Introduction to the
Whether React or Vue, the lifecycle of a component is important. We can inject code into the lifecycle of a component by providing a series of hook functions (similar to events), and then do something when we expect it.
Simple definition: The life cycle is the sequence of processes that a component goes through from birth to destruction.
In React, before hooks came along, the life cycle only existed in class components. Function components re-run functions every time they are called, and the old components are destroyed immediately
The React 16.x release is a turning point for lifecycle changes, and I’ve seen most articles about v16.3 introducing two new lifecycle hook functions, getDerivedStateFromProps and getSnapshotBeforeUpdate, And in the future version removed three lifecycle function componentWillMount componentWillReceiveProps, componentWillUpdate, so think of yourself to summarize the life cycle of a contrast between the old and the new.
The old version life cycle
As shown in the figure below
Component Creation phase
Constructor (component initialization)
- The same component object is executed only once
- SetState cannot be called to change the state value before the page is first mounted
ComponentWillMount (Component is about to be mounted)
- Normally, as with Constructor, this should only be run once
(It is possible to interrupt its life cycle before mounting, causing the life cycle function to run multiple times; Or because SSR scenarios run this lifecycle function on both the server and client)
- You can use setState, but you generally do not change the state value at this stage to avoid bugs
- Normally, as with Constructor, this should only be run once
Render (virtual DOM)
- Returns the virtual DOM, which is mounted into the virtual DOM tree and eventually rendered onto the page
- The Render method is called whenever it needs to be rerendered
Calling setState results in an infinite recursive rendering
ComponentDidMount (after the component has been mounted to the page)
- It will only be executed once
- It is used to remotely obtain data and start timers
Component update phase
ComponentWillResiveProps (nextProps) (attribute change trigger) is basically useless
The new property value is passed as the previous property
ShouldComponentUpdate (nextProps, nextState) (Returns a Boolean value to determine whether the component should be rerendered)
- Generally by contrast
To determine if this component needs to be rerendered - This function returns by default
- React is encapsulated internally
It is in this life cycle that the comparison encapsulation is made
- Generally by contrast
ComponentWillUpdate (nextProps, nextState) (Component is about to be rerendered)
ComponentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState) (Component has been re-rendered)
- You can typically use the state before backtracking or manipulate the DOM
Component destruction phase
ComponentWillUnmount (triggered when the component is removed from the virtual DOM tree)
- This function usually destroys dependent resources, such as timers, manually added event listeners, and so on
New edition life cycle
As shown in the figure below
Component initialization to initial mount phase
Constructor (component initialization)
- The same component object is executed only once
- SetState cannot be called to change the state value before the page is first mounted
Static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) → Remove old componentWillMount
- A static methodCannot use this
(This refers to the constructor itself.)
Gets the current state, or callssetState
Update the status - The two parameters are
The new property
与A new state
- The function returns
If yes, the current status is not changed - The function returns an object that looks like the call
Blend into the component state as well
- A static methodCannot use this
Render (virtual DOM)
- Returns the virtual DOM, which is mounted into the virtual DOM tree and eventually rendered onto the page
- The Render method is called whenever it needs to be rerendered
Calling setState results in an infinite recursive rendering
ComponentDidMount (after the component has been mounted to the page)
- It will only be executed once
- It is used to remotely obtain data and start timers
Component update phase
Static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) (Property/state changes are triggered
ShouldComponentUpdate (nextProps, nextState) (Returns a Boolean value to determine whether the component should be rerendered)
- Generally by contrast
To determine if this component needs to be rerendered - This function returns by default
- React is encapsulated internally
It is in this life cycle that the comparison encapsulation is made
- Generally by contrast
3. render
GetSnapshotBeforeUpdate (prevProps, prevState) (Component is about to be rerendered)
- The real DOM is built, but not actually rendered into the page
- The two parameters are
Previous properties
与Previous state
- In this function, it is usually used to implement DOM operations that require manual control
- Need to be
Used in combination with hook functions,Otherwise a warning will be reported
- The return value is used as
, and the display is required to return a value,Otherwise a warning will be reported
ComponentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState) (Component has been re-rendered)
- You can typically use the state before backtracking or manipulate the DOM
Component destruction phase
ComponentWillUnmount (triggered when the component is removed from the virtual DOM tree)
- This function usually destroys dependent resources, such as timers, manually added event listeners, and so on
That concludes my summary of the old and new lifecycle hook functions and their associated simple instructions