React component communication upgrade
Hello, I’m Cherry. The author is very dish, if have knowledge point to understand wrong place, ask each see an officer a lot to give advice. 💕 This week’s story is about communication between React components.
I. Component communication (Living Fossil Version)
Parent component: childContextType — defines the property to be passed; data type getChildContext() — Returns the object that is the property child of the context: ContextTypes — defines the property data type that the child component wants to call this.context — accesses the content of the parent component specified by contextTypes
class Complain extends React.Component {
static contextTypes = {
surface: PropTypes.string,
render() {
return <div>{this.context.surface}</div>; }}class ComplainButton extends React.Component {
static contextTypes = {
realHeart: PropTypes.func,
render() {
return (
onClick={(ev)= >{this.context.realHeart(" How difficult! Learn sick ~ ~ ~ "); }} > Real thoughts</button>
</>); }}export default class Father extends React.Component {
static childContextTypes = {
surface: PropTypes.string,
realHeart: PropTypes.func,
getChildContext() {
return {
surface: this.state.surface,
realHeart: this.realHeart,
state = { surface: "Front end is very simple, come on!!" };
realHeart = (myHeart) = > {
surface: myHeart,
render() {
return (
<h3>Complaints from xiao Bai</h3>
<Complain />
<ComplainButton />
</div>); }}Copy the code
Two, component communication (antique version)
React. CreateContext — The React API parent component: ThemeContext.Provider — The parent component registers the content in the context of the child component: Themecontext.consumer — Child components consume (that is, get context content)
// Create a context object
let ThemeContext = React.createContext();
// This is the first way to call a subcomponent
class Complain extends React.Component {
// Place the properties provided by the parent component in this.context
static contextTypes = ThemeContext;
render() {
return <div>{this.context.surface}</div>; }}// This is the second way a child component can be called
class ComplainButton extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
{(context) => {
return (
onClick={(ev)= >{context.realHeart(" How difficult! Learn sick ~ ~ ~ "); }} > Real thoughts</button>
</ThemeContext.Consumer>); }}export default class Father extends React.Component {
state = { surface: "Front end is very simple, come on!!" };
realHeart = (myHeart) = > {
surface: myHeart,
//value passes context information
render() {
return (
surface: this.state.surface.realHeart: this.realHeart,}} >
<h3>Complaints from xiao Bai</h3>
<Complain />
<ComplainButton />
</ThemeContext.Provider>); }}Copy the code
Component communication (Redux version)
State — store the current state of the container action — dispatch the behavior object getState() — get the state of the container SUBSCRIBE ([methods]) — control the component to re-render (therefore, Reducer (State,action) — Manage all modified state operations Dispatch (action) — inform the Reducer of the modified state
class Complain extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { ..., }; }componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ ..., }); }render() {
return <div>{this.state.surface}</div>; }}class ComplainButton extends React.Component {
store =;
render() {
return (
onClick={(ev)= >{store. Dispatch ({type: "MY_HEART", surface: "How hard! Throw up ~~~",}); }} > Real thoughts</button>); }}export default class Father extends React.Component {
render() {
let store =,
{ surface } = store.getState();
return (
<h3>Complaints from xiao Bai</h3>
<Complain store={store} />
<ComplainButton store={store} />
</div>); }}/ / index. Js calls
const reducer = function (
state = {
surface: "Front end is very simple, come on!!",
) {
state = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state));
let surface = action.surface;
switch (action.type) {
case "MY_HEART":
state.surface = surface;
return state;
const store = createStore(reducer);
<Father store={store} />
</>.document.getElementById("root"));Copy the code
4. Component Communication (React-Redux)
A Provider puts a store in a container into a context, Connect (1) assign state and action as properties to a component (2) include subsribe (3) Page render components return proxy components for Connect compared to Redux. The optimization points are as follows
/ / 1. The Provider
ReactDOM.render(<Provider store={store}>
<Vote />
/ / 2. The connect encapsulation
export default connect(state= >({...}),;//=> the first parameter gets the state information in the redux container and mounts it to the component property, using props (this.props. Father).
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
//=> The second argument converts the actions method to the distributive format, which can be used to call the props method to complete the distributive task (this.props. MyHeart ()).
function mapDispatchToProps(){
return {
myHeart(){ dispatch(actions.father.myHeart()); }}}Copy the code
886~ see 🌼 next week