React Native app

Welcome star,fork….

This open source project is compiled by Jiang Qingqing’s technical column (

Project introduction

The React Native app is only available for Android. Most of the layout pages are currently under development. Business logic functions and iOS adaptation will come later.

The current mall client will continue to develop product ordering, order, shopping cart, payment, product list and details, search function, location switch, international multi-language switch, third-party account login and sharing and other related functions. Developers are also welcome to make more suggestions. The project continues to be updated.

React Native communication :533435865 React Native Communication :533435865 At the same time, the right side of the blog welcome wechat scan to pay attention to the subscription number, mobile technology dry goods, wonderful article technology push!

Install the configuration

1. The first step

git clone 2. The second step

CD GaGaMall 3

NPM install 4

Run the Android version Mac OS X:react-native run-Android or Windows OS: React-native start and react-native run-Android 2. Mac OS X: React-Native run-ios or Xcode Open Project and Run Project

Temporarily dependent components
  • rn-viewpager
  • react-native-scrollable-tab-view
  • react-native-swiper
  • react-native-vector-icons
  • react-native-tab-navigator
  • leancloud-storage
  • react-native-storage
Running effect

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