A: the preface
Recently, REACT was used to make a simulated Bilibili demo, which requires a scroll container and should have pull-up loading and pull-down refresh functions. I thought that BETTER Scroll was used in vue project before, so I will use it this time. Let’s put the final image first.
Two: Better scroll cannot scroll and solve the problem
The Content container contains elements that cannot be scrolled
Verify that the content container is taller than the Wrapper
Content containers with images often don’t roll to the bottom
The image may be loaded after the bs (Better-Scroll) instance is generated, resulting in errors in bs height calculation. The solution is that the img tag has a callback function (onLoad), which calls the refresh method of the BS instance. If there are many images, it is better to add a layer of anti-shake. Optimize performance
Three: experience sharing
Since we choose the Better-Scroll container, we will certainly encapsulate it so that we can use it easily. However, after we extract the Scroll and encapsulate it into a component, there will be a problem. If there is a picture wrapped in the children of the Scroll component, You can’t call the scroll refresh method after the image is loaded, so HERE I use eventBus to handle the scroll refresh operation after the image is loaded
Three: encapsulation and use
In the first place in the project installation better – scroll (website (core rolling | BetterScroll 2.0 (better – scroll. Making. IO)))
yarn add better-scroll
Install the pull-up and pull-down components in the project’s index.js, where the core code is posted
import Pulldown from '@better-scroll/pull-down'; import Pullup from '@better-scroll/pull-up'; import BScroll from "@better-scroll/core"; BScroll.use(Pulldown) BScroll.use(Pullup) Copy the code
To install the eventBus
yarn add events
Encapsulate eventBus so it’s easy to use and maintain
import {EventEmitter} from "events"; const event = new EventEmitter(); class EventUtils { static _instance = event; static emit(key, value = []) { this._instance.emit(key, ... value); } static addListener(key, callback) { this._instance.addListener(key, callback); } static removeListener(key, callback) { this._instance.removeListener(key, callback); } } class EventKey { static scrollRefresh(event = 'default') { return `${event}betterScrollRefresh`; } static scrollToTop(event = 'default') { return `${event}betterScrollToTop`; } } export { EventUtils, EventKey, }Copy the code
And then the Scroll component
import {debounceUtils} from ".. /.. /.. /utils/function_utils"; import BScroll from "@better-scroll/core"; import {useEffect, useRef, useState} from "react"; import {EventUtils} from ".. /.. /.. /utils/event_utils"; import {PullDownProgress} from "./pull_down_progress"; import {BackTopButton} from "./back_top_button"; const pullUpDebounce = debounceUtils() const pullDownDebounce = debounceUtils() const scrollDebounce = debounceUtils() class ScrollDirection { static vertical = 'vertical'; static horizontal = 'horizontal'; } export function AppScroll(props) {// To initialize the better scroll const [controller, setController] = useState(null); const wrapperRef = useRef(); Const {refreshKey = 'default', toKey = 'default', children = (<div>scroll default </div>), scrollWidth = '100%', ScrollHeight = '100 px, scrollBackground =' rgba (229, 229, 229, 0.29) ', direction = ScrollDirection. Vertical, debounceDelay = 200, prototype = 1, click = true, showBackTop = false, showRefreshProgress = false, openPullDown = false, openPullUp = false, onRefresh = async () => {}, onLoadMore = async () => {}, } = props; const handlerPullDown = () => pullDownDebounce( async () => { if (controller === null) return; The console. The log (' drop-down '); await onRefresh(); controller.finishPullDown(); }, debounceDelay ); const handlerPullUp = () => pullUpDebounce( async () => { if (controller === null) return; On the console. The log (', '); await onLoadMore(); controller.finishPullUp(); }, debounceDelay ); const handlerRefresh = () => scrollDebounce( () => { if (controller === null) return; The console. The log (' refresh bs); controller.refresh(); }, debounceDelay ); const handlerBackTop = () => { if (controller === null) return; controller.scrollTo(0, 0, 100)} useEffect(() => {// Save the parent component or the newly generated better scroll instance = new BScroll(wrapperref.current, {scrollX: direction === ScrollDirection.horizontal, scrollY: direction === ScrollDirection.vertical, pullDownRefresh: openPullDown, pullUpLoad: openPullUp, prototype: prototype, click: click }); setController(instance); Return () => {console.log('AppScroll destruction '); instance.destroy(); setController(null); }}, []) useEffect(() => {if (controller === null) return; if (openPullDown) { controller.on('pullingDown', handlerPullDown); } if (openPullUp) { controller.on('pullingUp', handlerPullUp); } }, [handlerPullDown, HandlerPullUp]) useEffect(() => {// The parent passes eventBus to the Scroll component // refresh eventUtils.addListener (refreshKey, handlerRefresh); // Return the top event eventUtils.addListener (toKey, handlerBackTop); return () => { EventUtils.removeListener(refreshKey, handlerRefresh); EventUtils.removeListener(toKey, handlerBackTop); } }, [controller, refreshKey, toKey]) return ( <div ref={wrapperRef} style={{ width: scrollWidth, height: scrollHeight, background: scrollBackground, overflow: 'hidden' }} > <div className={"content position_relative"}> {showRefreshProgress && <PullDownProgress/>} {children} </div> {showBackTop && (<BackTopButton click={handlerBackTop}/>)} </div> ) }Copy the code
Four: the realization of the effect
Simple use of complete code
import {AppScroll} from ".. /component/app_scroll"; function Profile() { return ( <AppScroll scrollHeight={'200px'}> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> <div>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</div> </AppScroll> ) } export default ProfileCopy the code
Complex use of complete code
import ".. /.. /.. /.. /assets/css/home.css" import {useCallback, useEffect, useState} from "react"; import VideoRow from ".. /.. /component/video_row"; import {homeInfoApi} from ".. /.. /.. /.. /network/api"; import {HomeDataModel} from ".. /.. /.. /.. /network/model"; import {AppScroll} from ".. /.. /component/app_scroll"; import {EventKey, EventUtils} from ".. /.. /.. /.. /utils/event_utils"; function HomeContent(props) { const {tag} = props; let [homeData, setHomeData] = useState(new HomeDataModel()); let [pageIndex, setPageIndex] = useState(1); const refreshKey = EventKey.scrollRefresh(tag.name); const toKey = EventKey.scrollToTop(tag.name); UseEffect (() => {// Return to the top of the page when switching a TAB, Eventutils.emit (toKey)}, [tag]) useEffect(() => {dataRefresh().then(); }, [tag]) async function dataRefresh() { try { const response = await homeInfoApi(tag.name); setPageIndex(1); setHomeData(response); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } async function dataLoadMore() { try { const currentPage = pageIndex + 1; const response = await homeInfoApi(tag.name, currentPage); const currentHomeData = Object.assign({}, homeData); currentHomeData.videoList = homeData.videoList.concat(response.videoList); setPageIndex(currentPage); setHomeData(currentHomeData); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } return ( <AppScroll refreshKey={refreshKey} toKey={toKey} scrollHeight={'calc(100vh - 56px * 3)'} scrollBackground={'rgba(229, 229, 229, 0.29)'} showRefreshProgress={true} showBackTop={true} openRefresh ={true} onRefresh={dataRefresh} OpenRefresh ={true} onLoadMore={dataLoadMore} > <div className={"home_content_container"}> { homeData.videoList.map((item, index) => <VideoRow { ... Object.assign( item, {imgLoaded: () => EventUtils.emit(refreshKey)} ) } key={item.vid + index} /> ) } </div> </AppScroll> ) } export default HomeContentCopy the code
- Ok, this is the end, record my experience, also hope to help you in front of the screen, any questions are welcome to discuss in the comment section