This is the 23rd day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge
A ray is an endless line of light emitted from a point in the 3D world in one direction that will stop when it colliders with other objects in its trajectory.
Application: ray is widely used in collision detection (such as whether the bullet hits the target or not), role movement and so on.
Some structures (classes) related to Ray:
- Physics: RayCast() emits a ray;
- Ray: Object representing the Ray itself
- RaycastHit (Structure) : Collision information for ray and other colliders
Plotting ray function
- Draw a blue ray of z-axis forward length 10 from this object:
Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, Vector3.forward * 10,;
- Draws a red ray of length 10 in the negative X-axis direction from this object
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, Vector3.left * 10,;
Parameter Description:
- The first parameter is the drawn position
- The second argument is the drawn point, which defaults to 1 and can be multiplied by a value of type float to increase its ray length
- The third parameter is color
- The fourth parameter is the ray region. If you change the direction of the ray, the ray will form a region of type float. The larger the value, the longer it will stay.
Ray detection
Related parameter concepts of radiographic detection:
RaycastHit hit: Raycast collision (this variable is used to store information about which objects this ray hits)
Camera. The main. ScreenPointToRay (position) : screen location shooting line: return a ray from the Camera through a screen
- The resulting rays are in world space, starting from the near clipping plane of the camera and passing through the screen position(x,y) pixel coordinates (Position. z is ignored.
- Screen space is defined in pixels. The bottom left of the screen is (0,0); The top right is (pixelWidth,pixelHeight).
The API:
- Ray Camera. Main. ScreenPointToRay Vector3 (pos) returns a Ray Ray from the Camera to the screen to specify a point
- Ray Ray class
- RaycastHit ray projection collision information
- Bool Physics.Raycast Note: If a ray is cast from the inside of a sphere to the outside, return false.
Five parameters of a ray
RaycastHit[] RaycastAll(Ray ray, float distance, int layerMask)
Parameters: -origin: the starting point of the ray in world coordinates -direction: the direction of the ray -distance: the length of the ray -hit: pass an empty collision information class using the out keyword in c#, and then assign the value after the collision. Can get collision object transform, rigidbody, point information, etc. – layerMask: Only colliders in the layerMask layer are selected. Colliders in other layers are ignored. Selective collision filters objects.