30-seconds-of-react React 30 seconds learning: Full Chinese translation, learning, address: 30-seconds-of-react-zh_cn-umi, all cases with analysis, annotation, online.

Series of articles:

  • React 30 seconds: Render array data into lists and tables
  • React 30 Seconds learning: Make input fields, password visibility, slider components, drop-down selectors, check box components
  • React 30 seconds: Create multi-line text components that limit the number of characters and words
  • React 30 seconds Speed learning: Implement collapsible, infinite hierarchy tree components
  • React 30 Seconds: Make text components that automatically recognize links
  • React 30 Seconds To Learn: Make accordion components
  • React 30 Seconds Learning: Create a multicast component
  • React 30 Seconds Quick Learning: Make folding panel components
  • React 30 Seconds: Create a countdown component
  • React 30 seconds Quick Learning: Create file drag and drop components
  • React 30 Seconds Speed Learning: Make modal box components
  • React 30 Seconds Learning: Create a star rating component
  • React 30 Seconds Learning: Make TAB components

DataList renders as a list

Render the list of elements by array.

  • useisOrderedThe value of prop is rendered conditionally<ol>or<ul>List.
  • useArray.prototype.mapwilldataFor each item rendered as<li>Element, given a concatenation of its index and valuekey.
  • By default, omittedisOrderedProp to render<ul>List.
function DataList({ isOrdered, data }) {
  const list = data.map((val, i) => <li key={`${i}_${val}`}>{val}</li>);
  return isOrdered ? <ol>{list}</ol> : <ul>{list}</ul>;
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export default function() {
  const names = ['John'.'Paul'.'Mary'];
  return<div> Unordered list: <DataList data={names} /> Ordered list: <DataList data={names} isOrdered /> </div>) }Copy the code


  • The sample code
  • Running effect

DataTable renders as a table

Render the table with an array, dynamically creating each row.

* Render a

element with two columns (ID and Value). * Render each item in data as a

element, consisting of its index and value, using array.prototype.map, giving it a key produced by concatenating the two.
function DataTable({ data }) {
  return (
        {data.map((val, i) => (
          <tr key={` ${i}_The ${val} `} >
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export default function() {
  const people = ['John'.'Jesse'];
  return <DataTable data={people} />;
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  • The sample code
  • Running effect

MappedTable is rendered as a mapping table

Render the table from an array of objects, with property names corresponding to columns, dynamically creating each row.

  • useObject.keys().Array.prototype.filter().Array.prototype.includes()andArray.prototype.reduce()To generate afilteredDataArray containing all objects usedpropertyNamesThe key specified in.
  • Rendering a<table>Element, where a set of columns is equal topropertyNamesThe value.
  • useArray.prototype.mapwillpropertyNamesEach value in the array is rendered as<th>Elements.
  • useArray.prototype.mapwillfilteredDataEach object in the array is rendered as<tr>Element, one for each key in the object<td>.
function MappedTable({ data, propertyNames }) {
  let filteredData = data.map(v= >
      .filter(k= > propertyNames.includes(k))
      // Assign the acc object iteratively:
      / / callback function for the acc, key) = > ([key] [key] = v (acc), acc) initial values for {}
      // ((operation), return value); // ((operation), return value
      .reduce(( acc, key) = > ((acc[key] = v[key]), acc), {}),
  return (
          {propertyNames.map(val => (
            <th key={`h_The ${val} `} >{val}</th>
        {filteredData.map((val, i) => (
          <tr key={`i_The ${i} `} >
            {propertyNames.map(p => (
              <td key={`i_The ${i}_The ${p} `} >{val[p]}</td>
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This component does not work with nested objects and breaks if there are nested objects in any of the properties specified in propertyNames.

export default function() {
  const people = [
    { name: 'John'.surname: 'Smith'.age: 42 },
    { name: 'Adam'.surname: 'Smith'.gender: 'male'},];const propertyNames = ['name'.'surname'.'age'];
  return <MappedTable data={people} propertyNames={propertyNames} />;
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  • The sample code
  • Running effect