One, foreword
React Native is a mobile application development framework developed by Facebook. It can be used to develop cross-platform applications such as iOS, Android, and Web. React Native differs from traditional Hybrid apps in that it eliminates WebView controls. React Native isn’t a “web app,” “HTML5 app,” or “hybrid app.” It’s a real mobile app that feels almost identical to an app written in Objective-C or Java. React Native uses the same basic UI components as Native apps. What we need to do is combine these basic components using JavaScript and React. React Native is an excellent cross-platform framework.
React Native allows JavaScript to call Native interfaces by customizing modules [1]. React Native Module [2] of Shence Analysis uses a new solution to realize the React Native full buried point function in V2.0 version. $AppClick $AppClick $AppClick $AppClick $AppClick $AppClick
Two, principle analysis
2.1 Trigger Click
React Native doesn’t have a dedicated button component. In order for the view to respond to user clicks, we need to wrap our view with Touchable components.
2.1.1 Components of Touchable series
Each of the four components in the Touchable family can be used to wrap views in response to user clicks:
- TouchableHighlight: The background darkens when the user’s finger is pressed down;
- TouchableNativeFeedback: Available on Android, TouchableNativeFeedback creates a visual effect that resembles ripples of water when a user’s finger is pressed down. Note that this component only supports Android;
- TouchableOpacity: Lowers the transparency of the button when the user presses it without changing the color of the background
- TouchableWithoutFeedback: Responds to user click events, which is a great option if you want to process click events without showing any visual feedback.
The first three components above are based on TouchableWithoutFeedback to do some extensions, we can see from the source:
type Props = $ReadOnly<{| ... TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, ... IOSProps, ... AndroidProps, activeOpacity? :? number, underlayColor? :? ColorValue, style? :? ViewStyleProp, onShowUnderlay? :? () => void, onHideUnderlay? :? () => void, testOnly_pressed? :? boolean, |}>;Copy the code
propTypes: {
/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This comment
* suppresses an error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the
* error, delete this comment and run Flow. */
Copy the code
type Props = $ReadOnly<{| ... TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, ... TVProps, activeOpacity? :? number, style? :? ViewStyleProp, |}>;Copy the code
Since TouchableWithoutFeedback has properties common to all the other components, we just need to understand how TouchableWithoutFeedback implements clickability.
2.1.2 Touchable Function Description
React Native’s response system can be complicated to use, so an abstract implementation of Touchable is officially provided as a “Touchable” component. Touchable series Components related documents in node_modules/react – native/Libraries/Components/Touchable folder. The Touchable. Js file is also provided in the Touchable folder, where the clickable function is implemented. React Native describes touchable.js as follows:
* ====================== Touchable Tutorial =============================== * The `Touchable` mixin helps you handle the "press" interaction. It analyzes * the geometry of elements, and observes when another responder (scroll view * etc) has stolen the touch lock. It notifies your component when it should * give feedback to the user. (bouncing/highlighting/unhighlighting). * * - When a touch was activated (typically you highlight) * - When a touch was deactivated (typically you unhighlight) * - When a touch was "pressed" - a touch ended while still within the geometry * of the element, and no other element (like scroller) has "stolen" touch * lock ("responder") (Typically you bounce the element).Copy the code
As you can see from the description, Touchable helps developers handle touch interactions and notifies controls to provide feedback to users when other responders respond to touch interactions.
2.1.3 Touchable status changes
The Touch operation of the React Native control changes. To monitor the change of the touch State of the control, React Native declares State and Signal types in Touchable to describe the user’s touch behavior.
