Qtum quantum chain

October 15 – October 21 news review

This article will review the Qtum quantum chain project in detail over the past week (October 15th – October 21st). The news review will also include all the current developments in Qtum technology development. Please feel free to check them out.

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Qtum Quantum Chain reached cooperation with Amazon AWS China cloud service

Simon Wang, AWS China regional head of business development, confirmed the partnership, telling CoinDesk in an email: “Qtum quantum chain is now a technical partner of AWS and a member of its network.” In this regard, Amazon Web Services (AWS) China branch officially announced the Qtum quantum chain cooperation.

John Scianna, QTUM’s director of overseas marketing, told CoinDesk that QTUM’s AMI was listed on the Amazon Web Services Market in July and that the two sides have moved toward full technical cooperation since then. Prior to this official announcement, Qtum has been working closely with AWS to deploy blockchain systems on the cloud. Recall: This partnership will help AWS customers develop and publish smart contracts using Amazon Machine Images (AMIS) quickly, efficiently and economically.

John Scianna added that Qtum and AWS have been conducting preliminary technical explorations on blockchain cloud services since April this year. Following the announcement of the partnership, Qtum and AWS will work together to get feedback from customers about users and marketing, and to provide better guidance to customers who don’t have a lot of software development resources of their own, Qtum CIO MikePal.a told CoinDesk.

Qtum Quantum chain series development courses settled in Golden College

If the world is roughly divided into “physical world” and “digital world”, then the importance of blockchain to the world is self-evident. Trust, consensus, collaboration, circulation… In essence, blockchain technology addresses these questions of human organization in the digital world.

So, what is this series about? Is there anything else besides the basic concepts that are popular? How does Qtum combine UTXO with POS? How did Qtum become one of the most influential projects in the world because of its technology? What industries could be disrupted by this technology?

In this course, you can find answers and even open up your imagination.

From the practical level, this course takes you to think about the landing and technical value of blockchain.

The course takes smart contract and Dapp based on Qtum platform as the main body, and gives consideration to the detailed exposition of blockchain principles and important concepts. The combination of theory and practice enables developers to become proficient in Dapp development on the basis of a complete familiarity with the characteristics and advantages of blockchain technology, through abundant case analysis and actual practice.

Qtum Quantum chain Github development guide

No matter what product or technical tool you want to develop with Qtum’s technical tools, here you will find a development tool that will help you achieve your goals. This article will walk you through basic Settings including setting up your local Qtum network. It will also show you many tool features, such as how to connect to the test network for more detailed testing, how to connect to the main network when preparing for deployment, and how to issue tokens with smart contracts using QRC20 tokens as an example.

The most useful part for Qtum developers is how to use the Qtum JS library to manipulate smart contracts, while the cooler part is how to create simple DApps using React.

Read through the entire guide to develop in a Qtum environment.

SCAR: Scalable Consensus Algorithm

Flexible consensus algorithm

Recently, Qtum quantum chain for Qtum enterprise version scalability problems and low efficiency of transaction processing, proposed a blockchain expansion consensus algorithm named “SCAR”, can further reduce the requirements of the underlying blockchain network, the announcement of the algorithm has caused the attention and forwarding of nearly 10,000 overseas blockchain developers.

SCAR is known to strike a balance between Qtum enterprise’s user experience and resource storage, making it more efficient and flexible than other consensus algorithms.

Qtum quantum chain

Technical progress of the project from October 15 to October 21

Strategic product development and design implementation

Qtum Core Wallet

  • Qtumcore V0.17 code merge complete, start internal testing

  • Resolve Qtumcore V0.17 resource leak issues

  • Qtum related test case debugging

Qtum x86 VM

  • Reconstruct the contract execution result data structure to represent the event and shared stack results separately

  • X86 contract bytecode compression, reduce on – chain contract data

  • Code clean up

  • X86 virtual machine development task list (progress) : http://github.com/qtumproject/qtum/labels/x86

Qtum enterprise edition

  • QtumX Enterprise Edition white paper writing, confirm the official name

  • Complete interface debugging of IPFS and ERC721

  • Complete the technical investigation of cross-chain atom exchange

  • Investigate blockchain data storage solutions

    Review: SCAR: Scalable Consensus Algorithm

Base products and development tools updated

Qtum Wallet & Browser

  • Qtum new mobile version wallet existing bugs fixed, UI updated

  • Qtum. Info block browser bug fixed, API documentation released

  • Qtum Electrum light Wallet adds the ability to send transactions via email and fixes some stability bugs in the plugin

  • Qtum old version of mobile wallet released v2 version (iOS and Android), code review, to open source

  • Qtum new mobile version wallet existing bug fixes

  • Qtum.info block browser fixed data display issue with QRC721 Token

Qtum website updated

  • Qtum official website dynamic effect and background development, ready to release internal preview version

  • Qtum official small program design adjustment, began to implement

Technical document update

  • QtumX mechanism of the new consensus document: https://docs.qtum.site/zh/SCAR-Consensus/

  • QtumX across chain trading module documentation: https://docs.qtum.site/zh/Canal-Cross-Chain/

Collaboration and exploration

  • For a proposal to allow free utXOS to be created on Qtum, link: https://medium.com/@earlz/ proposal-to-allow-free-UTXO-creation-in-qtum-5e1CB0c0c230

  • Investigate Qtum payment channel related application scenarios

  • Qtum hackathon award winning project support and follow up

  • Golden Classroom Qtum course released

Github updates the address

Qtum core code: https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum

Qtum. Info browser: https://github.com/qtumproject/qtuminfo

Qtum Electrum:https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum-electrum

Qtum project collection, poke the always reap at https://github.com/qtumproject

We will in order to build sustainable ecological unremitting efforts, in the past week we main for optimization, and Qtum quantum chain in the future will continue to keep update weekly report every week, for we have any constructive Suggestions can leave a message below, let us become a global common witness Qtum quantum chain block chain indispensable important power of the new economy.