Answer: The problem with this operator is that if there is only one global execution environment, but the web page contains multiple frames,

That means there are more than two different global execution environments, which means there are more than two different versions of array,

If you pass an array from one framework to another, the array passed in and the second one created natively will have their own constructors, and that will be the end of the story

Is the above paragraph confusing? Ha ha ha, I was also meng, I was writing this paragraph of time just a little bit of perception out, don’t understand it doesn’t matter, I give you a 🌰

Why is instanceof understandable? It’s who’s who’s dad

If → you instanceof me

Does that mean I’m your father? And the answer is yes, you see, and the reason why arrays don’t work is because this can only be used in one room

But suppose there are two houses now, one with John and the other with Tom

They both have sons. One day, John sent his son to Borrow some soy sauce from Li Si.

When the third son of Zhang went, there were two sons in the house of Li Si.

At this time if someone asks Zhang SAN’s son, Li Si is your father?

Zhang SAN son affirmation answer is not ah, that this time passer-by is strange, this room clearly only li Si, that this is who son?

If you don’t get this far… You just have to kill me