HI, everyone, 2018 is coming to an end. In this full autumn season, QueryPHP, which cowboy has been working on for 2 years, will welcome its first test version.

Back in February 2009, I started learning PHP while developing it. In 2009, I launched my first open source project, Dyhb.blog, which is an independent BLOG without any framework.

From the early days of native PHP development, the smart template engine at the beginning, to today’s PHP7, Swoole, Composer, Laravel, etc., the world of PHP is changing rapidly. Growing up over the years, I’ve seen countless PHP frameworks and wheels, and I’ve always felt the urge to build wheels.

In 2016, I saw teacher Han Tianfeng’s “PHP7+Swoole Development of Ultra-high performance background Program — Han Tianfeng @phpCon2016”, and I was very excited, which mentioned a combination of ultra-high performance.

I think it would be nice if I could make a set of combinations like this, and analyze the basic requirements for making such a set.

We don’t have to worry about PHP 7, we don’t have to worry about Redis, we don’t have to worry about Swoole. The most troublesome are phalcon and YAF, and a framework to connect them.

After going to Zephir and solving the phalcon and Yaf problem, we finally came up with the complete solution.

We think the performance of PHP applications is very important and the development of pleasure also needs to be considered, and that’s why we have developed the QueryPHP framework to achieve great ideals.

  • PHP 7 – We choose the lowest version of 7.1.3 because PHP7 has a unique advantage over the earlier version.

  • Leevel – We provides an optional c extension to takeover core components of the framework,such as ioc, log, cache.

  • Swoole – Enable PHP developers to write high-performance, scalable, concurrent TCP, UDP, Unix socket, HTTP, Websocket services in PHP programming language.

  • Redis – QueryPHP encapsulation a cache component, including files, redis and so on, so as to reduce the pressure of database.

PHP 7 is done, Leevel optional extension framework implementation is also done, Leevel high performance PHP extension development framework, based on zephir Chinese version of Min Phalcon.

Redis is done, providing a generic cache component, including Redis.


Swoole also made some improvements to get it done, and it was finally taken down in the first version, in order to get the main framework released, basically the percent unit test coverage completely took up the time to develop Swoole, and Swoole development was a major feature of our later versions.

Our vision is USE LEEVEL WITH SWOOLE DO BETTER, without SWOOLE part of the vision is not perfect.


Update logs and main features

  • 100% unit test coverage (spent 8 months doing just one thing, writing unit tests refactoring piece by piece, complete coverage)

  • Laravel (borrowed a lot of features from Laravel as well as other frameworks such as Symfony)

  • Strict_types = 1 PHP 7 strict_types = 1

  • PHP 7 Type hints (it is only possible to provide certain parameter types and return value types for each method)

  • Dependency injection (complete implementation, key MVC, command line script, event listener all connected to IOC)

  • Dome-driven design (innovative on bogeyman QeePHP with UntiOfWork, Repository, Specification, getter Setter Entity)

  • Leevel optional extension takes over the underlying core

  • Swoole support, future improvements

  • Swagger – PHP annotation route design based on OpenApi 3.0 specification, document route is done in one step

  • Underlying all function modular managed by composer packagist.org/packages/le…

  • More features…

Launch of Open Source in China

As a framework just released, there are still many shortcomings, we hope you can give us your opinions, if you think it is good, you can also give us a star.

  • Gitee.com/dyhb/queryp…

  • Github.com/hunzhiwange…