KubeSphere not only supports deployment on Linux, but also supports deployment of KubeSphere on the existing Kubernetes cluster, automatically manage the existing resources and containers of Kubernetes cluster.
The premise condition
– Kubernetes version: 1.13.0 ≤ K8s version < 1.16;
– Helm, version >= 2.10.0 (Helm 2.16.0 #6894 is not supported) and Tiller has been installed. For details, see How to Install and Configure the Helm.
– The available CPU and memory of the cluster are greater than 1 C and 2 GB respectively.
– Storage type (StorageClass) exists in the cluster.
– The cluster can access the Internet (offline installation is under development).
If the environment to be installed meets the preceding conditions, deploy KubeSphere.
Minimize installation of KubeSphere
- Minimal installation requires only one command to install on Top of Kubernetes.
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubesphere/ks-installer/master/kubesphere-minimal.yamlCopy the code
- View installation logs and wait until the installation succeeds.
$ kubectl logs -n kubesphere-system $(kubectl get pod -n kubesphere-system -l app=ks-install -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -fCopy the code
- through
kubectl get pod --all-namespace
Kubesphere; check whether all pods in the namespace of Kubesphere are Running. After confirming Pod is running normally, you can use itIP:30880
To access KubeSphere UI, the default cluster administrator account isadmin/P@88w0rd
Enable pluggable components
KubeSphere V2.1 decouples functional components. You can manually enable pluggable functional components before and after installation. For details, see Ks-Installer GitHub.
KubeSphere (https://github.com/kubesphere/kubesphere) is an open source application centered container management platform, support for deployment on any infrastructure, and provides a simple and easy to use UI, greatly reduces the complexity of the development, testing, and operational daily, It aims to solve Kubernetes’ existing pain points such as storage, network, security and ease of use, and help enterprises easily cope with agile development and automated monitoring operation and maintenance, end-to-end application delivery, micro-service governance, multi-tenant management, multi-cluster management, service and network management, mirror warehouse, AI platform, edge computing and other business scenarios.