“This is the 21st day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge.
First to a piece of the map of the corgi, to their point of encouragement
Getting to know component applications
Instantiate multiple VUE objects
Global components
Definition and Use
Data is a function
Local components
Parent passes values/references to children: props
Static by value
Dynamic transfer: V-bind
Child to parent: Event passes value $emit
Use scaffolding to create projects and use components and pass values
Getting to know component applications
Instantiate multiple VUE objects
Example: Object 2 modifies the name variable of object 1
<! -- first root element -->
<div id="vue-app-one">{{name}}</div>
<! -- second root element -->
<div id="vue-app-two">
<button @click="changeName">change-one-name</button>
<! Vue app-one name = vue app-one
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// The first vue object
var one = new Vue({
el:"#vue-app-one".data: {"name":"ccy1"}})// Second vue object
var two = new Vue({
el:"#vue-app-two".data: {"name":"ccy2"
methods: {// Change the name of vue-app-one to 'ccy333'
one.name = 'ccy333'}}})Copy the code
Effect: Click and modify “CCY1” to “CCY333”
Global components
Definition and Use
- To define a global component, you need to give the component a name. When called, the component name is used as the label name. Equivalent to a custom tag, this tag can contain many child HTML tags;
- These child HTML tags are defined in the template property of the component, and the tags in the template are rendered each time the component is called
- The template must have only one root element
- In a component, data is a function that returns data back
- You can still use this to call data defined in data
Defining components:
The rendered HTML has a P tag that contains a button. When the button is clicked, change the name and the naming convention: CamelCase (camel name) and Kebab-case (dash dash name)
- When writing labels with uppercase letters, change the names to lowercase letters and use crossbars to link the two parts. For example, if you define components as myComponent, write labels as < my-Component >.
- Components can also be defined using bar names;
- If you define myComponent and the tag < my-Component > is OK, the system automatically recognizes it
// Custom global my-component
// Template has only one root element, the p tag, which contains a button
Vue.component('my-component', {template:`<p>
<button @click='changeName()'>btn</button>
return {
name:'ccy'}},methods: {changeName:function(){
this.name = '安之'}}})// vue object 1
new Vue({
el:"#vue-app-one",})// vue object 2
new Vue({
el:"#vue-app-two",})Copy the code
Using components:
The component can be used in any vUE object. The component can be used multiple times in a VUE object, and the components are independent of each other
<div id="vue-app-one">
<div id="vue-app-two">
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Data is a function
In a VUE object, the data property value is an object, such as this:
However, in a global component, the same copy of data may be used by multiple VUE objects. If each object does not maintain a separate copy of data, if one VUE object modifies a variable in data, other VUE objects’ acquisition of data will be affected.
Using the example above, if the data in the component is an object (reference) and nothing else changes, both VUE objects share the same name variable; When I change the name data from one of the VUE objects (clicking on either BTN button), the name of the other object is also changed (‘ ccy ‘at the other button is also changed to’ An ‘)
Therefore, to ensure data independence, that is, each instance can maintain an independent copy of the returned object, data returns a copy of the newly created data for each instance, and the data obtained by different VUE objects do not affect each other
In vscode, data in a component is not allowed to be an object.
[Vue warn]: The “data” option should be a function that returns a per-instance value in component definitions.
Local components
- Local components are registered in some VUE object,
- This local component can only be used by VUE objects that have registered it
Example: local component definition:
// Template has only one root element: ul
var msgComponent = {
// The data is self-provided (hobbies)
template:`<ul><li v-for='hobby in hobbies' v-bind:key='hobby.id'>{{hobby}}</li></ul>`.data(){
return {
hobbies: ['now'.'Watch anime'.'Eat good food']}}}Copy the code
Register local components:
// this can only be used by vue objects that have registered the local component, in this case div#vue-app-one
// Pay attention to the naming conventions. The key of the components object will be used as the tag name
// can be written as msg-component.
