“This is the first day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”
The React Router is one of the most popular libraries in the React ecosystem, with more than 600 downloads per week on NPM and 45.2K star ratings on Github. The React Router has gone through several iterations and significant changes. The latest version is 6.0.2, which is a big change compared with the previous 5.x version. Both usage and performance have been significantly improved. This article will also use the way of comparing the old version with the new version to make you get started with the new usage as soon as possible
This article will focus on the following 6 points to learn react-router@6:
Use change<Switch/>
Replace with<Routes/>
- Nested routines are written in a new way
- How to implement route redirection
- How to implement route redirection
- Use of new Hook
Use change
The usage / / 5. X
<Route path="/home" component={Home} />
<Route path="/login" render={()= ><Login/>} / >
The usage / / 6. X
<Route path="/home" element={<Home/>} / >
<Route path="/login" element={<Login/>} / >
Copy the code
Replace with<Routes/>
The v6 version removes the
must be wrapped in
The usage / / 5. X
<Route path="/home" component={Home} />
<Route path="/login" component={Login} />
The usage / / 6. X
<Route path="/home" element={<Home/>} / ><Route path="/login" element={<Login/>} / ></Routes>
Copy the code
Embedded routines by
React-router v6 supports multiple nested routines:
The first way to write it is to continue the V5 version and keep the original component structure
This is suitable for refactoring projects, where you can transition to v6 without changing too much code
// App.jsx <Routes> <Route path="/home" element={<Home/>} / > <Route path="/user/*" element={<User/>} / > </Routes> // User.jsx <Routes> <Route path="profile" element={<UserProfile/>} / ><Route path=":/id" element={<UserDetail/>} / ></Routes> Copy the code
In app.jsx, the path attribute of
must end with an asterisk (path=”/user/*”), and the path of the child component user.jsx does not need to start with a /
If the nested
path attribute does not start with a /, it is relative to its parent path. The advantage of this is that it is much easier to implement nested routines, and it is easier to combine complex routes and layouts, so there is no need to write the entire path as in V5. Mom no longer has to worry about me writing the wrong address
The second way is to write all
together and use
to display the Route component // App.jsx <Routes> <Route path="/home" element={<Home/>} / > <Route path="/user" element={<User/>} ><Route path="profile" element={<UserProfile/>} / ><Route path=":/id" element={<UserDetail/>} / ></Route> </Routes> // User.jsx <Outlet/> Copy the code
This gives us a clearer view of the routing structure, allows us to better manage our routing, and
allows us to more precisely place nested routing components where they need to be displayed.
are rendered to the location of
in the user.jsx file when routing matches.) If you want to render a Route by default when the user accesses /user, you can add the index attribute to the
component to make it the default Route, as follows: Render the
component content when the user accesses /user // App.jsx <Routes> <Route path="/home" element={<Home/>} / > <Route path="/user" element={<User/>} ><Route path="profile" element={<UserProfile/>} index /> <Route path=":/id" element={<UserDetail/>} / ></Route> </Routes> Copy the code
Third, use useRoutes() to configure the route
Using useRoutes to configure Routes has the same effect as
, except that this method uses javascript to generate Routes, does not depend on JSX, and returns the routing component tree of the corresponding structure. Do you have any? function App(){ // The following method has the same effect as the second one const element = useRoutes([ {path:'/home'.element:<Home/>}, { path:'/user'.element:<User/>, children:[ {path:'profile'.element:<UserProfile/>}, {path:':/id'.element:<UserDetail/>}},]])return element } Copy the code
Each of the above three methods has its own advantages, and developers can choose one of them to implement your nesting method according to their own needs
The new version of the React – Router removes the Redirect/> component, but can use the new
<Route path="/home" element={<Home/>} / >
<Route path="/" element={<Navigate to="/home"/>} ></Routes>
Copy the code
Routing hop
After the route is configured, it is inevitable to redirect the page. However, the history object is removed from the new version of The React – Router, so history (including useHistory hook) of the V5 version cannot be used. We can use the following two methods to redirect the page
Jumping to or
is almost the same as the previous version, the only difference is that the
component is highlighted (highlighted using the style or className callback function, as follows).
/ / the v5 version <NavLink to="/home" activeStyle={{color:'#f00'}} > home page < / NavLink ><NavLink to="/home" activeClassName="active">Home page</NavLink> / / v6 version <NavLink to="/home" style={({isActive})= >(isActive? {color: '# f00'}, {})} > home page</NavLink> <NavLink to="/home" className={({isActive})= >isActive? 'current' : ' '} > home page</NavLink> Copy the code
already has an active class for highlighting by default, which can be used directly without additional Settings -
Sometimes we can’t use useNavigate() to jump to a different page based on the value of an Ajax request. In this case, we have to use JS to jump to a different page. Although the new version of react router has removed the history object, However, useNavigate() hook is provided to realize route jump, and the usage method is as follows
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; let navigate = useNavigate(); navigate(`/home`); // Jump without keeping browsing records navigate(`/home`, {replace:true}); // return to the previous page navigate(-1) // Object jump navigate({ pathname:'/home' }) Copy the code
Note that in v6 react-Router, if a jump path does not start with a slash, it is a relative path, relative to its parent route path. This setting gives us better control over the jump
Routing and the cords
We all know that you can implement special functions by passing parameters to the target page when routing jumps, but the new react-Router has removed history, location, and match from the props, as well as withRouter higher-order components. So you cannot use the old version of the way to participate in receiving, the new version of the usage is as follows
Search the parameter
let navigate = useNavigate(); navigate(`/home? page=1&size=10`); navigate({ pathname:'/home'.search:'page=1&size=10' }); Copy the code
It is also very simple to receive parameters in the corresponding component, using useSearchParams hook to receive, and get URLSearchParams object and set the search parameter function composed of data
function Home(){ const [searchParams,setSearchParams] = useSearchParams() searchParams.get('page');/ / 1 searchParams.get('size');/ / 10 return ( <div>Home page</div>)}Copy the code
Dynamic route parameter transmission
<Route path="/user" element={<User/>} ><Route path=":/id" element={<UserDetail/>} / > </Route> Copy the code
After the preceding routes are configured, you can use useParams hook in the
component to obtain the ID 123 when switching to /user/123 function UserDetail(){ const {id} = useParams() return ( <div>id:{id}</div>)}Copy the code
The state parameter can be passed through ,
, or useNavigate. The usage is as follows: <Link to="/home" state={{idx:1.key:'qf'</Link> navigate('/home', {state: {idx:1.key:'qf'}}) Copy the code
Get the state value from the useLocation hook in the home page component
function Home(){ const {state} = useLocation(); state.idx; / / 1 state.key; // qf return ( <div>Home page</div>)}Copy the code
In addition, the React route also supports other functions such as SSR server rendering. Due to space limit, I will not elaborate on these functions here. Please follow me if you are interested.
That’s all for this article, which gives you an overview of the new version of React – Router6 so you can use it in your projects.
See the react to the router’s website documents: reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6