1. Introduction
The blogger recently came across a small need in the development process: part of the left panel supports drag and drop, which allows users to see the full catalog.
Tips: drag and drop is also supported in the vscode editor explorer section, similar to border drag and drop.
2. Think about
Drag and drop can be implemented in the following two ways: (1) with the help of html5 new drag-and-drop related API ideas: Set the element draggable => onDragStart Sets the data type and value of the drag => onDragOver sets where to place the data => onDROP Drops the element to the destination where the calculation of mouse movement distance can be obtained by using event.clientx. (2) Use plugins to enable bloggers to go to Github to find a good plugin for React-Draggable, NPM link.
Transform: Translate (x, y) moves the target element using the CSS transform: translate(x, y).
3. The react – draggable use
Install react-draggable
$ npm install react-draggable --save
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(2) Citation
import Draggable from 'react-draggable';
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(3) Common props
AllowAnyClick: Boolean // Defaultfalse, is set totrueNon-left-click drag axis: string //'x': X-axis drag,'y': drag in the Y-axis direction,'none': banned drag-and-drop bounds: {left: number, top: number, right: number, bottom: number} | the string / / limit moving boundaries, accept value: / / (1)'parent'// (3) {left: number, top: number, right: number, bottom: The number} object, which limits the distance that can be moved in each direction Cancel: specifies the drag initialization for a selector organization, for example'.body'DefaultClassName: string // Drag UI class name, default'react-draggable'DrfaultClassNameDragging: string // Dragging the UI class name, default'eact-draggable-dragging'DefaultClassNameDragged: string // Dragged class name, default'react-draggable-dragged'DefaultPosition: {x: number, y: number} // Start x and y positions disabled: Boolean //trueGrid: [number, number] // The scope of the grid being dragged handle: string // The selector for the initial drag'.handle'OffsetParent: HTMLElement // Drag offsetParent onMouseDown: (e: MouseEvent) => void DraggableEventHandler // Start drag callback onDrag: DraggableEventHandler // start drag callback onStop: DraggableEventHandler / / drag and drop the callback after the end of the position: {x: number, y: number} / / the location of the control elements positionOffset: {x: number | string, y: Number | string} / / relative to the starting position offset scale: the number / / define drag-and-drop elements of the scaleCopy the code
(4) Example
class App extends React.Component {
eventLogger = (e: MouseEvent, data: Object) => {
console.log('Event: ', e);
console.log('Data: ', data);
render() {
return (
defaultPosition={{x: 0, y: 0}}
grid={[25, 25]}
<div className="handle">Drag from here</div>
<div>This readme is really dragging on...</div>
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4. To achieve
4.1 train of thought
(1) It is best to use flex layout for the left and right boxes. Set the initial width of the left box to Npx and the right box width to calc(100%-npx). (2) Set a drag-box inside the box on the left with a width of 5px, background-color as transparent, and cursor as col-resiz, as shown in the green part below:
4.2 Code Implementation
Styled Components is referenced in the code, which is a SET of CSS in JS framework written for React. Simply speaking, it writes CSS in JS. Modularization of component CSS can be easily realized, similar to adding style scoped attribute in vue component. For styled Components, see the link.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Draggable from 'react-draggable';
import styled from 'styled-components'; // Styled Container const = styled. Div 'display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; `; // Styled () const LeftContent = styled. Div 'position: relative; width:${props => props.width}px;
height: 100vh;
padding: 20px;
background-color: #E6E6FA;overflow: hidden; flex-grow:1; `; // Styled part const DraggableBox = styled. Div 'position: Absolute; left:${props => props.left}px;
top: 0;
width: 5px;
height: 100vh;
background-color: ${props => props.background}; cursor: col-resize; z-index: 1000; `; // Const RightContent = Styled. Div 'width: calc(100% -${props => props.leftBoxWidth}px);
height: 100vh;
padding: 20px;
background-color: #FFF;flex-grow:1; z-index: 100; `; const Li = styled.li` white-space: nowrap; `; Class DraggableExp extends Component {state = {initialLeftBoxWidth: 150, // leftBoxWidth: // The initial width of the left block is leftBoxMinLeftBoxMaxWidth: 300, // dragBoxBackground:'transparent'OnDrag = (ev, UI) => {const {initialLeftBoxWidth} = this.state; const newLeftBoxWidth = ui.x + initialLeftBoxWidth; this.setState({ leftBoxWidth: newLeftBoxWidth, dragBoxBackground:'#FFB6C1'}); }; OnDragStop = () => {this.setState({dragBoxBackground:'transparent'
render() {
const { initialLeftBoxWidth,
dragBoxBackground } = this.state;
return( <Container> <LeftContent width={leftBoxWidth}> <h3 style={{paddingLeft: Directory 20}} > < / h3 > < ul > < Li > directory 1 < / Li > < Li > directory 2 < / Li > < Li > directory 3 < / Li > < Li > this is a very long very long very long directory < / Li > < / ul > < Draggable axis ="x"
defaultPosition={{ x: 0, y: 0 }}
bounds={{ left: leftBoxMinWidth - initialLeftBoxWidth, right: leftBoxMaxWidth - initialLeftBoxWidth }} onDrag={this.onDrag} onStop={this.onDragStop}> <DraggableBox left={initialLeftBoxWidth - 5} background={dragBoxBackground} /> </Draggable> </LeftContent> <RightContent LeftBoxWidth ={leftBoxWidth}> <h3> Here is the content block </h3> </RightContent> </Container>)}}export default DraggableExp;
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4.3 Implementation Effect
Initial state:
React-draggable allows you to create a border drag function using react-Draggable. (If you think it’s a good idea, please give a thumbs-up to the article. It’s not easy. Thank you so much.)