Type State = | typeof States. NOT_RESPONDER / / non responder | typeof States. RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN / / invalid press | typeof States. RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_OUT / / invalid lift | typeof States. RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN / / effective press | typeof States. RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_OUT / / effective lift | typeof States. RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN / / effective long press | typeof States. RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_OUT / / effective long after the lift | typeof States. The ERROR; / / errorCopy the code
/** * Inputs to the state machine. */ const Signals = keyMirror({ DELAY: null, RESPONDER_GRANT: null, RESPONDER_RELEASE: null, RESPONDER_TERMINATED: null, ENTER_PRESS_RECT: null, LEAVE_PRESS_RECT: null, LONG_PRESS_DETECTED: null, }); Type Signal = | typeof Signals. The DELAY / / DELAY trigger Signal | typeof Signals. RESPONDER_GRANT / / touch | typeof Signals. RESPONDER_RELEASE / / touch end | typeof Signals. | RESPONDER_TERMINATED / / touch interrupt typeof Signals. ENTER_PRESS_RECT / / Enter the pressure within the scope of | typeof Signals. LEAVE_PRESS_RECT/scope/leave press | typeof Signals. LONG_PRESS_DETECTED; // Check for long pressCopy the code
Figure 2-1 shows the interaction process.
Figure 2-1 Interaction flow diagram (see React Native source code [3])
As you can see in Figure 2-1, when State is RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN and Signal is RESPONDER_RELEASE, the user is clicking on the control. Therefore, we can trigger click event collection for the control here.
_performSideEffectsForTransition function for this logic judgment, here we can add to print the information to the feasibility of the validation protocols:
_performSideEffectsForTransition: function( curState: State, nextState: State, signal: Signal, e: PressEvent, ) { // ... const shouldInvokePress = ! IsLongPressingIn[curState] || pressIsLongButStillCallOnPress; if (shouldInvokePress && this.touchableHandlePress) { if (! newIsHighlight && ! curIsHighlight) { // we never highlighted because of delay, but we should highlight now this._startHighlight(e); this._endHighlight(e); } if (Platform.OS === 'android' && ! this.props.touchSoundDisabled) { this._playTouchSound(); } console.log(" here's a button click "); this.touchableHandlePress(e); } } this.touchableDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.touchableDelayTimeout); this.touchableDelayTimeout = null; },Copy the code
Add Button in the project entry file app.js and run the project. Click Button and you can see the printed content of “Button click here” on the terminal console, as shown in Figure 2-2:
Figure 2-2 Information displayed on the console
At this point, we’ve found the time to fire the $AppClick event.
2.2 Creating a View
In the previous section, we found out when to fire the $AppClick event. However, there is still a problem: React Native does not directly obtain the View object that triggers the click event. ReactTag can be used to solve this problem.
2.2.1 reactTag
The React Native project assigns each View a unique ID (reactTag). ReactTag is an incrementing integer number that can be used to find each View object. RCTRootView is the entry point of the React Native project. During initialization, 1 is assigned to RCTRootView by default as a reactTag, that is, a RootTag.
Let’s look at the reactTag generation rule:
// Counter for uniquely identifying views.
// % 10 === 1 means it is a rootTag.
// % 2 === 0 means it is a Fabric tag.
var nextReactTag = 3;
function allocateTag() {
var tag = nextReactTag;
if (tag % 10 === 1) {
tag += 2;
nextReactTag = tag + 2;
return tag;
Copy the code
As you can see from the code snippet above, the tag increments by +2 and is added again when tag % 10 === 1. Therefore, tag % 10 === 1 occurs only once, RootTag.
2.2.2 Creating a View
All views in React Native are created and managed using the RCTUIManager class. The RCTUIManager class provides the following methods to create a View object:
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(createView:(nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag
viewName:(NSString *)viewName
rootTag:(nonnull NSNumber *)rootTag
props:(NSDictionary *)props)
Copy the code
Now we need to find out where this method is called so we know when to create the View on the JavaScript side. After a lookup in the the react – native source, / node_modules/react to locate – native/Renderer/implementations/ReactNativeRenderer – dev. Js in the following code snippet:
tag, // reactTag
viewConfig.uiViewClassName, // viewName
rootContainerInstance, // rootTag
updatePayload // props
Copy the code
As you can see, this is where the code on the JavaScript side creates the View. We can add Hook code here to save the View’s reactTag.
2.2.3 Solution Overview
According to the previous two sections, we can save the reactTag of a clickable view when UIManager creates a view. When the control triggers a click, we can compare the reactTag to determine whether the currently clicked view is clickable. Find the corresponding View object by reactTag and trigger the $AppClick event.
