Here comes the big one.
Other content about the component library can be found on Github
An overview of
The host environment varies, and the source code needs to be processed and distributed to NPM.
Identify the following goals:
- Export the type declaration file
- export
/Commonjs module
/ES module
And so on 3 forms for users to introduce - Supporting style files
Introduce, not just haveless
- Support loading on demand
All code for this section is available in the chapter-3 branch of the repository.
Export the type declaration file
Since this is a component library written in typescript, users should enjoy the benefits of the type system.
We can generate a type declaration file and define entries in package.json as follows:
"typings": "types/index.d.ts".// Define the type entry file
"scripts": {
"build:types": "tsc --emitDeclarationOnly" // the TSC command generates only the declaration file}}Copy the code
Run yarn Build :types to find that the types folder (outDir field defined in tsconfig.json) has been generated in the root directory. The directory structure is the same as that of the Components folder, as follows:
├ ─ ─ alert │ ├ ─ ─ alert, which s │ ├ ─ ─ the index, which s │ ├ ─ ─ interface, which s │ └ ─ ─ style │ └ ─ ─ the index, which s └ ─ ─ the index, which sCopy the code
This allows consumers to be automatically prompted when importing an NPM package and to reuse the type definition of the associated component.
Next, files such as TS (x) are processed into JS files.
Note that we need to output both Commonjs Module and ES Module files (not considering UMD). CJS refers to Commonjs Module and ESm refers to ES Module. Exports: import, require, export, module.exports
Export the Commonjs module
It is perfectly possible to compile the code using Babel or TSC command-line tools (in fact, many libraries do), but given the styling and loading on demand, we use gulp to string the process together.
Babel configuration
Start by installing Babel and its associated dependencies
yarn add @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react @babel/preset-typescript @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties @babel/plugin-transform-runtime --dev
Copy the code
yarn add @babel/runtime-corejs3
Copy the code
Create a new.babelrc.js file and write the following:
module.exports = {
presets: ['@babel/env'.'@babel/typescript'.'@babel/react'].plugins: [
corejs: 3.helpers: true,},],],};Copy the code
About @babel/plugin-transform-runtime and @babel/runtime-corejs3
- if
Option set totrue
, can be extracted from the code compilation process repeatedly generatedhelper
Function (classCallCheck
Etc.), reduce the generated code volume; - if
Set to3
, can be introduced not to pollute the global on demandpolyfill
, commonly used in class library writing (I prefer: not introducedpolyfill
In turn, tell the user what needs to be introducedpolyfill
To avoid repeated introductions or conflicts, more on that later).
See the official documentation -@babel/ plugin-transform-Runtime for more information
Configuring the target Environment
To avoid translating native browser supported syntax, create a new. Browserslistrc file and write the supported browser scope to @babel/preset-env based on adaptation requirements.
not dead
not op_mini all
Copy the code
Unfortunately, @babel/ Runtime-corejs3 is not able to reduce the introduction of polyfill again on an on-demand basis depending on target browser support, see @babel/ Runtime for Target Environment.
This means that @babel/ Runtime-corejs3 would inject all possible polyfills even for modern engines: unnecessarily increasing the size of the final bundle.
For component libraries (which can be large in code), I recommend giving the user the option to polyfill in the host environment. If the user is compatible, it’s natural to use @babel/preset-env + core-js +.browserslistrc for global polyfills. This one-two combo introduces all polyfills that the lowest target browser doesn’t support the API.
Set @babel/preset-env’s useBuiltIns to usage and exclude node_modules from babel-loader might want this feature: “useBuiltIns: Usage “for node_modules without transpiling #9419, set useBuiltIns to Entry without supporting the content mentioned in this issue, Or do not exclude node_modules from babel-loader.
So the component library is more important than anything else (like Zent and ANTD) by introducing extra polyfills and documenting them well.
Now @babel/runtime-corejs3 is replaced with @babel/runtime, and only the helper functions are removed.
yarn remove @babel/runtime-corejs3
yarn add @babel/runtime
Copy the code
module.exports = {
presets: ['@babel/env'.'@babel/typescript'.'@babel/react'].plugins: ['@babel/plugin-transform-runtime'.'@babel/proposal-class-properties']};Copy the code
The helper option for @babel/ transform-Runtime defaults to true.
