An overview of the

When we used React, we needed React. CreateElement to create a virtual DOM, which made the code look complicated. Can it be as simple as Vue?

Use the JSX. X stands for extension, so JSX is an extended version of JS. Using JSX syntax allows you to simplify your code and achieve the same effect.

Vue has a vue-loader ->. Vue file to write

React uses jSX-loader. Jsx-loader is actually replaced by Babel-loader, which is built into Webpack.

Use the JSX

  • Method 1: CDN (never use in production environment, it is too inefficient (introduction + translation))

    • The introduction of babelmin. Js
    • the<script>to<script type="text/babel">
    • Babel will automatically translate, for example
    • This approach does not seem to support SRC
  • Method 2: webpack+babel-loader (novice skip)

  • Method 3: Use create-react-app

    The easiest way to do this is to use the Create React app

    We’ve already used it to create a React project, and its usage is similar to @vue/cli. Install globally first, then create the project, CD into the project. Develop using YARN start.

Let’s start with a React function component, app.js

import React from "react"; Const App = () => {return (<div> I am App component </div>;) }; export default App;Copy the code

Note that this is a JS file. It is illegal to write HTML in JS. But why is it ok here? This is because create-react-app automatically treats JS as JSX. JSX syntax is that App is a function and returns an element. It can be written as an HTML tag without the hassle of react.createElement (). Include content or child elements directly inside.

So this

is equivalent to react.createElement (), so import React inside the component. Failure to do so will result in an error.
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "./App.js";
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
Copy the code

We then introduce the App component in index.js and render it using ReactDOM. We can call the function App() here, but more often we render it as a component, written as

Considerations for using JSX

  1. ClassName If you want to write a class attribute, say className

    because it will be translated as react. createElement(‘div’,{className:’red’})

  2. Insert variables and functions are wrapped in {}, and all JS code in the tag is wrapped in {}.

    For example, {n} represents variable n; If you want to represent an object, you also wrap the object with {}, as in {{name:’li’}}.

  3. In a component, it is customary to add a () after the return to wrap things inside.


React JSX is similar to vuE-loader in Vue. Vue-loader can convert three tags in a. Vue file into construction options.

JSX can also be written directly as a tag, equivalent to react.createElement (). Jsx-loader is integrated into babel-loader, which is built into Webpack, so.js files use JSX syntax by default.