This article will show you how to quickly develop a Web application using safe.js.


In this article, I will simply create a page similar to a search engine

This article will not explain how each sentence of safe.js code works. If you want to know more, please click here:…


First we will create a demo.html file with the basic structure in it and import the safe.js file with script tags: (safe.js Gitee link:

<! DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Safe.js Demo</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body> <script src="js/Safe.js"></script> <script> </script> </body> </html>Copy the code

Then we write an IMG tag inside the <body> tag as the logo image of our search engine. Here I first use baidu’s logo image, and then set the height of the image to 120px and the ID to logo:

<img height="120px" id="logo" src="">Copy the code

Next we’ll set the text-align property of the body tag to center.

At this point we can use safe.js, please write the following code in <script> :

new safeInit({
    el: "body",
    css: {
        textAlign: "center"
})Copy the code

When we open the browser, we can see that the style is already there.

At this point we write two <br> under the img tag (for aesthetics……)

And then an input tag with the ID text and nothing else.

Then we will write safe.js code in <script> :

New safeInit({el: "#text", attr: {type: "text", placeHolder: "placeHolder"), CSS: {height: "45px", width: "580px", border: "1px solid gray", outline: "none", fontSize: "18px", padding: "10px", boxSizing: "border-box" } })Copy the code

And then I’m going to put a pair of button tags behind the input, id BTN, inside which I’m going to say “search”

Then we will write safe.js code in <script> :

new safeInit({
    el: "#btn",
    css: {
        height: "45px",
        width: "90px",
        background: "#38f",
        outline: "none",
        border: "none",
        color: "white",
        fontSize: "18px",
})Copy the code

Now let’s open the browser and look at the styles:

Look, the search box and the button appear on the screen!

Now let’s look at the overall code:

<! DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Safe.js Demo</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body> <img height="120px" Id = "logo" SRC = "" > < br > < br > < input id = "text" > < button id = "BTN" > search < / button > < script src="js/Safe.js"></script> <script> new safeInit({ el: "body", css: { textAlign: "center" } }) new safeInit({ el: "#text", attr: {type: "text", placeHolder: "}, CSS: {height: "45px", width: "40px ", border: "1px solid gray", outline: "none", fontSize: "18px", padding: "10px", boxSizing: "border-box" } }) new safeInit({ el: "#btn", css: { height: "45px", width: "90px", background: "#38f", outline: "none", border: "none", color: "white", fontSize: "18px", } }) </script> </body> </html>Copy the code

And now we add another attribute: click to the safeInit method whose el attribute is # BTN

Now the safeInit method with the el attribute # BTN looks like this:

new safeInit({ el: "#btn", css: { height: "45px", width: "90px", background: "#38f", outline: "none", border: "none", color: "white", fontSize: "18px", }, click: Function (){alert(" + document.getelementById ("text").value); }})Copy the code

Ok, now let’s run the demo.html file:

When you click on BTN, you will see that we have succeeded:

The end:

Is it particularly convenient? It’s only 50 lines of code, and the code with safe.js is very readable!

Finally, release the entire code and safe.js download address:

<! DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Safe.js Demo</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body> <img height="120px" Id = "logo" SRC = "" > < br > < br > < input id = "text" > < button id = "BTN" > search < / button > < script src="js/Safe.js"></script> <script> new safeInit({ el: "body", css: { textAlign: "center" } }) new safeInit({ el: "#text", attr: {type: "text", placeHolder: "}, CSS: {height: "45px", width: "40px ", border: "1px solid gray", outline: "none", fontSize: "18px", padding: "10px", boxSizing: "border-box" } }) new safeInit({ el: "#btn", css: { height: "45px", width: "90px", background: "#38f", outline: "none", border: "none", color: }, click: function(){alert(" + document.getelementById ("text").value); } }) </script> </body> </html>Copy the code

Safe.js download address: