To be a truly qualified programmer, should have the quality. 1: Team spirit and collaboration Team spirit and writing ability are the most basic qualities a programmer should have. Software engineering has been around for nearly 30 years, and software development today is not programming, it's engineering. Loners can write programs and make money, but that's what it takes to get into r&d teams and work on commercialized and productized projects. It is no exaggeration to say that this quality is the foundation of a programmer and even a team. Documentation is the lifeblood of a software system. No matter how good or technical a company's products are, if there is no lack of documentation, knowledge will not be inherited, and the company is still a software workshop for processing materials. As a coder, you must spend 30% of your working time writing technical documentation. Programmers without documentation are doomed. 3: Standardized code writing habits Of well-known software companies have clearly defined variable naming, annotation format, and even the length of indented lines in nesting and the number of empty lines between functions. Good writing habits are not only conducive to code transplantation and error correction, but also conducive to collaboration between different technical personnel. Some so-called masters even shout that the code written by the master can not be understood by ordinary people, I can only say that he is not a qualified programmer. 4: Requirements understanding The programmer should be able to correctly understand the requirements described in the task list. Here should be clear, the programmer must not only pay attention to the functional requirements to software, also should pay attention to the performance of the software requirements, to correctly assess their own modules for the whole project and the impact of potential threats, if has two to three years project experience of skilled programmer has no experience on this point, only shows that he might be seriously, but there is no work. 5: Modular thinking ability As an excellent programmer, his thoughts should not be limited to the current work task, to think about whether the module he wrote can be separated from the current system, through simple encapsulation in other systems or other modules directly used. Doing so can make the code reusable, reduce the duplication of effort, but also can make the system structure more reasonable. The improvement of modular thinking ability is an important indicator of the improvement of technical level of a programmer. Testing habits Testing is an important part of software engineering quality assurance, but testing is not only the job of test engineers, but a basic responsibility of every programmer. Programmers need to understand that testing is more than just normal program debugging, and that testing for intentional and targeted exception calls is a combination of requirements understanding. 7: The ability to learn and summarize Programmers are easy to be eliminated career, so be good at learning to summarize. Many programmers like to blindly pursue some small coding skills, such technical personnel no matter how many languages, code writing more skilled, we can only say that he is a skilled code migrant workers, he will never have a qualitative improvement. A programmer who is good at learning will often summarize his technical level and have a good position on his technical level so that he can improve himself purposefully. This is how you move up from programmer to software designer, systems analyst, and project manager. As a senior programmer, even as a designer, in addition to having all the above qualities, they also need to have the following qualities: 1. Requirements analysis ability; 2. Overall framework ability; 3Copy the code
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