Original link:tecdat.cn/?p=21602 

Original source:Tuo End number according to the tribe public number


Regularization (regularization)

The regularization path is the regularization path for calculating LASSO or elastic network penalties on the grid of values of the regularization parameter lambda. The algorithm is fast and can use sparsity of input matrix X to fit linear, Logistic and polynomial, Poisson and Cox regression models. Various predictions can be made by fitting models. It also fits multiple linear regression.”


Load the data

An example of gaussian (continuous Y) is loaded here.

Copy the code
## # A tibble: 100 x 1 ## V1 ## < DBL > ## 1-1.2748860 ## 2 1.8434251 ## 3 0.4592363 ## 4 0.5640407 ## 5 1.8729633 ## 6 0.5275317 ## 7 2.4346589 ## 8-0.8945961 ## 9-0.2059384 ## 10 3.1101188 ## #... with 90 more rowsCopy the code

Initial ridge regression

Cv. glmnet performs k-fold cross validation.

## Perform ridge regression glmnet(x, y ## "alpha=1" is the lasso penalty, "alpha=0" is the ridge penalty. alpha = 0)Copy the code

## Ridge regression CV. Glmnet (## type) using 10 fold CV. Measurement: Loss for cross validation. Type. Measure = "mse", ## K = 10 is the default. Nfold = 10, ## "alpha=1" is the lasso penalty, "alpha=0" is the ridge penalty. Alpha = 0) ## Penalty VS CV MSE graphCopy the code

Extract the coefficient CV $lambda.min at the minimum error λCopy the code
# # 0.1789759 [1]Copy the code
## s: the value of the penalty parameter "lambda" that needs to be predicted. The default is the entire sequence used to create the model. coef( s = lambda.min)Copy the code
## 21 x 1 Sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" ## 1 ## (Intercept) 0.149041059 ## V1 1.302684272 ## V2 0.035835380 ## V3 0.719936146 ## V4 0.036473087 ## v5-0.863490158 ## V6 0.605750873 ## V7 0.123446432 ## V8 0.376890626 ## V9 -0.040012847 ## V10 0.105999328 ## V11 0.240967604 ## v12-0.066363634 ## v13-0.042048935 ## v14-1.092107794 ## V15 -0.119566353 ## v17-0.035859663 ## V18 0.061785988 ## v19-0.001409608 ## v20-1.079879797Copy the code
## Intercept estimation should be removed. (coef(cv, s = lambda.min))[-1]Copy the code

This initial procedure gives a set of coefficients for the optimal ridge regression model selected based on the 10 fold cross validation, using the square error measureAs a model performance measure.

Another way to select a lambda mentioned in KNNL and Hadi is to choose the smallest lambda so that the trajectory of the coefficients is stable and the VIF becomes small enough. In this case, the definition of VIF must include the penalty factor lambda, as described in P295 of Hadi and P436 of KNLL.

Is a normalized covariable matrix.Is the correlation matrix of the original nonnormalized covariableThe calculation can be defined as follows.

 vif <- function(x, lambda) {
    ZtZ <- cor(x)
    diag(solve(ZtZ + lambdaI  %*% ZtZ %*% solve(ZtZ + lambdaI)

    ggplot(mapping = aes(x = lambda, y = value, group = key, color = key)) +
    geom_line() +
Copy the code

Adaptive LASSO

## Perform adaptive LASSO Glmnet (x = y = ## type. Measurement: Losses for cross validation. ## "alpha=1" is the lasso penalty, "alpha=0" is the ridge penalty. Alpha = 1, ## ## Penalty factor: A separate penalty factor can be applied to each factor. This is a number multiplied by "lambda" to allow the difference to shrink. It can be 0 for some variables, which means there is no contraction, and the variable is always included in the model. The default value is 1 for all variables (infinity for variables listed in "exclude"). Note: The penalty factors are internally retuned to be added to nvars, and the lambda sequence will reflect this change.Copy the code

## Perform adaptive lasso ## type using 10x CV. Measurement: Losses for cross validation. Type. Measure = "mSE ", ## K = 10 is the default. Nfold = 10, ## 'alpha= 1 'is lasso penalty, 'alpha=0' is ridge penalty. ## ## Penalty factor: A separate penalty factor can be applied to each factor. This is a number multiplied by "lambda" to allow the difference to shrink. It can be 0 for some variables, which means there is no contraction and the variable is always included in the model. The default value is 1 for all variables (infinity for variables listed in "exclude"). Note: The penalty factors are internally retuned to be added to nvars, and the lambda sequence will reflect this change. ## Punish VS CV MSE graphCopy the code

