【1】 A brief introduction to the component lifecycle? 【2】 Can setState be called in the render function? [3] Which lifecycle hooks are called only once when a component is initialized to load, and which lifecycle hooks are not called when a component is initialized to load? [4] What are the static hooks in the lifecycle? 【1】 Can we use high-order components inside the Render method? [2] Will the ref specified in the higher-order component be passed to the child component? [3] Do higher-order components modify child components? [4] What is the nature of higher-order components? [5] What is your understanding of higher-order functions and in what scenarios are they suitable for use? 【1】 Can a parent component transfer an entire component instance or refs to a child component via props? [2] What are container components and WHAT are UI components, and what are their responsibilities? 【3】 What should I pay attention to when using this. Props. Children? [4] What is the difference between a native event and a synthetic event? [5] How do you understand the asynchronous principle of setState? 【1】 Do you use React Hooks in the project? What do you understand about React Hooks? [2] Was Redux used in the project? Do you know any middleware related to Redux? [3] How did you handle the communication between components in the project? 【1】 React-router-dom contains several modules. [2] Tell me about your understanding of dynamic routing and how to obtain the parameters of dynamic routing. [3] What is your understanding of the wayward guard? [4] How does a common component get routing parameters like a routing component? 【1】 What are the implementation methods of array de-duplication? [2] What are the implementation methods of array flattening? 【3】 How to convert a class array to an array, and how to convert an array to a class array? [4] Which array prototype and object prototype methods have been used? [5] What new features of ES6 have you used? [6] Tell us your understanding of anti-shake and throttling. [7] What is your understanding of deep copy? [8] What is your understanding of archetypal inheritance? 【1】 Have you seen the Promise source code, which Promise methods have been used, talk about your understanding of these methods? [2] What is your understanding of new operation? 【1】 What layout methods have you used in your work? [2] How to achieve the nine-grid effect using Flex layout? [3] How to achieve the bottom screen effect using Flex layout? 【1】 What do you know about the priorities of CSS selectors? [2] What do you know about BFC? [3] When the height of the parent element is not fixed and the height of the child element is written as 100%, overflow: Auto will show scroll bars? [4] How to center an element horizontally and vertically? 【1】 What are the basic data types in TS? 【2】 What is the difference between 'any' and 'unknown'? [3] What is the difference between interface and type? 【1】 What are the methods of type protection? 【2】 What is typeof used for other than type protection? [3] Why is it recommended to use instanceof to determine the type of constructors? 【1】 What is the syntax for type assertions? [2] Why is the assertion syntax of < type > values not recommended in TSX files? 【1】 What is your understanding of generic constraints? [2] What generic tools do you know? 【3】 What else can extends be used for other than generic constraints? 【1】 What is the difference between tuple type and array type? [2] What should we pay attention to when assigning a value to a tuple variable? 【1】 Is a constant assertion different from const in ES6? 【2】 What is your understanding of constant assertions? 【1】 Can evaluated items in an enumeration type be followed by items that are not assigned? [2] Can constant enumerations contain computed members? 1. How to solve the problem of 1px frame 2. How to solve the keyboard block input box problem 3. How to resolve some Android phones border-radius:50% not round problem 4. How to solve some android phone input placeholder position bias 5. How to solve the problem that fixed will fail when the keyboard plays up when the input box of some ios versions is fixed at the top? 6. How do I Solve the ios scrolling delay problem? 7. How do I solve the problem that long press and Blink Back Problem 8? How to solve the problem that the font size automatically changes when the mobile phone rotates 9. How to realize the effect of the pure numeric keyboard 10. How to solve the problem that the page does not bounce back after input of some ios versions is out of focus 11. How to disable the default behavior of long duration call menu 13. How to call certain functions of the system (dial, send SMS, send email, select photos or take photos, select videos or take videos) 14. How to open native apps (wechat, Alipay) 15. How to ignore the function of automatically identifying digits as phone numbersCopy the code