Xavier Amatriain,Quora Engineering VP. Take a look at his shared Quora recommendation system (REcommender Systems, which will also be shortened to Recsys) Build experience.

The mission of the site

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Quora data

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Lots of high quality text

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A lot of data correlation

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Quora’s recommendation system

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On Quora, recommendations are used in many places.

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Lessons learned from the recommendation system construction process

  1. implicit signals beat explicit ones (almost always)

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(Note: Explicit signals refer to feedback collected directly, such as asking users to rate, or clicking on a thumbs down/thumbs down button. Implicit signals refer to information analyzed by user behavior, such as user logs.)

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2.be thoughtful about your training data

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3. your model will learn what you teach it to learn

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4.explanations might matter more than the prediction

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5. if you have to pick one single approach, matrix factorization is your best bet

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6. everything is an ensemble

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7. building recommender systems is also about feature engineering

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8. why you should care about answering questions (about your recsys)

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9. Data and models are great. You know what’s even better? The right evaluation approach!

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10. You don’t need to distribute your recsys

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(Does it have to be distributed? Not really)

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Slide link: http://www.slideshare.net/xamat/recsys-2016-tutorial-lessons-learned-from-building-reallife-recommender-systems


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