Extract the coefficient lambda.min at the minimum error λCopy the code
# # 0.7193664 [1]Copy the code
## s: the value of the penalty parameter "lambda" that needs to be predicted. The default is the entire sequence used to create the model. best_alasso_coef1Copy the code
## 21 x 1 SPARSE Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" ## 1 ## (Intercept) 0.1269539 ## V1 1.3863728 ## V2 ## v5-0.8937983 ## V6 0.5718800 ## V7. ## V8 0.3654255 ## V9. ## V10. ## V11 0.1824140 ## V12 ## V17. ## V18. ## V19. ## v20-1.1268794Copy the code

That penalty coefficient parameter allows you to specify a specific penalty level for the coefficient. Here we use the adaptive LASSO penalty, which is the inverse of the absolute value of the optimal ridge coefficient.

The final model Rsquare

# # # # # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_determination # R ^ 2 function always SS ss_tot < - sum ((y - ybar) ^ 2) residual SS # # Ss_res < -sum ((y-yhat)^2) ## R^2 = 1 As. Vector (y_cont), as. Vector (predict(alasso1, newx =)Copy the code
# # 0.906806 [1]Copy the code
R ^ 2 ad_r_sq (r_squared_alasso1, n = nrow(y_cont),Copy the code
# # 0.9007934 [1]Copy the code
## cross validation test set R^2 ## ALASSO1_CV $CVM [1] is the mean square error of the cross validation test set for the intercept model. 1 - cvm[lambda == lambda.min] / cvm[1]Copy the code
# # 0.8854662 [1]Copy the code

Cross-validate the test set Rsquare

If (x = x_cont[alasso1_cv$foldid!= id,]) {if (x = x_cont[alasso1_cv$foldid!= id,]); Yihat predict(fit, newx = x_cont[alasso1_cv$folDID == id,], # # test group R ^ 2 1 - sum ((y - y_pred) ^ 2)/sum ((y - scheme (y)) ^ 2)}) % > %Copy the code
##  [1] 0.8197796 0.9090972 0.9499495 0.8019303 0.8637534 0.7184797 0.8579943 0.9250376 0.8300891
## [10] 0.9188004
Copy the code
# # 0.8594911 [1]Copy the code

Polynomial example

## # A tibble: 500 x 30 ## V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 ## < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > # 1 -0.64860899-0.7001262-1.9640742 1.1692107 0.28598652-0.1664266 ## 2 0.9264925-1.1855031-1.18297879 0.9828354 1.0693610-0.2302219 0.57772625-0.8738714 ## 3-1.5719712 0.8568961-0.02208733 1.7445962-0.4148403-2.0289054 -1.31228181-1.2441528 ## 4 0.7419447-0.9452052-1.61821790 1.0015587-0.4589488 0.5154490 0.29189973 0.1114092 ## 5 -0.1333660 0.5085678 0.04739909-0.4486953-0.2616950-0.1554108-1.24834832-1.0498054 ## 6-0.5672062 0.6020396 -2.10300909 0.3119233 0.3272173 -0.8671885 0.97512759 -0.7216256 ## 7 1.9683411 2.5162198 1.61109738 1.0047913 -0.5194647 1.0738680-0.16176095-0.4267418 ## 8 0.2857727-1.7017703 1.41062569 0.5823727-1.3330908 1.7929250 0.06396841-0.6818909 ## 9-0.5339434 0.1725089 0.93504676 -1.9956942-0.9021089-0.2624043 0.97406411 0.5166823 ## 10 0.8081052-0.9662501 0.54666915-0.8388913 0.9665053 1.4039598 0.63502500 0.3429640 ## #... with 490 more rows, and 22 more variables: V9 <dbl>, V10 <dbl>, V11 <dbl>, V12 <dbl>, ## # V13 <dbl>, V14 <dbl>, V15 <dbl>, V16 <dbl>, V17 <dbl>, V18 <dbl>, V19 <dbl>, V20 <dbl>, ## # V21 <dbl>, V22 <dbl>, V23 <dbl>, V24 <dbl>, V25 <dbl>, V26 <dbl>, V27 <dbl>, V28 <dbl>, ## # V29 <dbl>, V30 <dbl>Copy the code
Copy the code
## # A tibble: 500 x 1
##    value
##    <dbl>
##  1     3
##  2     2
##  3     2
##  4     2
##  5     3
##  6     3
##  7     3
##  8     1
##  9     1
## 10     1
## # ... with 490 more rows
Copy the code
plot(ridge2, xvar = "lambda")
Copy the code

