly.
  5. Check who’s famous in some filed all of the world.
Building methods

1. Register (skip this step if you don’t want to log in)

1. You need a Github developed key and secret to check by clicking here


Config.js (modify the config.js file)

(2). Install JS environment

1. Switch to the project root directory and run NPM install

Sudo chown -r $(whoami) “$HOME/.npm” if error about ‘EACCS’ try

(iii) iOS environment

Switch to the ios project, open the ios project using Xcode, run CD ios, and then run Pod Install

(iv) iOS Release mode modification

1. Write xcode project RN_CNNode’s Scheme to release mode, screenshot as follows:

Review images

2. In the project and path, package JS resources as follows:

react-native bundle --platform ios --entry-file index.ios.js --bundle-output ./release/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ./release --dev false

3. Run xcode (v). Change in iOS Debug mode

Edit the Xcode project

‘s Scheme to Debug mode, and then Xcode directly run both can

(vi) Android environment

Open the project through AndroidStudio and it may take a long time to build the project. Be patient.

(7).release mode

Use USB to connect the device and open AndroidStudio to modify the Build into Release. The device runs the following command:

sh ./

If it is a simulator, run the project directly. Debug mode Development mode Directly run the following command

react-native run-android