Qtum Quantum Chain News review September 24 – October 7

This article will review the Qtum quantum chain project in detail over the past week (September 24th – October 7th). The news review will also include all the current developments in Qtum technology development. Please feel free to check them out.

Qtum quantum chain was invited to attend the Argentine station

2018 Global G20 Young Entrepreneurs Alliance Summit

From September 20 to 21, 2018 G20 Young Entrepreneurs Alliance Summit was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Shuai Chu, founder of Qtum Quantum chain, and Miguel Palencia, CIO, were invited to attend as members of G20 YEA Alliance and special guest representatives of the team.

As one of the most influential enterprises in the global blockchain field, Founder Shuai Chu, on behalf of Qtum Quantum Chain Foundation, delivered a speech to the young entrepreneurs from all over the world at the welcome dinner on the first day of the Summit and warmly welcomed them: “As a pioneer in this field, we are eager to welcome the younger generation into the currently booming blockchain industry.”

“In addition, Qtum’s open source code and toolset greatly saves the majority of QTUM-based developers time and completely unnecessary rework. There are now 29 iterations of Qtum Core, x86 virtual machines that support multilingual programming will be released this year, and public beta of the more efficient Qtum Enterprise edition has begun. We are achieving our goals one by one. Of course, there may be more difficult challenges ahead, but we always believe that nothing is impossible when we are determined and not afraid of failure. The only difference is that we want to do it and we don’t want to do it.” Shuai chu said.

Qtum Quantum chain hackathon award details revealed

By September 30, 2018, Qtum has gained a total of nearly one million potential network users, among which Russia, China and India are the main regions for real-time registration. More than 1,000 developers signed up to participate in this hackathon, experimenting in various industries and technologies. Qtum welcomes more and more developers to join us in building a new future!

Qtum Quantum chain is a guest at the 4th Latin American Business and Technology Congress

Detailed analyses in an interview, Miguel Qtum quantum chain of the core technology: “essentially Qtum quantum chain is a combination of currency and etheric fang these two relatively mature blocks ecological chain, inherited the currency stable, the currency property of safety and etheric fang good extensibility, completed the historic blocks in chain technology development. At one point, Qtum had more than 7,000 nodes worldwide, ranking third in the world, showing a high degree of decentralization.”

“Qtum’s focus this year will be on Qtum Enterprise and Qtum x86 virtual machines that support multilingual programming,” Miguel said of the foundation’s recent plans and new development roadmap. The former is intended to help more commercial applications land, while the latter will provide a lower barrier and more friendly development environment for blockchain developers, who will be able to program with the x86 architecture they are more familiar with.”

Qtum Quantum Chain Research Institute: Lightning Network (PART 1)

When the block size is limited to 1MB, the bitcoin network can only support around seven transactions per second across the network, which is much slower than traditional financial transaction systems. At the same time, with a block every 10 minutes, at least six blocks are needed to secure the confirmation of a transaction, making the confirmation of a transaction slow.

Lightning network mainly introduces the idea of smart contract to improve the transaction channel under the chain. Based on the evolution of micro-payment channel, it creatively designs two types of transaction contract: Revocable Sequence Maturity Contract and Hashed Timelock Contract. RSMC solved the problem of confirmation of off-chain transactions, HTLC solved the problem of payment channels. In the previous article, we covered only one type of trading contract – RSMC.

Qtum Quantum Chain Research Institute: Lightning Network (PART 2)

In the previous part, we described that RSMC in the Lightning network is a two-way micro-payment channel established by both parties. Do the nodes in the lightning network need to create a new payment channel for each transaction partner? The answer is no.

HTLC guarantees that any transfer between two people can be done through a single payment channel.

HTLC simple understanding is timed transfer, through intelligent contract, both parties agreed transfer to freeze a sum of money, and provide a hash value, if someone can come up with a string within a certain amount of time, making it the hash value with known value after the match (actually means the transfer authorized payment of the receiving party to show), the money is transferred to the receiver. HTLC allows you to safely transfer value between any node in the Lightning network without trusting intermediary nodes.

Qtum quantum chain

September 24 – October 7 project technical progress

Strategic product development and design implementation

Qtum Core Wallet

  • Merge BitCoin Core V0.17 code

  • Test Qtumcore V0.17 and fix some compatibility bugs

Qtum x86 VM

  • The createcontract and SendtoContract RPC commands support base58 addresses

  • Re-implement the CallContract RPC command to support non-EVM contract calls

  • Executecontract RPC for running contract bytecode directly

  • Added a way to get contract data directly and updated libqtum

    Refine the x86 virtual machine development task list (progress) : https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum/labels/x86

Qtum enterprise edition

  • Complete the system design related to blockchain data

  • The recent progress of cross-chain industry was followed up

  • Follow up the recent development of token application in the industry

  • QtumX white paper second edition written

Base products and development tools updated

Qtum Wallet & Browser

  • Qtum Electrum Light Wallet fixes several stability bugs, which can be found on Github

  • Qtum old version of mobile wallet released v2 version (iOS and Android), code review to open source

  • Qtum new mobile version wallet basic functions complete

  • The qtum.info block browser fixes several bugs, which can be found on Github

Qtum website updated

  • New Qtum official website implementation

  • Qtum official forum refactoring

  • Qtum official small program design

Technical document update

  • QtumX mechanism of the new consensus document: https://docs.qtum.site/zh/SCAR-Consensus/

  • QtumX across chain trading module documentation: https://docs.qtum.site/zh/Canal-Cross-Chain/

Collaboration and exploration

  • Qtum hackathon project selection and follow-up

  • Qtum Plasma MVP continues to be optimized

  • Continue recording the golden Classroom video tutorial

Github updates the address

Qtum core code: https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum

Qtum. Info browser: https://github.com/qtumproject/qtuminfo

​Qtum Electrum:https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum-electrum

Qtum project collection, poke the always reap at https://github.com/qtumproject

We will in order to build sustainable ecological unremitting efforts, in the past week we main for optimization, and Qtum quantum chain in the future will continue to keep update weekly report every week, for we have any constructive Suggestions can leave a message below, let us become a global common witness Qtum quantum chain block chain indispensable important power of the new economy.