new Vue({
el:"#vue-app-one".components: {"msg": msgComponent
Copy the code
< MSG >
<div id="vue-app-one">
<p>Here is the vue - app - one</p>
<p>My hobbies:</p>
<msg></msg> <! -- Using local components -->
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Effect:The parts circled in red are renderings of local components
Parent passes value/reference to child: prop
Static by value
Create child components:
var titleComponent = {
props: ["title"].template:`<p>{{title}}</p>`
// The required data title is provided by the parent component
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Register child components in the parent component’s Components property:
new Vue({
el:"#vue-app-one".components: {"msg": msgComponent,
Copy the code
Using child components on parent components:
<! -- div#vue-app-one -->
<div id="vue-app-one">
<p>Here is the vue - app - one</p>
<! -- Use the subcomponent title- Component and pass the value "My favorite:" to the subcomponent -->
<title-component title="My hobby:"></title-component>
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Effect: The red box marks the parent passing the value to the child and displaying it
Dynamic transfer: V-bind
Define child components:
var titleComponent = {
props: ["title"].template:`<p>{{title}}</p>`
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Register child components in the parent component’s Components property:
new Vue({
el:"#vue-app-one".components: {"msg": msgComponent,
return {
title:"my hobbies are ",}}})Copy the code
Use the child component to dynamically pass values by binding the title variable in the parent component data:
<! -- div#vue-app-one -->
<div id="vue-app-one">
<p>Here is the vue - app - one</p>
<! -- dynamic binding title -->
<title-component v-bind:title="title"></title-component>
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The effect: The red box shows the dynamic binding of data
When passing complex data such as arrays, you can also use V-bind to pass values dynamically, for example:
You need to pass the hobbies array to the children,Create the data hobbies in the VUE instance object (parent):
new Vue({
el:"#vue-app-one".components: {"msg": msgComponent,
data: {title:"my hobbies are ".hobbies: ['now'.'Watch anime'.'Eat good food'].// Data that needs to be passed to child components}})Copy the code
Define child components:
var msgComponent = {
template:` {{hobby}}
`.props: ["hobby"].data(){
return{}}}Copy the code
Using child components:
<! -- div#vue-app-one -->
<div id="vue-app-one">
<p>Here is the vue - app - one</p>
<mycomponent name="ccy"></mycomponent>
<mycomponent name="ccy"></mycomponent>
<title-component v-bind:title="title"></title-component>
<! -- Hobbies -->
<msg v-for="hobby in hobbies" v-bind:hobby="hobby" v-bind:key="hobby.id"></msg>
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Jump back to “a little thought.
Child to parent: Event passes value $emit
The child component cannot pass data to the parent through prop. Instead, it needs to throw a value to the parent using an event that tells the parent that I need to implement a function and the parent handles the event
Example: click the button and change the name chinesename (because the data variable name does not support Chinese-name and chinesename is not supported in curly braces)
Define chinesename’s initial value in the parent component’s data:
new Vue({
el:"#vue-app-one".data: {chinesename:"anzhi" // chinesename initial value}})Copy the code
Create the child component and register the change-name event (like the click event, the system needs to recognize it as an event and listen for it to perform some agreed action when the event is triggered) :
Vue.component('blog-post', {
props: ['chinesename'].template:
// The blog-post component contains an H3, displays Chinesename, and a button
// Click the button to trigger the change-name event, passing "ruosu" as an argument to the specified handler onChangeName
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Use the child component in the parent component and define the change-name handler as onChangeName:
<div id="vue-app-one">
<p>Here is the vue - app - one</p>
<! -- v-bind: pass chinesename initial value to child component via prop -->
<! -- V-on: Child component passes new Chinesename value to parent component via $emit -->
<div id="blog-posts-events-demo">
v-on:change-name = "onChangeName"
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Define the event handler onChangeName on the parent component:
new Vue({
el:"#vue-app-one".data: {chinesename:"anzhi"
methods: {onChangeName:function(value){
// Replace Chinesename with passed data
Copy the code
A little idea
About the difference between components, and the father and the son write summary here, or to learn the new knowledge in the future to fill the pit ┗ | ` O ‘| ┛ ao ~ ~
The official website does not clearly indicate the definition and difference between the two. After searching online, I find that many people recognize and understand the following:
- The root element specified by el is the parent (where used is the parent)
- Vue instance objects can also be considered components
In the previous parent-child example, we can see that the local component is registered and used in an HTML root element, so the root element specified by el is the parent of the local component in the HTML file, and the local component is a part of the parent when it is used in HTML. Assume the responsibility of data transfer Jump to the case of dynamic value transfer from parent to child
The title-component is defined as a local component and a sub-component that needs to be registered to be used. The title-component is defined as a sub-component that needs to be registered to use. In use, it is a contained part of the root element, which is the parent component, and it is responsible for the communication between the parent component and its children
This summary also applies in the case of a global component, where the root element of the global component is the parent, as in the case above, where children pass values to their parents, div#vue-app-one is the parent, and
Here is:
If it is a child component that nested a child component, the nested component is a child child component, and so on
Use scaffolding to create projects and use components and pass values
CLI scaffolding installation steps can be found in this article. Using CLI scaffolding to create projects is simple and quick, especially since page content and data delivery need to be written in a. Vue file, each vue file is a module. We complete a specific function by reasonably assembling each module (component), the coordination between components and the role of parent-child transmission value is more obvious here. Each VUE file can be viewed as a component, and the page can be divided as required into sections such as the navigation bar, the middle content, and the bottom three sections. The implementation of each part is divided into sub-components, including page presentation and data acquisition.
Such as custom blog page:
The main page is composed of vuE-APP main components, including navigation bar, middle part and bottom bar
The navigation bar is completed by the Vue-header child component
The intermediate content is divided according to functions
- Add blog: addBlob child component
- Show blogs: showBlob subcomponent
- Modify blog: modifyBlob subcomponent
- Click to display individual blog content: singleBlob subcomponent
The bottom information bar is completed by vue-footer except for the main page, other sub-parts and components are divided according to functions to assist the display of the main page
The diagram of the value transfer from the father to the son of a personal blogger is as follows:
- Each sub-function is composed of different components, which are put together into a larger functional component
- Click show single blog and modify blog components both need to obtain the blog ID from the main page to display and operate accordingly, which is a typical parent to child transmission of values
Well, that’s all for this sharing. Thank you for your support