Relational database

The most typical data structure of a relational database is a table, which is a data organization composed of two-dimensional tables and their connections.

Advantages: 1, easy to maintain: are the use of table structure, consistent format; 2, easy to use: SQL language universal, can be used for complex query; 3, complex operations: support SQL, can be used for a table and multiple tables between very complex queries.

Disadvantages: 1. Poor read and write performance, especially efficient read and write of massive data; 2, fixed table structure, flexibility slightly less; 3, high concurrent read and write requirements, for traditional relational database, disk I/O is a big bottleneck.

Non – relational database

A non-relational database is not strictly a database, but rather a collection of structured storage methods for data, either document or key-value equivalence.

Advantages: 1, flexible format: the format of storage data can be key,value form, document form, picture form and so on, document form, picture form and so on, flexible use, wide application scenarios, and relational database only supports the basic type. 2, fast: NoSQL can use hard disk or ram as a carrier, and relational database can only use hard disk; 3, high scalability; 4. Low cost: NoSQL database is simple to deploy and is basically open source software.

Disadvantages: 1, does not provide SQL support, high cost of learning and using; 2. No transaction processing; 3, the data structure is relatively complex, complex query is a little short.

Non-relational database classification and comparison: 1, document type 2, key-value type 3, column database 4, graphics database

Common relational databases and non-relational data and their differences – Aaronthon – Blog park

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