The introduction
I was asked to make the @Transactional annotation invalid in what situations. I failed in my interview. So today I’m going to share with you a little bit about @Transactional.
The @Transactional annotation is a common annotation used in development to ensure that multiple database operations within a method will either succeed or fail at the same time. There are a lot of details to pay attention to when using the @Transactional annotation, or you’ll find that @Transactional always fails out of nowhere.
A, the transaction
Transaction management is an indispensable part of system development. Spring provides a good transaction management mechanism, which is mainly divided into programmatic transaction and declarative transaction.
Programmatic transaction: refers to the manual management of transaction submission, rollback and other operations in the code, the code is relatively invasive, as shown in the following example:
try {
//TODO something
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvoiceApplyException("Abnormal failure");
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Declarative transaction: AOP based on the aspect, it will be specific business and transaction processing part decoupled, code invasion is very low, so in the actual development of declarative transaction used more. Declarative transactions can also be implemented using XML configuration files based on TX and AOP, or using the @Transactional annotation.
public String test() {
int insert = cityInfoDictMapper.insert(cityInfoDict);
Copy the code
Transactional introduction
Where does the @Transactional annotation work?
Transactional can work on interfaces, classes, and class methods.
Applied to classes: When the @Transactional annotation is placed ona class, all public methods of that class are configured with the same transaction attribute information.
Applied to methods: When a class is configured with @Transactional and a method is configured with @Transactional, the method’s transaction overrides the Transactional configuration information of the class.
Use on interfaces: This is not recommended because the @Transactional annotation will fail once annotation is on an Interface and Spring AOP is configured to use CGLib dynamic proxies
public class MybatisPlusController {
private CityInfoDictMapper cityInfoDictMapper;
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public String test() throws Exception {
CityInfoDict cityInfoDict = new CityInfoDict();
int insert = cityInfoDictMapper.insert(cityInfoDict);
return insert + ""; }}Copy the code
What attributes does the @Transactional annotation have?
The propagation properties
Propagation Indicates the propagation behavior of the transaction. The default value is Propagation.REQUIRED.
Propagation.REQUIRED: Join the transaction if it exists, or create a new transaction if it does not exist. (That is, if methods A and B are annotated, the default propagation mode will merge the two methods’ transactions into one if method A calls method B internally.)
Propagation.SUPPORTS: Joins a transaction if it currently exists. If no transaction currently exists, it continues in a non-transactional manner.
Propagation.MANDATORY: If a transaction exists, it is joined. If no transaction currently exists, an exception is thrown.
Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW: Re-create a new transaction, and suspend the current transaction if it exists. Propagation.REQUIRED (A); Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW (B); [root@propagation.REQUIRES_NEW] [root@propagation.REQUIRES_NEW]
Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED: To run in a non-transaction manner. If a transaction exists, it is suspended.
Propagation.NEVER: To run in non-transaction mode. If the transaction exists, an exception is thrown.
Propagation.NESTED: The result was the same as Propagation.
The isolation properties
Isolation: Isolation level of a transaction. The DEFAULT is Isolation.default.
- Isolation.DEFAULT: Use the DEFAULT Isolation level of the underlying database.
The timeout attribute
Timeout: indicates the timeout period of a transaction. The default value is -1. If the time limit is exceeded but the transaction has not completed, the transaction is automatically rolled back.
ReadOnly attribute
ReadOnly: specifies whether the transaction is read-only. The default value is false. To ignore methods that do not require transactions, such as reading data, you can set read-only to true.
RollbackFor properties
RollbackFor: Specifies the type of exception that can trigger a transaction rollback. Multiple exception types can be specified.
noRollbackForProperties of * *
NoRollbackFor: Throws the specified exception type, does not roll back the transaction, or can specify multiple exception types.
Transactional failure scenario
Let’s take a look at some of the scenarios where the @Transactional annotation fails with specific code.
@Transactional applies to methods that are not public decorates
If the Transactional annotation is applied to a method that is not public decorated, the Transactional annotation becomes invalid.
It fails because in Spring AOP proxying, as shown above, the TransactionInterceptor intercepts the target method before and after execution. DynamicAdvisedInterceptor (CglibAopProxy inner classes) intercept method or JdkDynamicAopProxy invoke method indirect invocation AbstractFallbackTransactionAttributeSource computeTransactionAttribute method, obtain Transactional annotation of transaction configuration information.
protected TransactionAttribute computeTransactionAttribute(Method method, Class<? > targetClass) { // Don't allow no-public methods as required. if (allowPublicMethodsOnly() && ! Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) { return null; }Copy the code
This method checks if the target method’s modifier is public. Otherwise, it does not get the @Transactional attribute configuration information.
