JS senior

1. Problems of var declaration variables (disadvantages, features)

1. Pre-resolution will be sent, which can be used before declaration

console.log(a) //undefied
var a=10
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2. You can declare the same variable repeatedly

var b=10; / / 100 rows
var b=20; / / 1000 rows

var b 
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3. Var is used in the for loop and can be accessed externally

ES5 scope 【 global 】

Var I in for is equal to global var I

 for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
     // console.log(i);
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2. Characteristics of let declaration variables

1. Do not use it before declaring it

// let a **let is not pre-parsed
console.log(a)  / / an error
let a=10
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2. Do not declare the same variable repeatedly

let b=10
let b=200

/ / an error
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3. Use let in for

[let] have block-level scope (code segment wrapped in {})

for(let i=0; i<5; i++){// I is analogous to a function argument
console.log(i) / / an error
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Declare a constant using const

Constants differ from variables and are generally capitalized (all capitalized)

There are also block-level scopes

1. Once declared, it must be assigned

const Data
console.log(Data) / / an error
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2. The value cannot be modified

const Data =10
Data =20/ / an error
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3. Cannot use it before declaring it (because there is no pre-parsing)

const Data =10;
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4. Reference type. The reference address cannot be modified, and the value of the reference type can be modified

const Arr =[10.20.30]  // reference address assumption [0x0002]
Arr =[1.2.3]; // Cannot change reference address [0x0002]
Arr[1] =100;
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4. Object deconstruction and assignment syntax

 let obj = {
            name: "lh".age: "20".sex: "Male"
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// The left side of the equals sign is the global variable and the right side of the equals sign is the object
// We can use the destruct assignment syntax by having the same name as the key value of the object
// Break the value of the object and assign it to the variable
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1. Deconstruct everything

let {name,age,sex}=obj
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2. Partial deconstruction

let {name}=obj
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3. Deconstruct and rename

Use: no.Copy the code
let {name:myName}=obj
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4. Use only one of the methods or properties of the encapsulated object

let {random}=Math;
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Array destruct syntax

1. Completely deconstruct

let[a,b,c]=arr; D The global variable is not assignedconsole.log(a,b,c,d);
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2. Partial deconstruction

(Purpose: To simplify the code, the more the code is written, the more complex, not necessary)

// An array is an ordered collection of data
// Each individual variable is the 0th
// let [n]=arr;
// console.log(n);

// Just want to deconstruct the first data
// let [,b]=arr;
// console.log(b);
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3. Composite structure

let arr2=[1.2.3[10.20.30]].let [a,b,c,[d,e,f]]=arr2
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4. Application scenarios

 // Demand: Swap the values of two variables
let a = 10, b = 20;
[a, b] = [b, a]
console.log(a, b);
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String deconstruction syntax

As with array deconstruction, string nature

var str = 'It's a beautiful day'
// A string has the index and length characteristics of an array, so it is a pseudo-array
// Can be regarded as an array, using the array destruct syntax
let [a,b,c,d]=str;
str[1] ='day'
console.log(str); // The string is indexed, cannot be modified, can only be obtained
 var arr = 'What a beautiful day it is! '
let [a, b, c, d, e, f] = arr
list(a, b, c, d, e, f)      
function list() {
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7. Simplified writing of objects

 let name = 'lh';
        let age = 20;
        let gender = 'male';
// Requirement: Put global variables inside objects
// let obj={
   // name:naem,
   // age:age,
   // gender:gender
// }

// ES6 new syntax
// If the variable name is the same as the key value, we can write the key but not the value inside the object
// value The value is automatically filled
let obj = { name, age, gender,fu }
function fu(){
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Set default values for function parameters

//function Function name (parameter = default,...) {}

function fn(a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0){
return  a+b+c+d;
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Function parameter deconstruction assignment

1. Array parameters are used as arguments

function add([a,b,c]){
    return a+b+c
var arr=[1.2.3]
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2. Function arguments are unordered – objects (e.g. $. Ajax methods are interchangeable within URL types

function getVal({x,y,z}){
    Let {x,y,z}=obj
  var obj={

        var arr=[10.20.50]
        function add([a,b,c]){
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Rest parameters – Rest parameters

Using rest parameters

Arguments return an array; Arguments return a pseudo-array. Rest arguments can be traversed using foreach, arguments cannot be traversed using foreachCopy the code

【 grammar 】…. parameter

function add(. rest){
      var sum=0
return sum
function app(. list){
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Supplement to expand

Residual parameter Gets the remaining parameters of the previous parameter in the format of an array

 // Not sure if there is the first or more entries
 The rest argument is just a name
 // Rest parameters cannot be placed in the middle, they must be placed last
function fn(a,b,c,... d){
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Expand the use of operators

1. Use in arrays

let arr=[] is equivalent to arr[0],arr[1]
console.log(... arr)Copy the code

2. Use it in strings

let str='Eat bangles tonight'
console.log(... str);Copy the code

3. Use it in objects

let obj={
// console.log(... obj);
// Put the obJ internal key-value pair inside another object
console.log({sex:'male'. obj});Copy the code

Twelve, expand the use of operators

1. The values in the array are used as function parameters

function fn(a,b,c,d){
var arr=[] fn(... arr)Copy the code

2. Merge arrays

           // If the key is the same, the last one overwrites the previous one
        var arr1=[1.2.3]
        var arr2=[10.20.30]
        var newArr=[...arr1,...arr2]

        let obj={
        let obj2={
        // let newObj=[{...obj,...obj2}]
        // console.log(newObj);
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3. Develop

 // Extend object.assign to merge objects
        // Usage: Merge the object starting with the second argument into the first object
let  newObj=Object.assign({},obj,obj2);
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