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Pytorch rand* random number


The torch. Rand (* sizes, out = None) - > Tensor

Returns a tensor containing a set of random numbers drawn from a uniform distribution of the interval [0,1], whose shape is defined by the variable parameter sizes.

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The output is:

> > tensor ([0.3445, 0.9567, 0.7707]) tensor ([[0.7644, 0.5776], [0.4379, 0.5460], [0.1860, 0.2946]])Copy the code

* Because it is random, it is normal for you and I to output different results (this explanation is a bit redundant…).


The torch. Randn (* sizes, out = None) - > Tensor

Returns a tensor containing a set of random numbers drawn from the standard normal distribution (mean 0, variance 1, i.e., Gaussian white noise), whose shape is defined by the variable parameter Sizes.


  • sizes (int…) – Integer sequence that defines the output shape
  • out (Tensor.optinal) – Result tensor
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> > tensor ([0.7186, 1.4286, 0.6510]) tensor ([[1.1820, 0.4163], [1.2188, 1.3141], [0.9691, 0.2682]])Copy the code


The torch. Randperm (n, out = None) - > LongTensor

Given n, returns a random permutation of integers from [0, n-1].


  • N (int) — Upper boundary (not included)
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tensor([2, 4, 8, 5, 0, 9, 6, 1, 7, 3])
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Think of range or arrange. Both return an ordered sequence and can set the step size. The official recommendation is to use the function torch. Arange ().

Randn and Normal

After the rand* function above, let’s introduce a torch. Normal ()


torch.normal(means, std, out=None)

Returns a tensor containing a random number extracted from a discrete normal distribution of the given parameter means, STD. The mean means is a tensor containing the mean of the normal distribution associated with each output element. STD is a tensor containing the standard deviation of the normal distribution associated with each output element. The mean and standard deviation shapes do not have to match, but each tensor must have the same number of elements.


  • Means — Tensor
  • STD — standard deviation
  • Out (Tensor) — Optional output Tensor

Although randn and Normal can generate random numbers that follow normal distribution, normal can set its own mean and standard deviation.

That’s the difference.