Model Driven Development (MDD) is a high-level abstract Development method that takes the Model as the main workpiece. It is a metadata Driven design framework under the PLATFORM of IUAP, and a unified architecture based on metadata at the front and back ends. Models, supported by tools, can be converted into code or runnable configurations as core assets, reducing development costs and responding to complex requirements changes.

MDD development framework, is a set of development framework with youyun for enterprise digital concept. Starting from the core problem domain of enterprise cloud service, the best practices are summarized and refined, and unified standards and regulations are formed. It is committed to supporting the rapid incubation of Capabilities in Central Taiwan, forming the link between capabilities in Central Taiwan, and finally realizing the digital business reconstruction and rapid innovation development of enterprises based on central Taiwan.


MDF Framework (Model-driven Framework) is a model-driven development Framework based on metadata. It supports automatic page generation and rendering through stereotyped configuration, inheriting the support services and capability center related capabilities of the BPASS business center. Web development and Mobile Mobile development share a set of development framework, a set of extension script, and support different dimensions of extension development (JS extension script, new Metaui extension component, extension and configuration component style and interaction, etc.). It has the characteristics of layered architecture, decoupling of subcontracting and flexible architecture.

MDF framework development specific terms

Mdf-app: MDF front-end frame scaffolding works.

Mdf-metaui-web: The core UI component package of the MDF front-end framework, including UI components and a UI rendering engine.

Mdf-cube: MDF front-end framework core front-end public logic and public interaction package, including the bi-directional binding between UI components and View Model, template page front-end public logic (Action).

Mdf-plugin-meta: The main middleware (plug-in) of the scaffolding runtime, which is mainly used for forwarding and common processing of data transmitted between the front-end and back-end services.

Ynpm: NPM package mirror repository for Yonyou front-end development.

View Model (VM) : A View Model. Each template-based page has its own View Model, from small components to large containers, which is the View Model in the MVVM architecture.