We use the React of the ecosystem is the most mature technology system, set up a set of out-of-the-box background management system, frame contains some unique custom components, and a lot of word of mouth good third-party components after much practice, it is not just a simple dashboard display interface, but also necessary to ensure that your next web project all the tools, We want people who use it to develop robust, beautiful, easy-to-use Web applications quickly and stably.

Homepage making | yards cloud home page

Table of Contents


  • Encapsulating the data flow of the DVA framework, simple requests are not defined in models and services
  • Encapsulate the data model simulation, can be independent of the background development foreground function
  • Encapsulates paging requests and simplifies and normalizes paging logic
  • Encapsulates the FETCH request and ADAPTS to a variety of interactive requests with the background. Body parameter parameter path parameter, dynamic request header, interception before and after the request
  • Extended ANTD wrote a lot of practical UI, through a configuration generation can be generated, background CRUD three sets
  • The directory structure is divided by service modules to achieve minimum coupling
  • Some common uses of widgets
  • Lots of well-designed pages and interactive scenarios
  • Dva-boot scaffolding encapsulation function
  • Global exception handling, global request interception, common configuration extraction


.├ ─ Public # ├─ SRC # Main program directory │ ├─ index.js # Setup and Render import file │ ├─ Components # Global Public Component │ ├─ layouts # │ ├─ ├─ ├─ ├ │ ├─ │ ├─ ├ │ ├─ ├ ├ │ │ ├─ Route # Dynamic Route Directory │ │ ├─ js # Route # Home │ │ ├─ js # │ │ ├─ Assets # │ │ ├─ Components # │ │ ├─ Model # │ ├─ Service # │ ├─ ├─ exercises # dVA service │ ├─ exercises # │ │ ├─ Model # dVA Model │ ├─ service # dVA service │ ├─ routes ** # │ ├─ exercises # ├─ exercises # ├─ images # Images │ ├─ styles # ├─ exercises # ├─ exercises #Copy the code


$ git clone https://github.com/LANIF-UI/dva-boot-admin.git
$ cd dva-boot-admin
// 使用yarn
$ yarn
$ yarn start
// 使用npm
$ npm install
$ npm startCopy the code


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