## Ridge regression type with 10 fold cross validation CV. Measurement: Loss for cross validation. Type. Measurement = "deviation", ## polynomial regression ## 'alpha= 1 'is lasso penalty, 'alpha=0' is ridge penalty. ## Punish vs CV MSE plot(ridge2_cv)Copy the code

Extract the coefficient lambda.min at the minimum error λCopy the code
# # 0.02540802 [1]Copy the code
## s: the value of the penalty parameter "lambda" that needs to be predicted. The default is the entire sequence used to create the model. do.call(cbind, coef( cv, s = lambda.min))Copy the code
## 31 x 3 SPARSE Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" ## 1 1 1 ## (Intercept) -0.030926870-0.012579891 0.043506761 ## V1 0.056754184-0.332936704 0.276182520 ## v2-0.330771038-0.135465951 0.466236989 ## V3 0.417313228-0.166953973 0.250359256 ## v4-0.275107590-0.075937714 0.351045304 ## v5-0.359310997 0.447318724-0.088007727 ## V6 0.318490592 -0.042273343-0.276217249 ## v7-0.069203544 0.103874053-0.034670509 ## V8 0.398432356 0.056457793-0.454890149 ## V9 -0.100873703-0.831473315 0.932347018 ## v10-0.079409535 0.550465763 -0.471056227 ## V11 0.015539259 0.022872091 -0.038411350 ## v12-0.023384035-0.037367749 0.060751784 ## v13-0.162456798 0.271096200-0.108639401 ## V14 0.173128811-0.127758267-0.045370544 ## v15-0.029448593 0.035626357-0.006177764 ## v16-0.078135662 0.066353666 0.011781996 ## V17 0.144753874-0.137960413-0.006793461 ## V18 0.032929352 0.071275386-0.104204738 ## V19 0.090783173 -0.147044947 0.056261774 ## v20-0.010749594 0.146821172-0.136071578 ## V21 0.0594685998-0.008259112-0.051209485 ## V22 0.133514075-0.030352819-0.103161256 ## V23 0.070174614-0.054781769-0.015392844 ## V24 0.027344225 0.164797661 -0.192141886 ## V25 0.010677968 0.014023080-0.024701049 ## V26 0.010490474-0.034644559 0.024154085 ## v27-0.008201249 0.114562955-0.106361705 ## v28-0.115249536-0.067581191 0.182830727 ## V29 0.027760120 0.056857406-0.084617526 ## V30-0.062642211-0.007339614-0.069981825Copy the code
## conversion to matrix ## Intercept estimation should be cancelled. 1 / abs(as.matrix(best_ridge_coef2)[-1,])Copy the code
## V1 17.619846 3.003574 3.620794 ## V2 3.023239 7.381929 2.144832 ## V3 2.396282 5.989675 3.994260 ## V4 3.634942 13.168687 2.848635 ## V5 2.783104 2.235542 11.362639 ## V6 3.139810 23.655569 3.620339 ## V7 14.450127 9.627043 28.842957 ## V8 2.509836 17.712347 2.198333 ## V9 9.913386 1.202684 1.072562 ## V10 12.592946 1.816643 2.122889 ## V11 64.353133 43.721407 26.033972 ## V12 42.764219 26.761045 16.460422 ## V13 6.155483 3.688727 9.204764 ## V14 5.776046 7.827282 22.040732 ## V15 33.957479 28.069106 161.870875 ## V16 12.798253 15.070757 84.875262 ## V17 6.908278 7.248456 147.200381 ## V18 30.368044 14.030089 9.596493 ## V19 11.015257 6.800642 17.774057 ## V20 93.026766 6.811007 7.349073 ## V21 16.815597 121.078385 19.527632 ## V22 7.489847 32.945869 9.693562 ## V23 14.250167 18.254248 64.965251 ## V24 36.570794 6.068047 5.204487 ## V25 93.650773 71.311008 40.484111 ## V26 95.324582 28.864561 41.400864 ## V27 121.932644 8.728825 9.401880 ## V28 8.676825 14.797016 5.469540 ## V29 36.022899 17.587858 11.817883 ## V30 15.963677 136.246945 14.289424Copy the code
Multinomial = "multinomial", ## 'alpha= 1 'is a lasso penalty and 'alpha=0' is a ridge penalty. Alpha = 1, ## ## Penalty factor: A separate penalty factor can be applied to each factor. This is a number multiplied by "lambda" to allow the difference to shrink. It can be 0 for some variables, which means there is no contraction and the variable is always included in the model. The default value is 1 for all variables (infinity for variables listed in "exclude"). Note: The penalty factors are internally retuned to be added to nvars, and the lambda sequence will reflect this change.Copy the code


