1, an overview of the

Coding management is a crucial link in the process of enterprise management and information construction. Each information system identifies the business object through the code, and the unified coding scheme can be used as the communication language of each system, and also provide convenience for the integration of information system. There are eight basic principles for constructing data coding, including the principle of uniqueness, correctness, classification, extensibility, unity, non-modification, reuse and simplicity.

Document coding is a necessary function in the system, which is used to generate serial numbers of various documents, often with the help of characters such as date and time to generate a unique document number. From a software perspective, this means generating primary key values (reference numbers) for tables, and from a user perspective, coding specifications for business documents. For example, the sales order number is SS202109280001 and the purchase order number is CG202109280001.

2. Function display

In RDIFramework.NET agile development framework, WinForm version we integrated coding management, users can easily define their own coding rules, and then call our unified interface for their own business coding applications, coding management support Web and WinForm applications.

RDIFramework.NET development framework code management facilitates automatic processing of business codes

2.1. Function display of Web version

The main interface of code management is shown in the figure below.

The code we have defined and the current serial number of the corresponding code are listed on the main interface of code management.

Click “Add” to open the add interface to add our own code. The document number is unique, and the only basis for using coding in development. The design of rules is the rules generated by coding, which will be combined from top to bottom according to a variety of rules.

Edit the code rule as shown in the following figure. For example, if the current date is 20210928, the code will be generated according to DD20210928000001.

Coding management, the most important thing is to coding rules maintenance, encoding rules refers to that the encoding rules of the business documents/basic data, documents and the document number field coding rules attribute items, you can set the receipt number of the business object to generate rules, runtime documents preservation, according to the established rules to automatically generate documents coding, coding after uniqueness check, Displayed on the document number/basic information number field.

In our framework, coding rules can be combined according to the encoding of custom, date, process number, company, department and user, as shown in the following figure:

The use of coding can directly call the defined coding rules in our own business applications, which can refer to the number generation rules of order management, as shown in the figure below.

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RDIFramework.NET official website: www.rdiframework.net/

RDIFramework.NET official blog: blog.rdiframework.net/

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RDIFramework.NET is built by the professional team of Hainan Guosi Software Technology Co., LTD., which has been updated for a long time. Please feel free to use it!

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