Three, preparation
3.1 Creating a Project
Before implementing the React Native click event collection solution, we first created a demo project. For details on how to install React Native, see environment-Setup [4]. Now use the following commands to create a React Native project.
AwesomeProject --version 0.61.5 CD AwesomeProject React-native run-iosCopy the code
Note: there are some changes in the source code for the control click function in versions 0.62.x and above, which we have implemented in subsequent versions of the React Native Module. To demonstrate the effect, we still use v0.61.5 version for the subsequent function description. We have created a React Native AwesomeProject using the commands above and can run the project successfully. Figure 3-1 shows the project:
Figure 3-1 React Native project screenshot
3.2 Integrated strategy analysis
- In the project directory, run the “CD ios” command and then the “vim Podfile” command to edit the Podfile file. Add “pod ‘sensorsanalyticsDK’ “to the file and save it, and run the “pod install” command to integrate the SDK. The contents of the Podfile are as follows:
Platform :ios, '9.0' require_relative '.. /node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules' target 'AwesomeProject' do # Pods for AwesomeProject # ...... Pod 'SensorsAnalyticsSDK' target 'AwesomeProjectTests' do inherit! :search_paths # Pods for testing end use_native_modules! end target 'AwesomeProject-tvOS' do # Pods for AwesomeProject-tvOS target 'AwesomeProject-tvOSTests' do inherit! :search_paths # Pods for testing end endCopy the code
- Will AwesomeProject. Xcworkspace open (under the “ios folders”), and initialize the AppDelegate god policy analysis the SDK:
#import <SensorsAnalyticsSDK/SensorsAnalyticsSDK.h>
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
SAConfigOptions *options = [[SAConfigOptions alloc] initWithServerURL:@"" launchOptions:launchOptions];
options.autoTrackEventType = SensorsAnalyticsEventTypeAppStart | SensorsAnalyticsEventTypeAppEnd | SensorsAnalyticsEventTypeAppClick | SensorsAnalyticsEventTypeAppViewScreen;
options.enableLog = YES;
[SensorsAnalyticsSDK startWithConfigOptions:options];
return YES;
Copy the code
After completing the initialization of the SDK and running the project, you can see that the console prints out the $AppStart event.
3.3 create the Module
After integrating the React Native SDK, we also need to create a React Native Module to provide the Native $AppClick interface to JavaScript side calls.
- Open Xcode and select File → New → Project… , enter the static library name SensorsAnalyticsModule. As shown in Figure 3-2:
Figure 3-2 Creating a Module
- In a static library project folder. Add SensorsAnalyticsModule podspec file, the file content is as follows:
Pod: : Spec. New do | s | s.n ame = "SensorsAnalyticsModule s.v ersion =" 0.0.1 s.s "ummary =" The official The React of Native SDK Sensors Analytics." s.homepage = "" s.license = { :type => "Apache License, Version 2.0"} s.thor = {"Yuanyang Peng" => ""} s.thor = {:git => "", :tag => "v#{s.version}" } s.platform = :ios, "7.0" s.source_files = "SensorsAnalyticsModule/*.{h,m}" s.reequires_arc = true s.dependency "React" endCopy the code
- Move the created SensorsAnalyticsModule project folder to the demo project root directory and add a SensorsAnalyticsModule reference to the demo project Podfile in the ios folder:
Platform :ios, '9.0' require_relative '.. /node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules' target 'AwesomeProject' do # Pods for AwesomeProject # ...... pod 'SensorsAnalyticsSDK' pod 'SensorsAnalyticsModule', :path => '.. /SensorsAnalyticsModule/' target 'AwesomeProjectTests' do inherit! :search_paths # Pods for testing end use_native_modules! end target 'AwesomeProject-tvOS' do # Pods for AwesomeProject-tvOS target 'AwesomeProject-tvOSTests' do inherit! :search_paths # Pods for testing end endCopy the code
After running the project, it can work normally, so the preparation work is complete.
Four, code implementation
Now that you’ve seen the key steps to implement the $AppClick event function, let’s look at the code in detail.
4.1 the Module
- Add the RCTBridgeModule reference to SensorsAnalyticsModule.
