React + Redux + Antd + Immutable front-end project, support unit testing and integration testing, support CI and Docker deployment, is still in the process of improvement, I hope you will give a Star

The project addressReact-Delicacies


React, Redux, React-Router, Immutable front-end scaffolding

About the main technology stack

  • React-router is used for project development, Redux is used for state management, and Immutable is used for optimization

  • Redux-controlled-promise based on redux-thunk to handle asynchronous action, if necessary, please use our own middleware Redux-Controlled-Promise. Please refer to the official documentation for the usage

  • Provide perfect unit tests and integration tests based on Jest and Enzyme, complex scene smoke tests can install their own dependencies

  • Support for Mock data from third-party platforms

  • Complete Axios request encapsulation and canonical error handling

About Front End Automation

  • This project realizes front-end automation based on Webpack

    • Tree-shaking supports popular libraries such as Antd, Moment, Lodash, etc

    • Each Router is lazily loaded as a chunk, the code is split, and the package size is reduced

    • Remove common code and use hash persistence to speed up user access

    • Provide intermediate cache for module compilation to improve secondary compilation speed

    • The production environment provides gzip code compression without consuming the CPU of the backend server

    • Webpack Hash persistence with HTTP caching to improve access efficiency

    • Support CSS Module

    • Support Less and other pre-compiled languages, standardize writing mixins, control variables

    • Cooperate with third-party CDN to improve browser resource request efficiency

    • Support Webpack multi-process, improve compilation and packaging speed

About the development experience and specifications

  • Eslint and Prettier, syntax checks for React, Jsx, Js, Jest, and formatting code perfectly

  • Stylelint detects CSS,Less and other syntax to ensure style writing specification

  • Before commit, the temporary area code is automatically repaired and inspected, guarding the last pass of the code

  • CI CD continuous integration to ensure code quality

About the Analysis Report

  • You can output comprehensive test reports to analyze test coverage

  • Supports command line view of package analysis report

About Project Deployment

  • Support for deployment using Docker and Nginx