Gulp configuration
Install gulp-related dependencies
yarn add gulp gulp-babel --dev
Copy the code
Create gulpfile.js and write the following:
const gulp = require('gulp');
const babel = require('gulp-babel');
const paths = {
dest: {
lib: 'lib'.// Commonjs file directory name - this block care
esm: 'esm'.// The name of the directory where the ES module file is stored
dist: 'dist'.// The name of the directory where the umd file is stored
styles: 'components/**/*.less'.// Style file path - do not care for now
scripts: ['components/**/*.{ts,tsx}'.'! components/**/demo/*.{ts,tsx}'].// Script file path
function compileCJS() {
const { dest, scripts } = paths;
return gulp
.pipe(babel()) // Use gulp-babel
// Parallel tasks can be processed in parallel after the addition of style processing
const build = gulp.parallel(compileCJS); = build;
exports.default = build;
Copy the code
Modify the package. The json
- "main": "index.js",
+ "main": "lib/index.js",
"scripts": {
+ "clean": "rimraf types lib esm dist",
+ "build": "npm run clean && npm run build:types && gulp",. }},Copy the code
Run yarn build to obtain the following information:
├ ─ ─ alert │ ├ ─ ─ alert. Js │ ├ ─ ─ index. The js │ ├ ─ ─ interface. The js │ └ ─ ─ style │ └ ─ ─ index. The js └ ─ ─ index, jsCopy the code
If you look at the compiled source code, you can see that many helper methods have been removed from @babel/ Runtime, and module import/export form is also the CommonJS specification.
Export the ES module
Building ES Modules makes tree shaking better. Based on the Babel configuration from the previous step, update the following:
- configuration
Options forfalse
, close module conversion; - configuration
Options fortrue
, the use ofES module
In the form of introductionhelper
module.exports = {
presets: [['@babel/env',
modules: false.// Turn off module conversion},].'@babel/typescript'.'@babel/react',].plugins: [
useESModules: true.// 使用esm形式的helper},]],};Copy the code
When the goal is reached, we use environment variables to distinguish ESM and CJS (just set the corresponding environment variables when executing the task), and the final Babel configuration is as follows:
module.exports = {
presets: ['@babel/env'.'@babel/typescript'.'@babel/react'].plugins: ['@babel/plugin-transform-runtime'.'@babel/proposal-class-properties'].env: {
esm: {
presets: [['@babel/env',
modules: false,}]].plugins: [['@babel/plugin-transform-runtime',
useESModules: true,},],],},},};Copy the code
Next, modify gulp configuration to remove compileScripts task and add compileESM task.
// ...
/** * Compile the script file *@param {string} BabelEnv Babel environment variable *@param {string} DestDir Target directory */
function compileScripts(babelEnv, destDir) {
const { scripts } = paths;
// Set environment variables
process.env.BABEL_ENV = babelEnv;
return gulp
.pipe(babel()) // Use gulp-babel
/** * Compiles CJS */
function compileCJS() {
const { dest } = paths;
return compileScripts('cjs', dest.lib);
/** * Compile esM */
function compileESM() {
const { dest } = paths;
return compileScripts('esm', dest.esm);
// Execute compile script tasks (CJS, ESM) serially to avoid environment variables
const buildScripts = gulp.series(compileCJS, compileESM);
// Execute tasks in parallel
const build = gulp.parallel(buildScripts);
// ...
Copy the code
After running YARN Build, three folders types/lib/esm are generated. The ESM directory structure is the same as that of lib/types. Js files are imported and exported as ES Module modules.
Don’t forget to add relevant entries to package.json.
+ "module": "esm/index.js"
Copy the code
Working with style files
Copying less files
We will less file contains the NPM package, the user can through the happy – UI/lib/alert/style/index. In the form of js on-demand introduced less file, here is a less directly to copy files to the target folder.
Create a new copyLess task in gulpfile.js.
// ...
/** * Copy less file */
function copyLess() {
return gulp
const build = gulp.parallel(buildScripts, copyLess);
// ...
Copy the code
If you look at the lib directory, you can see that the less file has been copied to the alert/style directory.
├ ─ ─ alert │ ├ ─ ─ alert. Js │ ├ ─ ─ index. The js │ ├ ─ ─ interface. The js │ └ ─ ─ style │ ├ ─ ─ index. The js │ └ ─ ─ but less # less file └ ─ ─ index.jsCopy the code
Some of you may have noticed the problem: if the user is using sASS or even native CSS without a less preprocessor, the existing solution won’t work. After analysis, there are the following three pre-selection schemes:
- Inform the user to add
; - Wrap up a whole serving
File, proceedFull amountThe introduction of; - Provide a separate copy
File, which introduces componentscss
File dependencies, notless
Dependency, component library layer to smooth out differences.
