Introduction to the

React, Ant-UI, typescript – based front-end microservices framework. Welcome to star.

Online address

The online demo

Project introduction

After several months of precipitation, this frame finally officially meets with everyone!

First, let’s talk about the original intention of this project. In fact, there are several similar products on the market, but they can be summed up as: messy and miscellaneous. So I decided to rewrite a similar project. In line with the principle of simplicity first and the convenience brought by React, I developed this project.

I have been working on the company’s projects for nearly three years, during which I spent most of my time writing business projects and some time doing basic services. So I kind of knew what our requirements were in actual development, what components we were actually going to use, and I also noticed those pain points in this project.

What are our biggest fears when writing a project? It’s just hard to maintain and messy code. For this, I did some basic configuration for the project, a page does not need to manually develop, just need to add some configuration files, also in line with our design principle of open and closed, that is, open for extension, closed for modification.

Deep feeling is not long with, love without much to say. After a brief introduction, I will introduce the project without further ado:

The landing page uses gradients

Enter your password and account casually and we will enter the home page:

The home page

The UI components of the entire project are ant, and the original blue theme is maintained without theme post-compilation

The fonts icon

Echarts chart


Skeleton screen

Scott map

Rich text editor

Multilevel menu

Integration chain

Well, there are so many functions at present, and there will be updates in the future. You can check the todo. md under the project, which contains all my plans for this project.

Open source is not easy, give it a star.

Technology stack

  • TypeScript
  • react
  • react-router-dom
  • ant-ui
  • mobx
  • sass
  • gh-pages
  • echarts
  • echarts-for-react
  • copy-to-clipboard
  • react-amap
  • braft-editor

Heartfelt thanks to the authors of all the plug-ins above

The source address



MIT License