is a simple, elegant, extensible PHP Web Scraper (crawler/spider) ,based on phpQuery.
API Documentation
Chinese document
- Have the same CSS3 DOM selector as jQuery
- Have the same DOM manipulation API as jQuery
- Have a generic list crawling program
- Have a strong HTTP request suite, easy to achieve such as: simulated landing, forged browser, HTTP proxy and other complex network requests
- Have a messy code solution
- Have powerful content filtering, you can use the jQuey selector to filter content
- Has a high degree of modular design, scalability and strong
- Have an expressive API
- Has a wealth of plug-ins
Through plug-ins you can easily implement things like:
- Multithreaded crawl
- Crawl JavaScript dynamic rendering page (PhantomJS/headless WebKit)
- Image downloads to local
- Simulate browser behavior such as submitting Form forms
- Web crawler
- .
By Composer installation:
composer require jaeger/querylist
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DOM Traversal and Manipulation
- Crawl “GitHub” all Picture Links
QueryList: :get('https://github.com')->find('img')->attrs('src');Copy the code
- Crawl Google search results
$ql = QueryList: :get('https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=QueryList');
$ql->find('title')->text(); //The page title
$ql->find('meta[name=keywords]')->content; //The page keywords
$ql->find('h3>a')->texts(); //Get a list of search results titles
$ql->find('h3>a')->attrs('href'); //Get a list of search results links
$ql->find('img')->src; //Gets the link address of the first image
$ql->find('img:eq(1)')->src; //Gets the link address of the second image
$ql->find('img')->eq(2)->src; //Gets the link address of the third image
// Loop all the images
$ql->find('img')->map(function($img) {
echo $img->alt; //Print the alt attribute of the image
});Copy the code
- More usage
$ql->find('#head')->append('<div>Append content</div>')->find('div')->htmls();
$ql->find('.two')->children('img')->attrs('alt'); // Get the class is the "two" element under all img child nodes
// Loop class is the "two" element under all child nodes
$data = $ql->find('.two')->children()->map(function ($item) {
// Use "is" to determine the node type
if($item->is('a')) {
return $item->text();
return $item->alt;
$ql->find('div > p')->add('div > ul')->filter(':has(a)')->find('p:first')->nextAll()->andSelf()->.
$ql->find('div.old')->replaceWith( $ql->find('div.new')->clone())->appendTo('.trash')->prepend('Deleted')->.Copy the code
Encode convert
// Out charset :UTF-8
// In charset :GB2312
QueryList: :get('https://top.etao.com')->encoding('UTF-8'.'GB2312')->find('a')->texts();
// Out charset:UTF-8
// In charset:Automatic Identification
QueryList: :get('https://top.etao.com')->encoding('UTF-8')->find('a')->texts();Copy the code
Submit forms
Login GitHub
// Get the QueryList instance
$ql = QueryList: :getInstance();
// Get the login form
$form = $ql->get('https://github.com/login')->find('form');
// Fill in the GitHub username and password
$form->find('input[name=login]')->val('your github username or email');
$form->find('input[name=password]')->val('your github password');
// Serialize the form data
$fromData = $form->serializeArray();
$postData = [];
foreach ($fromData as $item) {
$postData[$item['name']] = $item['value'];
// Submit the login form
$actionUrl = 'https://github.com'.$form->attr('action');
// To determine whether the login is successful
// echo $ql->getHtml();
$userName = $ql->find('.header-nav-current-user>.css-truncate-target')->text();
echo 'Login successful ! Welcome:'.$userName;
echo 'Login failed !';
}Copy the code
Plugin used
- Use the PhantomJS plugin to crawl JavaScript dynamically rendered pages:
// Set the PhantomJS binary file path during installation
$ql = QueryList: :use(PhantomJs: :class.'/usr/local/bin/phantomjs');
//Crawl "500px" all Picture Links
$data = $ql->browser('https://500px.com/editors')->find('img')->attrs('src');
// Use the HTTP proxy
'--proxy' = > ''.
'--proxy-type' = > 'http'
])Copy the code
- Using the CURL multithreading plug-in, multi-threaded crawling GitHub trending :
$ql = QueryList: :use(CurlMulti: :class);
//. more urls
// Called if task is success
->success(function (QueryList $ql.CurlMulti $curl.$r) {
echo "Current url:{$r['info'] ['url']} \r\n";
$data = $ql->find('h3 a')->texts();
// Task fail callback
->error(function ($errorInfo.CurlMulti $curl) {
echo "Current url:{$errorInfo['info'] ['url']} \r\n";
// Maximum number of threads
'maxThread' = > 10.
// Number of error retries
'maxTry' = > 3.
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Welcome to contribute code for the QueryList. About Contributing Plugins can be viewed:QueryList Plugin Contributing Guide
If this library is useful for you, say thanks buying me a beer !
QueryList is licensed under the license of MIT. See the LICENSE for more details.