Use the USE camera for surveillance

The camera I’m using here is a Speed B18s

The captured images are 640 x 480,352 x 288,320 x 240

View the use device using LSUSB

I’m using use2.0 here

Install Motion and modify the Motion file

Sudo apt-get install motion sudo nano /etc/default/motion change "start_motion_daemon=no" to yesCopy the code

Modify the motion. Conf

Daemon on #off on width 640 height 480 framerate 60 # stream_localhost offCopy the code

Start the command

sudo motion
Copy the code

Access address, default port 8081

Camera stuck

Modify the stream_maxrate value to try to put it between 1 and 100 myself, I’m testing 80 feels sounds smooth

sudo nano /etc/motion/motion.confstream_maxrate  80
Copy the code

The shutdown command

sudo killall -TERM motion

Start the command

sudo motion