Q1: How to use LiveData and the problems to be solved?

A1: LiveData is stated-changing data, internally implemented by “observer” design mode. The theme object is “LifecycleOwner”, and the observer is provided by the working scene that depends on LiveData data.


private LiveData<String> liveData = new MutableLiveData<String>("Initial value") {// Called when the number of active observers change to 1 from 0.
        protected void onActive(a) {

        // Called when the number of active observers change from 1 to 0.
        protected void onInactive(a) {
            super.onInactive(); }};Copy the code

Speaking of observers, LiveData provides MediatorLiveData to manage multiple LiveData sources if there are multiple topics.

LiveData<Integer> liveData1 = ... ; LiveData<Integer> liveData2 = ... ; MediatorLiveData<Integer> liveDataMerger =new MediatorLiveData<>();
liveDataMerger.addSource(liveData1, value -> liveDataMerger.setValue(value));
liveDataMerger.addSource(liveData2, value -> liveDataMerger.setValue(value));

liveDataMerger.addSource(liveData1, new Observer<Integer>() {
       private int count = 1;
       {@literal @}Override public void onChanged(@Nullable Integer s) {
           if (count > 10) { liveDataMerger.removeSource(liveData1); }}});Copy the code

There are two modes of observer: lifecycle dependent and permanent.

public void observe(@NonNull LifecycleOwner owner, 
@NonNull Observer<? super T> observer) {}public void observeForever(@NonNull Observer<? super T> observer) {}Copy the code

LiveData role:

  • You should remove the observer in conjunction with the Android lifecycle state.
  • Status data. Provides one-to-many dependencies between objects so that when data changes within LiveData, all its observers can be notified and updated.

Application scenarios

  • MVVM engineering structure

Q2: What should be noted in the multi-threaded LiveData scenario?

A2: Because it is related to the life cycle, the main thread is required for observer registration, data update setValue, etc. Non-main thread operations will have assertion errors.

If an asynchronous thread wants to update data, it can use #postValue(also thrown to the main thread).

Q3: What are the implementation methods of LiveData that can be applied in other working scenarios?

A3: There are generally the following points:

  • In concurrent scenarios, you can use SafeIterableMap to safely traverse hash data.

    • Not thread-safe, but safe to traverse in concurrency.
    • Supports multiple Iterator traversal modes.
package androidx.arch.core.internal;
 * LinkedList, which pretends to be a map and supports modifications during iterations.
 * It is NOT thread safe.
 * @param <K> Key type
 * @param <V> Value type
 * @hide* /
public class SafeIterableMap<K.V> implements 可迭代<Map.Entry<K.V>> {}Copy the code
  • A utility class that throws tasks onto the main thread.
Copy the code