
Python3 incorporates URllib2, urlparse, and RobotParse into the URllib module. So the way you import in Python should be imported in Python3 like this:

from urllib.parse import urlparse
Copy the code

We can use it to get the ParseResult object, which we can access by subscript or property name:

  • Scheme (Protocol)
  • Netloc (Domain name)
  • Path (path)
  • Params (optional)
  • Query (join key-value pairs)
  • Fragment (Special Anchor)
The property name The index value instructions In the null case
scheme 0 URL agreement ""
netloc 1 The URL of the domain name ""
path 2 URL request path ""
params 3 URL Specifies the URL ""
query 4 URL key-value pair parameter ""
fragment 5 Special anchor URL ""
username The user name None
password password None
hostname Host name (lowercase) None
port If it exists, it is an integer port number None
Let’s test the use of this function:
#! /usr/bin/env python
# * Coding: UTF-8 *
from urllib.parse import urlparse

Result = urlparse (‘ juejin. Cn/user / 280560… ‘) print(result)

The output is:  ```python ParseResult( scheme='https', netloc='', path='/user/5da32395e51d4578200cc9c5/posts', params='', query='params=123&username=123', fragment='' )Copy the code