The method of modification is used on@Transactional
Note that even though the transaction is invalid, there will be no errors, which is a big mistake for us.
Error propagation of @transactional attribute
This failure is due to incorrect configuration. If the following three propagation modes are incorrectly configured, the transaction will not be rolled back.
TransactionDefinition. PROPAGATION_SUPPORTS: if a transaction exists, then join the transaction; If there is no transaction currently, it continues in a non-transactional manner. TransactionDefinition. PROPAGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED: run way of transaction, if a transaction exists, suspending the current transaction. TransactionDefinition. PROPAGATION_NEVER: run way of transaction, if the current transaction, throw an exception.
Error setting @transactional annotation rollbackFor
RollbackFor specifies the type of exception that can trigger a transaction rollback. By default, Spring throws unchecked exceptions (exceptions inherited from RuntimeException) or errors to roll back a transaction; Other exceptions do not trigger rollback transactions. If other types of exceptions are thrown in a transaction, but Spring is expected to rollback the transaction, you need to specify the rollbackFor property.
/ / wish to custom exception a rollback @ Transactional (propagation = propagation. The REQUIRED rollbackFor = MyException. ClassCopy the code
The transaction is also rolled back if the exception thrown in the target method is a subclass of the exception specified by rollbackFor. Spring source code is as follows:
private int getDepth(Class<? > exceptionClass, int depth) {if (exceptionClass.getName().contains(this.exceptionName)) {
// Found it!
return depth;
// If we've gone as far as we can go and haven't found it...
if (exceptionClass == Throwable.class) {
return- 1; }return getDepth(exceptionClass.getSuperclass(), depth + 1);
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A method call from the same class causes @transactional to fail
For example, if there is A class Test, A method of A calls method B of the same class (whether method B is public or private), but method A does not declare an annotation transaction, while method B does. Method B’s transaction will not take effect after an external call to method A. This is also where mistakes are often made.
So why is this happening? Again, this is due to the use of Spring AOP proxies, because only when transactional methods are invoked by code other than the current class are they managed by spring-generated proxy objects.
private Integer A() throws Exception {
CityInfoDict cityInfoDict = new CityInfoDict();
cityInfoDict.setCityName("2"); /** * B insert data with field 3 */ this.insertb (); / * * * insert A field data for the 2 * / int insert = cityInfoDictMapper. Insert (cityInfoDict);return insert;
public Integer insertB() throws Exception {
CityInfoDict cityInfoDict = new CityInfoDict();
return cityInfoDictMapper.insert(cityInfoDict);
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The Transactional exception is “eaten” by your catch causing @Transactional to fail
This is the most common @Transactional annotation failure scenario,
private Integer A() throws Exception {
int insert = 0;
try {
CityInfoDict cityInfoDict = new CityInfoDict();
cityInfoDict.setCityName("2"); cityInfoDict.setParentCityId(2); / * * * insert A field data for the 2 * / insert = cityInfoDictMapper. Insert (cityInfoDict); /** * B insert data with field 3 */ b.insertb (); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}Copy the code
If B throws an exception internally and A tries B’s exception, can the transaction be rolled back normally?
Answer: No!
Will throw an exception:
org.springframework.transaction.UnexpectedRollbackException: Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only
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Because when an exception is thrown in ServiceB, ServiceB indicates that the current transaction needs to rollback. But in ServiceA, because you manually catch the exception and handle it, the ServiceA assumes that the current transaction should be committed. It will appear inconsistent, that is, because of this, throw the front UnexpectedRollbackException anomalies.
Spring transactions are started before the business methods are called, and commit or rollback is performed after the business methods are executed, depending on whether a Runtime exception is thrown. If a Runtime exception is thrown and there is no catch in your business method, the transaction will be rolled back.
Transactional(rollbackFor= exception.class) ¶ A Transactional(rollbackFor= exception.class) ¶ A Transactional(rollbackFor= exception.class) ¶ Otherwise, the transaction will fail, and the data commit will result in inconsistent data, so sometimes try catch will overkill.
The database engine does not support transactions
The probability of this happening is not very high, and whether the transaction takes effect or not is critical for the database engine to support transactions. Common MySQL databases use the transacts-enabled InnoDB engine by default. Once the database engine switches to myISAM, which does not support transactions, the transactions are essentially invalidated.
The @Transactional annotation seems simple and easy to use, but if you don’t know how to use it, you can run into a lot of pitfalls.
So much for today, if this article is a little help to you, I hope you can get a thumbs up oh
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