• Python: 3.8.11
  • OS: Ubuntu Kylin 20.04
  • Conda: 4.10.1
  • PyCharm: 2021.1.3 (Community Edition)


@author: Date: 8/6/21 ""
from tkinter import *

def main() :
    app = Tk()  Instantiate a Tk to hold the entire GUI program
    app.title('Window program')  Set the form's title bar

    Set the label primary key to display text, ICONS, and images
    the_label = Label(app, text="Haw")

    the_label.pack()  # Automatically adjust the size and position of the primary key

    # Window main event loop. Takeover by tkinter

if __name__ == '__main__':

Copy the code

The results

Enlarge the form to help display the form title

The resources

  • Tkinter document

Learning to recommend

  • Python documentation – English
  • Python documentation – Chinese
  • Python code PEP
  • Google version of the Python specification
  • Python source code
  • Python PEP
  • Optimal kirin
  • The nuggets platform
  • Gitee platform

Python is open source, cross-platform, interpretive, and interactive, and worth learning. Python’s design philosophy: elegant, unambiguous, simple. Advocate one way, preferably only one way to do one thing. Guis can be created with PyQt5, PySide2, wxPython, PyGObject, wxWidgets, etc. Code should be written in accordance with specifications to facilitate communication and understanding. Every language has its own unique ideas. Beginners need to change their thinking, practice and accumulate.