Introduction: In July 2021, Quick BI public cloud version iteration new functions: blockbuster launch of extempore analysis, template market, analysis threshold further lowered; Launched enterprise wechat seamless docking, mobile terminal category personality configuration and management to enhance multi-terminal capabilities; Data modeling and configuration interaction upgrade to drag-and-drop mode to improve efficiency, new data sources and group space file upload capability; Row and column permission security upgrade, configuration more flexible and refined.

Quick BI — BI product used by all customers on Aliyun (the only BI selected in magic quadrant OF Gartner ABI in China), seamlessly interconnecting with various kinds of cloud databases and self-built databases, greatly improving the efficiency of data analysis and report development. The 0-code mouse drag-and-drop operation interaction enables business personnel to easily realize massive data visualization analysis.

This new iteration is a big step forward

01 Extemporaneous analysis + industry template use threshold to lower

  • The ability of the dashboard continues to improve: the new “Template Market” provides industry and best practice templates, covering the Internet, retail, finance and other industries, plug and play, enabling enterprises to reuse the experience of industry experts with one click
  • Launch industry template market: Provide industry best practice kanban, covering the Internet, retail, finance and other industries, plug and play, one-click help enterprises reuse industry expertise

02 Multi-terminal upgrade power mobile viewing number

  • Enrich multi-terminal docking: upgrade again, launch “enterprise wechat” seamless docking
  • Category management of mobile terminal: Reports can be customized to realize the experience of reading data from thousands of faces on the enterprise mobile terminal

03 Configure data source extension

  • Comprehensive improvement of data modeling configuration: comprehensive improvement of interactive experience, and the drag and drop mode
  • Continuously enriching data sources: Oceanbase and Kylin data sources are added, and file upload capabilities are added to the group space

04 Security upgrade Rights control is improved

  • Line and column permission control security upgrade: The configuration is refined and the flexibility is upgraded. For medium and large enterprises in complex organizations, the permission control capability is greatly improved

Please look at the details below to say:

Visual analysis module capability upgrade

  • Function 1: The new “Template Market” (special function of professional version) Quick BI team provides industry and best practice templates, covering the Internet, retail, finance and other industries, plug and play; Enterprises can customize enterprise templates and support other users to apply and modify the templates. One set of analysis templates can be quickly reused to service scenarios

See template details:…

  • Function 2: Add 6 sets of theme templates, and support card background, color absorption, card spacing, gradient mode, title size and other configuration; Improve the flexibility of user configuration to meet the personalized visual needs of each business side, and add more cool templates to reduce the configuration threshold

  • Function 3: Added the remarks and endnote functions to support the insertion of dynamic conditions and summary indicators. It is used to note auxiliary information and analyze insights, making the dashboard more visible and readable

  • Function 4: Query the row-level permission of the control. The default value takes effect according to the row-level permission. The default value of query control is generated based on row-level permission, so that the access user does not need to switch, and the experience is more friendly

Launch of the new module “Ad-hoc Analysis” (a feature unique to professional edition)

  • Function 1: Display in the form of a table, support to directly drag and drop field values from the data panel to generate a table; Allow the assembly of different dimensions, combination to form a plane, to achieve more multidimensional analysis scene

  • Function 2: Support a variety of calculations, sorting, formatting and other operations in the table area

  • Function 3: You can directly drag dimension values into the control area to generate filtering conditions without complex condition configuration

Mobile terminal capabilities are upgraded to fully connect with enterprise wechat

  • Function 1: Support enterprise wechat and wechat application configuration, wechat account login and access without password (special function of professional edition)

  • Function 2: Chart jump overall optimization, support page call; Make the interaction smoother

  • Function 3: Supports the configuration of the visible scope of the category directory

Data source & data modeling is fully updated

  • Function 1: The group space supports file upload and adds data sources Oceanbase and Kylin
  • Function 2: Data modeling interactive upgrade, added the ability of batch configuration of fields, new computing field reference time field, field selection, etc. Improving the interactive data modeling experience across the board, the drag-and-drop wysiWYg pattern makes modeling easier to read and configure

Control power upgrade, make data more secure

  • Function 1: The row permission can be configured based on multiple conditions, enumeration value or label authorization. Multiple conditions can be configured to flexibly adapt to organization permission scenarios and refine data management and control to ensure data security. It is mainly used in complex organizations and enterprises to divide the data scope according to regions and business modules, so that different users can see different business data results on the same dashboard. For example, the person in charge of North China can only see the relevant data of North China, while the person in charge of headquarters can see the relevant data of all regions.

  • Function 2: Column permission supports field visibility and data desensitization rule configuration, making sensitive field control more refined; It is mainly used to divide the range of data fields by departments, such as the visible cost field of the financial department and the invisible cost field of the Marketing Department.

Quick BI — BI product used by all customers on Aliyun (the only BI selected in magic quadrant OF Gartner ABI in China), seamlessly interconnecting with various kinds of cloud databases and self-built databases, greatly improving the efficiency of data analysis and report development. The 0-code mouse drag-and-drop operation interaction enables business personnel to easily realize massive data visualization analysis.

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