As the saying goes, “A good memory is better than a bad pen”. Today, following the attitude of convenient review in the later stage, I compiled a list of basic knowledge points of React and presented it in the way of mind map, which is convenient for us to check and fill in the gaps together with old people.

I. Project initialization

Ii. UI level

2.1 JSX base

2.2 advanced

2.2.1 Event Handling

2.2.2 Conditional rendering

2.2.3 list

2.2.4 form

Three, components,

3.1 class components

3.1.1 Conditions must be met for using class components

3.1.2 Methods of related attributes

3.1.3 Declare the period atlas

3.2 the function component

3.2.1 HOOK function HOOK rules Customizing hooks

3.3 Higher-order Components

4. Data level

5. Important bags


In the process of sorting out these basic knowledge points, there are the following feelings, not necessarily correct, share with you to discuss:

  1. Many functions in React are not widely used in development. For example, in data transmission, Redux+props can meet many requirements, while Hooks are only used useState and useEffect, etc. Some functions are implemented only to meet the integrity of the framework.
  2. The emergence of hooks has basically made the function component dominant, without using the class component;
  3. Frameworks are getting simpler and simpler.

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