Official scaffolding

Install YARN and restart it (otherwise, other disks may not be used).

// Query the current mirror
yarn config get registry 
// Set it to Taobao mirror
yarn config set registry
// Set it to the official image
//yarn config set registry
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Install the create – react – app

// It is no longer supported to install CRA4.0 globally, you need to install the latest CRA globally

yarn globalAdd create-react-app or NPM install create-react- app-g// Yarn installed in a non-installation package is recommended

// The test is successful
create-react-app -V
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Create the React project

The create - react - app directory | NPX create - react - app directory | NPM init react - app directory yarn eject deconstructed all configuration files Optional yarn start | NPM start development Yarn build | NPM run build packaging// Debugging is required by installing a plugin for Chrome called react-dev-tools Google Assistant -> Chrome Store - Search
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Environmental analysis

  • React: Core package, parse component demo
  • React-dom: compile -> browser demo
  • React – SCRPTS: Configure the React project environment
  • Manifest.json generates a desktop shortcut to a web page, displaying the contents of this file as ICONS and text
  • Registerserviceworker.js supports offline access, so it is very similar to the experience of a native app. Registerserviceworker.js only works when the React project is packaged to build an online version. The server must use HTTPS
  • Support for Internet Explorer 9,10, and 11 requires polyfill.

Environment configuration and error handling

After installing yarn, restart create-react-app. The message "Not internal or external command" is displayed.// YARN cannot install the package globallyNPM I create-react-app-g install create-react-app with NPM I install create-react-app with NPM I install create-react-app with NPM I install create-react-app with NPM I install create-react-app with NPM30Minute When yarn eject reports a Git error: git init -> git add. -> git commit -m'init'-> YARN eject reports that the Babel package is missing: Install (YARN add XXX -s) to configure and change the port/ / modify the script/start. Js
const DEFAULT_PORT = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) | |3001; Remove esLint warnings//config/webpack.config.js
// Comments about esLint imports and rules rules (react16.x)
// Comments about new ESLintPlugin (react17.x)
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