## Perform adaptive lasso ## type using 10x CV. Measurement: Losses for cross validation. Measure = "deviation ", ## punishment vs CV MSE graph plot(alasso2_cv)Copy the code

Extract the coefficient lambda.min at the minimum error λCopy the code
# # 0.023834 [1]Copy the code
## s: the value of the penalty parameter "lambda" that needs to be predicted. The default is the entire sequence used to create the model. do.call(cbind, coef(alasso2_cv, s = lambda.min))Copy the code
## 31 x 3 SPARSE Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" ## 11 1 ## (Intercept) 0.001070916 0.029687114 -0.030758030 ## V1 0.051853991-0.329785101 0.277931110 ## v2-0.414609162-0.166765504 0.581374666 ## V3 0.498638681-0.172468859 -0.326169822 ## v4-0.336005338-0.079578260 0.415583598 ## v5-0.424216967 0.532071434-0.107854467 ## V6 0.364828074 -0.035326316-0.329501758 ## v7-0.058746523 0.080343071-0.021596548 ## V8 0.483592031 0.111422669-0.595014699 ## V9 -0.155745580-1.016502806 1.172248386 ## v10-0.060698812 0.625050169-0.564351357 ## V11.. ## V12.. ## V13 0.175719655 0.283930678-0.108211023 ## V14 0.196421536-0.139576235-0.056845300 ## V15.. ## v16-0.037414770 0.040300172-0.002885402 ## V17 0.149438019-0.129742710-0.019695308 ## V18.. ## V19 0.088822086-0.130605368 0.041783282 ## V21 0.007141749-0.002869644-0.004272105 ## V22 0.125997952-0.016924514-0.109073438 ## V23 0.043024971-0.026879150-0.016145821 ## V24 0.016862193 0.083686360-0.100548554 ## V25.. ## V26.. ## V27 ## v28-0.111429811-0.069842376 0.181272187 ## V29.. ## v30-0.032032333-0.006590025 0.038622358Copy the code

Final model correct classification rate

xtabs(~ y_multi_pred_class + y_multi)
Copy the code
##                   y_multi
## y_multi_pred_class   1   2   3
##                  1  84  20  16
##                  2  30 136  19
##                  3  28  18 149
Copy the code
mean(y_multi == y_multi_pred_class)
Copy the code
# # 0.738 [1]Copy the code

Cross-verify the correct classification rate of test sets

Lapply (unique(foldid), function(id) {lapply(foldid==id) ## newx = x_multi[foldid == id,], type = "class", S = lambda.min)) ## Test set Y Y < -y_multi [foldid == id] ## Test set CCR mean(Y == y_pred)}) %>%Copy the code
##  [1] 0.68 0.64 0.76 0.72 0.70 0.66 0.60 0.72 0.62 0.76
Copy the code
# # 0.686 [1]Copy the code

Binary logistic regression example

## # A tibble: 100 x 30 # # V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 # # < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > < DBL > # # 1-0.61926135-0.01624409 -0.62606831 0.41268461 0.4944374-0.4493269 0.6760053-0.06771419 ## 2 1.09427278 0.47257285-1.33714704-0.64058126 0.2823199-0.6093321 0.3547232-0.62686515 ## 3 -0.35670402 0.30121334 0.19056192 0.23402677 0.1698086 1.2291427 1.1628095 0.88024242 ## 4 -2.46907012 2.84771447 1.66024352 1.56881297-0.8330570-0.5620088-0.6142455-1.76529838 ## 5 0.56728852 0.88888747-0.01158671 0.57627526-0.8689453-0.3132571 0.6902907-1.29961200 ## 6 0.91292543 0.77350086 0.55836355-0.53509922 0.3507093-0.5763021-0.3882672 0.55518663 ## 7 0.09567305 0.14027229-0.76043921-0.04935541 1.5740992-0.1240903-1.1106276 1.72895452 ## 8 1.93420667-0.71114983-0.27387147 1.00113828 1.0439012 0.8028893 1.93420667-0.71114983-0.27387147 1.00113828 1.0439012 0.8028893 0.6035769-0.51136380 ## 9 0.28275701 1.05940570-0.03944966 0.30277367-0.9161762 0.6914934 0.6087553 0.30921594 ## 10 0.80143492 1.53674274-1.01230763-0.38480878-2.0319100 0.2236314-1.1628847-0.52739792 ## #... with 90 more rows, and 22 more variables: V9 <dbl>, V10 <dbl>, V11 <dbl>, V12 <dbl>, ## # V13 <dbl>, V14 <dbl>, V15 <dbl>, V16 <dbl>, V17 <dbl>, V18 <dbl>, V19 <dbl>, V20 <dbl>, ## # V21 <dbl>, V22 <dbl>, V23 <dbl>, V24 <dbl>, V25 <dbl>, V26 <dbl>, V27 <dbl>, V28 <dbl>, ## # V29 <dbl>, V30 <dbl>Copy the code
Copy the code
## # A tibble: 100 x 1
##    value
##    <int>
##  1     0
##  2     1
##  3     1
##  4     0
##  5     1
##  6     0
##  7     0
##  8     0
##  9     1
## 10     1
## # ... with 90 more rows
Copy the code
Family = "binomial", ## "alpha=1" is the lasso penalty, "alpha=0" is the ridge penalty.Copy the code