Option 1 will result in an increase in usage costs.
Scenario 2 does not have an on-demand import of the style file (we will provide this later in the UMD packaging).
Both of the above are bad options (voiceover: if you use CSS in JS, there is no such shit).
Scheme 3 is more suitable for this scenario, and ANTD also uses this scheme.
In the process of building the component library, a question puzzled me for a long time: why do I need alert/style/index.js to introduce less files or alert/style/css.js to introduce CSS files?
The answer is managing style dependencies.
Assume the following scenario: , relies on
Continue our journey.
Generating CSS Files
Install dependencies.
yarn add gulp-less gulp-autoprefixer gulp-cssnano --dev
Copy the code
Add the less2CSS task to gulpfile.js.
// ...
/** * Generate CSS file */
function less2css() {
return gulp
.pipe(less()) // Process less files
.pipe(autoprefixer()) // Add the prefix according to browserslistrc
.pipe(cssnano({ zindex: false.reduceIdents: false })) / / compression
const build = gulp.parallel(buildScripts, copyLess, less2css);
// ...
Copy the code
Run yarn Build. The CSS file already exists in the component style directory.
Next we need an alert/style/css.js to help the user import the CSS file.
To generate CSS. Js
Here’s how antD-Tools works: In the scripts task, intercept style/index.js, generate style/css.js, and use the re to change the introduced less file suffix to CSS.
Install dependencies.
yarn add through2 --dev
Copy the code
// ...
/** * Compile the script file *@param {*} BabelEnv Babel environment variable *@param {*} DestDir Target directory */
function compileScripts(babelEnv, destDir) {
const { scripts } = paths;
process.env.BABEL_ENV = babelEnv;
return gulp
.pipe(babel()) // Use gulp-babel
through2.obj(function z(file, encoding, next) {
// Find the target
if (file.path.match(/(\/|\\)style(\/|\\)index\.js/)) {
const content = file.contents.toString(encoding);
file.contents = Buffer.from(cssInjection(content)); // File content processing
file.path = file.path.replace(/index\.js/.'css.js'); // Rename the file
this.push(file); // Add the file
} else {
// ...
Copy the code
CssInjection implementation:
/** * Current component styles import './index.less' => import './index.css' * Dependent other component styles import '.. /test-comp/style' => import '.. /test-comp/style/css.js' * dependent other component styles import '.. /test-comp/style/index.js' => import '.. /test-comp/style/css.js' *@param {string} content* /
function cssInjection(content) {
return content
.replace(/\/style\/? '/g."/style/css'")
.replace(/\/style\/?" /g.'/style/css"')
Copy the code
After the package is packaged, you can see that the component style directory is generated into css.js file, which is also the CSS file converted from the previous step less.
├ ─ ─ alert. Js ├ ─ ─ index. The js ├ ─ ─ interface. The js └ ─ ─ style ├ ─ ─ CSS, js # introduced index. The CSS ├ ─ ─ index. The CSS ├ ─ ─ index. The js └ ─ ─ index. The lessCopy the code
According to the need to load
Add sideEffects properties to package.json to work with ES Module for tree shaking effect (mark style dependent files as Side Effects to avoid removing them by mistake).
// ...
"sideEffects": [
"dist/*"."esm/**/style/*"."lib/**/style/*"."*.less"].// ...
Copy the code
It is possible to load the JS part on demand using the following method, but the style needs to be imported manually:
import { Alert } from 'happy-ui';
import 'happy-ui/esm/alert/style';
Copy the code
It can also be introduced in the following ways:
import Alert from 'happy-ui/esm/alert'; // or import Alert from 'happy-ui/lib/alert';
import 'happy-ui/esm/alert/style'; // or import Alert from 'happy-ui/lib/alert';
Copy the code
The above way of introducing style files is not very elegant, and introducing full style files directly is a far cry from the intent of loading on demand.
The user can use babel-plugin-import to help reduce the amount of code to be written.
import { Alert } from 'happy-ui';
Copy the code
import Alert from 'happy-ui/lib/alert';
import 'happy-ui/lib/alert/style';
Copy the code
Generate the umd
True sense of the “package”, the generation of full JS files and CSS files for users to introduce the chain. Select rollUp here for packaging.
Leave the hole to be filled in.
To be Continued…