Doubling and actions of the RDD

Two RDD: One RDD contains {1, 2, 3} and the other RDD contains {3, 4, 5}.

The function name function example The results of
map() Apply the function to each element>x+1) {2,3,4,4}
intersection() Intersection RDD. Intersection computes (other) {3}
subtract() Take elements that exist in the first RDD but do not exist in the second RDD (use scenarios, machine learning, remove training sets) rdd.subtract(other) {1, 2}
cartesian() Cartesian product rdd.cartesian(other) {(1, 3), (1, 4),… (3, 5)}
colletc() Returns all elements of the RDD rdd.collect() ,2,3,3 {1}
count() count rdd.count() 4
countByValue() Returns a map of the number of occurrences of unique elements rdd.countByValue() {(1,1),(2,1), (3,2)}
take(num) Returns num elements rdd.take(2) {1, 2}
top(num) Returns the first num elements {3, 3}
takeOrdered(num)(ordering) Returns the first few elements of the sorting algorithm based on rdd.takeOrdered(2)(MyOrdering) {3, 3}
takeSample(withReplacement,num,[seed]) Sample cases rdd.takeSample(false, 1) Not sure
reduce(func) Merge the elements in the RDD rdd.reduce((x, y ) => x+y ) 9
fold(zero)(func) Zero value is provided similar to reduce() rdd.flod(0)((x, y ) => x+y ) 9
aggregate(zeroValue)(seqOp,combOp) Similar to fold(), returns a different type rdd.aggregate((0, 0) (x, y)) => (x._1 +y , x._2 + 1), (x, y)=>(x._1 +y ._1, x._2 + y._2), (9, 4)
foreach(func) The function for each element of the RDD is not returned rdd.foreach(func) Nothing