## Ridge regression ## type with 10 fold CV. Measurement: Losses for cross validation. Type. Measure = "deviance", ## K = 10 is the default value. Nfold = 10, ## polynomial regression ## 'alpha= 1 'is the lasso penalty, 'alpha=0' is the ridge penalty. Alpha = 0) ## Penalty VS CV MSE graphCopy the code

## lambda. Min at least error λCopy the code
# # 0.03488898 [1]Copy the code
## s: the value of the penalty parameter "lambda" that needs to be predicted. The default is the entire sequence used to create the model. coef(ridge3_cv, s = lambda.min))Copy the code
## 31 x 1 SPARSE Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" ## 1 ## (Intercept) 0.1718290283 ## V1 0.1148574142 ## V2 0.5068431000 ## V3-0.3384649794 ## v4-0.8634050979 ## v6-0.3141436782 ## v6-0.6956355852 ## V7 0.0798900376 # v8-0.5167458568 ## V9 0.5193890584 ## v10-1.0182682093 ## v11-0.2077506627 ## v12-0.2218540968 ## v13-0.1638673635 ## V14 0.1370473811 ## v17-0.1492504287 ## v19-0.0497939458 ## V20 -0.2024006258 ## V21 0.0006531455 ## V22 0.2456970018 ## V23 0.4333057414 ## V24 0.1769632495 ## V25 0.5320062623 ## V26-0.3875044960 ## v27-0.2157079430 ## V28 0.3337625633 ## v29-0.2659968175 ## V30 0.1601149964Copy the code
## Intercept estimation should be cancelled. (best_ridge_COEF3)[-1] ## perform adaptive lasso ## polynomial regression family = "binomial", ## "alpha=1" is lasso penalty, "alpha=0" is ridge penalty. alpha = 1,Copy the code

## Perform adaptive lasso ## type using 10x CV. Measurement: Losses for cross validation. ## Punishment vs CV MSE plot(alasso3_cv)Copy the code

Extract the coefficient lambda.min at the minimum error λCopy the code
# # 0.5438827 [1]Copy the code
## s: the value of the penalty parameter "lambda" that needs to be predicted. The default is the entire sequence used to create the model. coef(cv, s = lambda.min)Copy the code
## 31 x 1 SPARSE Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" ## 1 # (Intercept) 0.19932789 ## V1. ## V2 0.69081709 ## V3-0.48062268 # v6-1.01918155 ## V7. # v8-0.48394892 ## V9 0.79804285 ## v10-1.49657785 ## V11. ## ## V16 0.19759191 ## V17. ## V19. ## V21. ## V22 0.04668665 ## V23 0.24445410 ## V24. ## V25 0.57951934 ## v26-0.21844124 ## V27. ## V28 0.07144777 ## v29-0.04682770 ## V30Copy the code

Draw ROC curve

## Extract prediction probability and observation results. PY < -as.(predict(alasso3, newx = x_bin, s = lambda.min, type = "response") ## ##Copy the code

Cross-validate test set AUC

Lapply (unique(foldid), function(id) ## use model Yihat y_pred <- (predict(fit, Newx = x_bin[folDID == id], s = lambda.min) ## Test group Y Y < -y_bin [alasSO3_cv $folDID == id] ## Test group AUC roc(Y ~ y_pred)$AUCCopy the code
## [1] 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.9200000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.7619048 0.7916667 0.7200000 ## [10] 0.9375000Copy the code
# # 0.9131071 [1]Copy the code

Most welcome insight

1.R language multiple Logistic Logistic regression application case

2. Panel smooth transfer regression (PSTR) analysis case implementation

3. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR) in MATLAB

4.R language Poisson regression model analysis cases

5. Hosmer-lemeshow goodness of fit test in R language regression

6. Implementation of LASSO regression, Ridge regression and Elastic Net model in R language

7. Realize Logistic Logistic regression in R language

8. Python predicts stock prices using linear regression

9. How to calculate IDI and NRI indices for R language in survival analysis and Cox regression