#import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
@interface SensorsAnalyticsModule : NSObject <RCTBridgeModule>
Copy the code
- Add the reactTags collection property to SensorsAnalyticsModule. M to hold the reactTag information for clickable views:
#import <SensorsAnalyticsSDK/SensorsAnalyticsSDK.h>
#import <React/RCTRootView.h>
#import <React/RCTUIManager.h>
@interface SensorsAnalyticsModule ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableSet<NSNumber*> *reactTags;
Copy the code
- Add the Module declaration to SensorsAnalyticsModule. M and add the + sharedInstance method:
@implementation SensorsAnalyticsModule RCT_EXPORT_MODULE(SensorsAnalyticsModule) + (instancetype)sharedInstance { static dispatch_once_t onceToken; static SensorsAnalyticsModule *module; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ module = [[SensorsAnalyticsModule alloc] init]; }); return module; } @endCopy the code
- Added saveReactTag:clickable: method to save the clickable view’s reactTag and provide this method to JavaScript calls via RCT_EXPORT_METHOD:
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(saveReactTag:(NSInteger)reactTag clickable:(BOOL)clickable) { if (! clickable) { return; } SensorsAnalyticsModule *module = [SensorsAnalyticsModule sharedInstance]; [module.reactTags addObject:@(reactTag)]; }Copy the code
- Find the corresponding view by reactTag:
- (UIView *)viewForTag:(NSNumber *)reactTag {
UIViewController *root = [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController];
RCTRootView *rootView = [root rootView];
RCTUIManager *manager = rootView.bridge.uiManager;
return [manager viewForReactTag:reactTag];
Copy the code
- Added trackViewClick: method to trigger the AppClick event. The AppClick event is emitted when the corresponding view is found through the reactTag in the trackViewClick: method. The AppClick event is emitted when the corresponding view is found through the reactTag in the trackViewClick: method. Trigger the AppClick event after finding the corresponding view via reactTag in the trackViewClick: method:
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(trackViewClick:(NSInteger)reactTag) { SensorsAnalyticsModule *module = [SensorsAnalyticsModule sharedInstance]; BOOL clickable = [module.reactTags containsObject:@(reactTag)]; if (! clickable) { return; } dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ UIView *view = [module viewForTag:@(reactTag)]; [[SensorsAnalyticsSDK sharedInstance] trackViewAppClick:view withProperties:nil]; }); }Copy the code
4.2 Manually Inserting code
1. In the/node_modules/react – native/Renderer/implementations/ReactNativeRenderer – dev. Js “ReactNativePrivateInterface. UIManager. CreateView” code inserted before Hook code is as follows:
(function(thatThis){ try{ var clickable = false; if(props.onStartShouldSetResponder){ clickable = true; } var ReactNative = require('react-native'); var dataModule = ReactNative.NativeModules.SensorsAnalyticsModule; dataModule && dataModule.saveReactTag && dataModule.saveReactTag(tag, clickable); } catch (error) {throw new error ('SensorsAnalyticsModule Hook Code call exception: '+ error); } })(this); /* SENSORSDATA HOOK */ ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.createView( tag, // reactTag viewConfig.uiViewClassName, // viewName rootContainerInstance, // rootTag updatePayload // props ); / / insert code ReactNativePrivateInterface before this method. The UIManager. CreateView (tag, / / reactTag viewConfig. UiViewClassName, // viewName rootContainerInstance, // rootTag updatePayload // props );Copy the code
- In node_modules/react – native/Libraries/Components/Touchable/Touchable. Js “. This touchableHandlePress (e);” Insert Hook code before code as follows:
(function(thatThis) { try { var ReactNative = require('react-native'); var module = ReactNative.NativeModules.SensorsAnalyticsModule; thatThis.props.onPress && module && module.trackViewClick && module.trackViewClick(ReactNative.findNodeHandle(thatThis)); } catch (error) {throw new error ('SensorsData RN Hook Code call exception: '+ error); } })(this); / * SENSORSDATA HOOK * / / / in this method inserts code before this. TouchableHandlePress (e);Copy the code
Run the project and click Button. The Button’s AppClick event is printed in the project console. At this point, the ReactNative full buried point of the AppClick event information is completed. React Native all buried point AppClick event information is completed. At this point, the ReactNative full buried point of AppClick event collection function is completed. As shown in Figure 4-1:
Figure 4-1 Click events triggered
4.3 Automatic code insertion
In the last section, we manually inserted the Hook code on the React Native JavaScript side, which is not conducive to the maintenance of later code and compatibility between different React Native versions. Therefore, we need to add a Hook file here to realize the automatic insertion of source code.
