This is the 15th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge.

This article documents two environmental problems encountered at work.

Yarn cannot be used in terminal of vscode

1.1 Problem Description

When you run the yarn command in the terminal of the VScode tool, the following problems occur:

This is because the unsigned scripts you wrote and signed scripts from other users cannot run on the local computer.

1.2 solve

1. Run Powershell as an administrator

2. Use the following commands to change the execution policies on your computer to the remotesunet

Set ExecutionPolicy remotesunetCopy the code

2, Windows common users use CMD command

2.1 Problem Description

In Windows, when you run the ping or Telnet command, a message is displayed indicating that the permission is insufficient or the command cannot be found. As a result, the two commands cannot be used directly. Ping and Telnet are commands that can be used only if you open the command prompt (CMD) with administrator privileges, unless you directly use the administrator account. But generally speaking, ordinary users cannot have the authority of the administrator. The most straightforward way to solve this problem is to set system environment variables and perform additional functionality loading. Here’s how to set it up.

2.2 Using CMD You need to configure system environment variables

To set the environment path, perform the following steps:

  1. Move the mouse to the lower left corner, right click and select “System”

  2. Select Advanced for system properties.

  3. Select environment Variables in advanced

  4. After entering the environment variable, look at the path of the system variable and copy and paste the following code

    %SystemRoot%\system32; %SystemRoot%; %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem; % SYSTEMROOT % \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \;Copy the code
  5. Click OK, try again to restore the use

2.3 Using Telenet requires additional loading

For Telnet, you need to load it before it can be used, as follows:

  1. Press win + x;

  2. Input appwiz. CPL

  3. Click “Enable and Disable Windows Features” on the left side of the interface.

  4. In the Windows function list, select Telnet client

  5. The Telnet function can be used only after the system is properly loaded from the network. For other special operations, see the Windows Function list