Generate qr codes in vue using qrcodejs2

The installation

npm install qrcodejs2 –save


Use direct references where needed

import QRCode from ‘qrcodejs2

Note: This library generates a QR code with an error if the text length is around 215
<div style="margin:0 auto"> <el-button type="text" @click="open"> </el-button> <el-dialog  :visible.sync="dialogVisible" width="30%"> <div id="root" ref="qrCodeUrl"></div> </el-dialog> </div> </template> <script> import QRCode from "qrcodejs2"; export default { name: "", components: {}, data() { return { qrcode: null, dialogVisible: false, qrcodeStatus: true }; }, created() {}, mounted() {}, methods: { open() { this.dialogVisible = true; this.creatQrCode(); }, creatQrCode() { this.qrcode = new QRCode(this.$refs.qrCodeUrl, { text: Width: 100, height: 100, colorDark: "#000000", colorLight: "#ffffff", correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.H }); }}}; </script> <style scoped></style>Copy the code
There is an error

Error: Failed to obtain the node, add $nextTick to creatQrCode

creatQrCode(){ this.$nextTick(() => { ....... }}Copy the code

Now we will find that pop-ups open close, open close….. This is what happens

In the second open time did not go to clear the last saved TWO-DIMENSIONAL code, need to clear the last two-dimensional code

this.$refs.qrCodeUrl.innerHTML = "";
Copy the code

Tips: You can add CSS style to a single TWO-DIMENSIONAL code for optimization

Render structure as shown; You can see that under the tag (root) of the node, the canvas tag appears, followed by an IMG tag,

Img {width: 150px; height: 150px; } /deep/ img{...... }Copy the code

You can also use this to get all the IMG tags under root

Let imgs = document. QuerySelectorAll (' root > img ')/imgs/get to is a class array forEach (e = > {e.s tyle. Width = "150 px"})Copy the code

Parameters of the API

QRCode parameters

new QRCode(element, option)

The name of the The default value instructions
element The ID of the DOM element that hosts the QR code
option Parameter Settings

The Option parameter

The name of the The default value instructions note
text Qr code carries information If it’s string, there’s nothing to say. If it is a URL, encodeURIComponent is used to encode Chinese in the connection for wechat and QQ to recognize it
width 256 Width of two-dimensional code Unit pixel (not percent)
height 256 Height of TWO-DIMENSIONAL code Unit pixel (not percent)
colorDark ‘# 000000’ Two-dimensional code foreground scenery English \ hexadecimal \ RGB \rgba\transparent can be
colorLight ‘#ffffff’ Background color of TWO-DIMENSIONAL code English \ hexadecimal \ RGB \rgba\transparent can be
correctLevel QRCode.CorrectLevel.L Fault tolerance level L qrcode.correctlevel.m qrcode.correctlevel.q qrcode.correctlevel.h

API interface

The name of the parameter instructions use
clear Clear qr code qrcode.clear()
makeCode string Replace the TWO-DIMENSIONAL code (the parameters are the new two-dimensional code content) qrcode.makeCode(‘new content’)

At the end

Add git to…

The above code uses elementUIvue

@2021-11-23 — generate QR code using QrCODEJS2 in VUE

©Mr. Tang—- Momoli brother