React is used as a framework for real development
- UI framework antd. The design
- Routing Management (SPA) React -router-dom
- State management redux, MOBx, DVA
UI framework antd. The design
NPM install antd //
NPM install react-app-rewired customize-cra // The default configuration is customized
/* package.json */ "scripts": {-"start": "react-scripts start", + "start": "react-app-rewired start", - "build": "react-scripts build", + "build": "react-app-rewired build", - "test": "react-scripts test", + "test": "react-app-rewired test",}Copy the code
The project root directory creates a config-overrides. Js to modify the default configuration.
NPM install babel-plugin-import // Load antD component styles on demand
Replace moment.js with day.js
npm install antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin dayjs
Complete configuration to use
const { override, fixBabelImports, addLessLoader, addWebpackPlugin, } = require("customize-cra"); const AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin = require("antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin"); module.exports = override( // AntD component libraries are loaded on demand fixBabelImports("import", { libraryName: "antd".libraryDirectory: "es".style: "true",}).// Antd time component replaces moment.js with day.js addWebpackPlugin(new AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin()), // Use less style preprocessing to customize theme styles addLessLoader({ javascriptEnabled: true.modifyVars: { "@primary-color": "#1DA57A"}}));Copy the code
NPM start Check the result
Single Page Application (SPA)
- Integrated the react – the router – the dom
- npm install react-router-dom
Integrated the react – the router – the dom
React-router-dom Common components and apis
- BrowserRouter and HashRouter wrap all routes
- Add /#/ to the HashRouter path
- BrowserRouter is built on the H5 History API to facilitate route jumps
- Switch Distinguishes between BrowserRouter and HashRouter packet route hops
- BrowserRouter and HashRouter wrap all routes
Route Displays the interface for mounting different routes
Link is used to jump, similar to the A label
Code-mode jump
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; history.push("/home"); Copy the code
Adjusting the directory structure
Create the Components directory to hold the components
- Create the ClassComponent/FunctionComponent folder and move it to the Components directory
Create pages directories to store different pages
Create component, home page components
const Home = () = > { return <div>Home</div>; }; export default Home; Copy the code
import { Divider } from "antd"; import ClassComponent from ".. /components/ClassComponent"; import FunctionComponent from ".. /components/FunctionComponent"; const Component = () = > { return ( <div> <ClassComponent title="The Class components" /> <Divider /> <FunctionComponent title="Function module" /> </div> ); }; export default Component; Copy the code
Modify app.js to use ANTD component for interface layout
import React from "react"; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom"; import { Layout, Menu } from "antd"; import Home from "./pages/home"; import Component from "./pages/component"; import "./App.css"; const { Header, Content, Footer } = Layout; const App = () = > { return ( <div classNam="App"> <Router> <Layout className="layout"> <Header> <Menu theme="dark" mode="horizontal" defaultSelectedKeys={["home"]} style={{ lineHeight: "64px}} "> <Menu.Item key="home"> <Link to="/">Home page</Link> </Menu.Item> <Menu.Item key="component"> <Link to="/cc">component</Link> </Menu.Item> </Menu> </Header> <Content style={{ padding: "0 50px}} "> <div style={{ background: "#fff", padding: 24.minHeight: "88vh}} "> <Switch> <Route path="/cc"> <Component /> </Route> <Route path="/"> <Home /> </Route> </Switch> </div> </Content> <Footer style={{ textAlign: "center}} ">Full stack Technology ©2021 Created by Peach Blossom</Footer> </Layout> </Router> </div> ); }; export default App; Copy the code
Running effect
The router parameters
Passing parameters
- By defining <Route path=”/path/:id”></Route>
- The Link transmission
<Link to="/path/xxxx">
To obtain parameters
- Create HOC with withRouter, and get the pass parameters from props
- Code way
- Create HOC with withRouter, and get the pass parameters from props
import { useParams } from "react-router-dom"; let { id } = useParams(); Copy the code
- Create HOC with withRouter, and get the pass parameters from props
More reference…
Dva status management
Why use DVA for state management?
- Dva encapsulates Redux, exposing easy-to-use apis (synchronous, asynchronous)
- The latter combines UMi.js + ANTD. design + ANTD. dedign-Pro out of the box mid-platform front-end/design solutions
Dva use
Chestnut: use DVA to build a user interface for user management
Install DVA dependencies
npm install dva
Copy the code
Modify index.js to use DVA to manage state
// import React from "react";
// import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./index.css";
import App from "./App";
import reportWebVitals from "./reportWebVitals";
import dva from "dva";
import { createBrowserHistory as createHistory } from "history";
import userModel from "./models/user";
const app = dva({
history: createHistory(),
onError: (err, dispatch) = > {
console.log("onError ===> ", err, dispatch); }}); app.model(userModel); app.router(App); app.start(document.getElementById("root"));
// ReactDOM.render(
// ,
// document.getElementById("root")
// );
Copy the code
Create user Model and manage user state
const userModel = { // Namespace namespace: "user".// Initialize the state data state: { userList: [{id: "Peach blossom",}]},effect: { // Asynchronous request. It can be a network request, delayed operation *submit(action, { put, call, select }){},},reducers: { // Add a user add(state, { payload: { user } }) { let { userList = [] } = state; const temp = userList.concat(); temp.push({ id: userList.length + 1. user });return { ...state, userList: temp, }; }, // Delete the user delete(state, { payload: id }) { let { userList = [] } = state; return { ...state, userList: userList.filter((item) = > ! == id), }; }},// Listen for route changes subscriptions: { setup({ dispatch, history }) { // history.listen(location => {});,}}};export default userModel; Copy the code
Namespace that enables Dispatch to trigger different types of action (redux) depending on business data
dispatch({ type: "user/add".payload: { /* Data transfer */}})Copy the code
Effect triggers asynchronous actions, like redux-saga
Reducers Synchronized action
Subscriptions can monitor routing changes, obtain parameters, and conduct authentication operations
Building the User Interface
Create user.jsx in the Pages directory
Use ANTD components for UI layout
Use CONNECT for data subscription binding
import { connect } from "dva"; import { Form, Input, Button, Table } from "antd"; const User = ({ user, dispatch }) = > { const { userList } = user; const [form] = Form.useForm(); console.log(user); const onFinish = (values) = > { dispatch({ type: "user/add".payload: { user: values, }, }); form.resetFields(); }; const onDelete = (id) = > { dispatch({ type: "user/delete".payload: id, }); }; const columns = [ { title: "ID".dataIndex: "id".key: "id"}, {title: "Name".dataIndex: "name".key: "name"}, {title: "Operation".key: "action".render: (text, record) = > ( <Button size="middle" onClick={()= >OnDelete (record. Id)} > delete</Button>),},];return ( <div> <Form name="user_form" form={form} layout="inline" onFinish={onFinish}> <Form.Item name="name" rules={[{ required: true.message: "Please input your name!" }]} > <Input placeholder="Name" /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item> <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit">add</Button> </Form.Item> </Form> <Table style={{ width: 500.marginTop: 10 }} rowKey={(record)= >} columns={columns} dataSource={userList} /> </div> ); }; export default connect(({ user }) = > ({ user, }))(User); Copy the code
The effect