- Create a new Hook. Js file in the root directory of the demo project and add system variables and file location:
Var path = require("path"), fs = require("fs"), dir = path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/"); var path = require("path"), fs = require("fs"), dir = path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/"); // RN click on the touchable.js source file // to accommodate different React Native versions, Here you can add path var RNClickFilePath = dir + '/ react - native/Libraries/Components/Touchable/Touchable. Js'; var RNClickableFiles = [ dir + '/react-native/Libraries/Renderer/implementations/ReactNativeRenderer-dev.js', dir + '/react-native/Libraries/Renderer/implementations/ReactNativeRendererCopy the code
- Add the utility class methods to be used later:
AddTryCatch = function (functionBody) {functionBody = functionbody.replace (/this/g, 'thatThis'); return "(function(thatThis){\n" + " try{\n " + functionBody + " \n } catch (error) { throw new Error('SensorsData RN Hook Code: '+ error'; }\n" + "})(this); /* SENSORSDATA HOOK */"; } function lastArgumentName(content, index) {--index; var lastComma = content.lastIndexOf(',', index); var lastParentheses = content.lastIndexOf('(', index); var start = Math.max(lastComma, lastParentheses); return content.substring(start + 1, index + 1); }Copy the code
- Add the code snippet of the Hook Touchable. Js file:
var sensorsdataClickHookCode = `(function(thatThis){ try { var ReactNative = require('react-native'); var dataModule = ReactNative.NativeModules.SensorsAnalyticsModule; thatThis.props.onPress && dataModule && dataModule.trackViewClick && dataModule.trackViewClick(ReactNative.findNodeHandle(thatThis)) } catch (error) { throw new Error('SensorsData RN Hook Call exception: '+ error'; }})(this); /* SENSORSDATA HOOK */ `; SensorsdataHookClickRN = function () {var fileContent = fs.readFilesync (RNClickFilePath, 'utf8'); If (fileconten.indexof ('SENSORSDATA hook ') > -1) {return; } / / retrieves the position of the hook code into the var hookIndex = fileContent. IndexOf (" this touchableHandlePress ("); // Check whether the file is abnormal, there is no touchableHandlePress method, If (hookIndex == -1) {throw "Can't find Handlepress function"; }; Var hookedContent = '${fileconten. substring(0, hookIndex)}\n${sensorsdataClickHookCode}\n${fileContent.substring(hookIndex)}`; RenameSync (RNClickFilePath, '${RNClickFilePath}_sensorsdata_backup'); // Rewrite Touchable. Js file fs.writefilesync (RNClickFilePath, hookedContent, 'utf8'); console.log(`found and modify Touchable.js: ${RNClickFilePath}`); };Copy the code
- Add a snippet of code to Hook the reactTag information:
// hook clickable sensorsdataHookClickableRN = function (reset = false) { RNClickableFiles.forEach(function (onefile) { If (fs.existssync (onefile)) {if (reset) {var fileContent = fs.readfilesync (onefile, "utf8"); If (fileconten.indexof ('SENSORSDATA hook ') == -1) {return; Var backFilePath = '${onefile}_sensorsdata_backup'; if (! fs.existsSync(backFilePath)) { throw `File: ${backFilePath} not found, Please rm -rf node_modules and npm install again`; BackFilePath, onefile; backFilePath, onefile; Var content = fs.readFileSync(onefile, 'utf8'); var content = fs.readFileSync(onefile, 'utf8'); If (content.indexof ('SENSORSDATA hook ') > -1) {return; } // get the position where the hook code is inserted / ReactNativePrivateInterface \. UIManager \. CreateView \ [[\ s \ s] '{1} \. UiViewClassName, [\ s \ s] *? \] [;] / var match = newObjRe.exec(content); if (! Match) {var objRe = /UIManager\.createview \([\s\ s]{1,60}\.uiviewclassname,[\s\ s]*? \] [;] / match = objRe.exec(content); } if (! match) throw "can't inject clickable js"; var lastParentheses = content.lastIndexOf(')', match.index); var lastCommaIndex = content.lastIndexOf(',', lastParentheses); if (lastCommaIndex == -1) throw "can't inject clickable js,and lastCommaIndex is -1"; var nextCommaIndex = content.indexOf(',', match.index); if (nextCommaIndex == -1) throw "can't inject clickable js, and nextCommaIndex is -1"; var propsName = lastArgumentName(content, lastCommaIndex).trim(); var tagName = lastArgumentName(content, nextCommaIndex).trim(); var functionBody = `var clickable = false; if(${propsName}.onStartShouldSetResponder){ clickable = true; } var ReactNative = require('react-native'); var dataModule = ReactNative.NativeModules.SensorsAnalyticsModule; dataModule && dataModule.saveReactTag && dataModule.saveReactTag(${tagName}, clickable); `; var call = addTryCatch(functionBody); var lastReturn = content.lastIndexOf('return', match.index); var splitIndex = match.index; if (lastReturn > lastParentheses) { splitIndex = lastReturn; } var hookedContent = `${content.substring(0, SplitIndex)}\n${call}\n${content.substring(splitIndex)} '// Backup source file fs.renamesync (onefile, `${onefile}_sensorsdata_backup`); // Rewrite fs.writefilesync (onefile, hookedContent, 'utf8'); console.log(`found and modify clickable.js: ${onefile}`); }}}); };Copy the code
- Add code restore functionality:
SensorsdataResetRN = function (resetFilePath) {if (! fs.existsSync(resetFilePath)) { return; } var fileContent = fs.readFileSync(resetFilePath, "utf8"); If (fileconten.indexof ('SENSORSDATA hook ') == -1) {return; } var backFilePath = '${resetFilePath}_sensorsdata_backup'; if (! fs.existsSync(backFilePath)) { throw `File: ${backFilePath} not found, Please rm -rf node_modules and npm install again`; RenameSync (backFilePath, resetFilePath); backFilePath (backFilePath, resetFilePath); };Copy the code
- Define the execution command:
/ / all the hooks file recovery resetAllSensorsdataHookRN = function () {sensorsdataResetRN (RNClickFilePath); sensorsdataHookClickableRN(true); }; AllSensorsdataHookRN = function () {sensorsdataHookClickRN(RNClickFilePath); sensorsdataHookClickableRN(); }; Argv [2]) {case '-run': allSensorsdataHookRN(); break; case '-reset': resetAllSensorsdataHookRN(); break; default: console.log('can not find this options: ' + process.argv[2]); }Copy the code
- Delete the manually inserted code snippet and execute “node hook.js-run “in the root directory of the demo project. After Hook is successful, the file path of the inserted code will be printed. Run project test Button click, you can print information in the console normally. As shown in Figure 4-2:
Figure 4-2 Click events triggered
Five, the summary
To sum up, the React Native Module in V2.0 uses the source code of Hook React Native JavaScript to collect $AppClick events.
Using this scheme has the following advantages:
- Click on the React Native control to collect more accurate information (mainly the accuracy of $screen_name, which will be highlighted in the following React Native page view solution).
- Decoupled from Native SDK, Native SDK and React Native Module version update are no longer required.
However, this scheme also has the following disadvantages:
- The React Native JavaScript source code will be unstable to some extent due to changes.
In order to ensure the accuracy of data, we still use this scheme, and do some code protection in Hook code, and try our best to reduce the risk caused by data burying point.
Reference: [1] reactnative. Dev/docs/native… [2] manual. Sensorsdata. Cn/sa/latest/t… [3]… [4] reactnative. Dev/docs/enviro…
Article source: Shence Technology Community