This is the 16th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

Examples of 21

The title

Monkey eat peach problem: the first day the monkey picked a number of peaches, immediately eat half, not addiction, and eat one more the next morning will be the rest of the peach half, and eat one more. For the rest of the day, I ate half and one each morning. In the morning of the 10th day, when I wanted to eat again, THERE was only one peach left. How much did you pick the first day?

Analysis of the

Take the reverse approach and work backwards.


#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @version : 1.0
# @Time : 2021/3/31 20:42
# @Author : cunyu
# @Email : [email protected]
# @Site :
# official account: Village Yuyao
# @File :
# @Software: PyCharm
# @desc: Exercise Example 21

if __name__ == '__main__':
    end = 1
    start = 0
    for day in range(10.1, -1):
        start = (end + 1) * 2
        end = start

    print('Peaches of the first day:' + str(start))

Copy the code

The results of

Instances of 22

The title

Two ping-pong teams are playing three players each. Team A consists of a, B and C, and team B consists of X, Y and Z. The list of players has been drawn. The players were asked for the match list. A says he doesn’t compete with X, C says he doesn’t compete with X and Z. Please program to find out the names of the three teams.

Analysis of the

Three layers of circulation, and then add judgment can;


#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @version : 1.0
# @Time : 2021/3/31 20:45
# @Author : cunyu
# @Email : [email protected]
# @Site :
# official account: Village Yuyao
# @File :
# @Software: PyCharm
# @desc: Exercise example 22

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i in range(ord('x'), ord('z') + 1) :for j in range(ord('x'), ord('z') + 1) :ifi ! = j:for k in range(ord('x'), ord('z') + 1) :if(i ! = k)and(j ! = k):if(i ! =ord('x')) and(k ! =ord('x')) and(k ! =ord('z')) :print('Match list: \na <-> %s\ NB <-> %s\ NC <-> %s' % (chr(i), chr(j), chr(k)))
Copy the code

The results of

Example 23

The title

Print the following pattern (diamond) :

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Analysis of the

First, the graph is divided into two parts, one rule for the first four lines, one rule for the last three lines, using a double for loop, the first layer controls the row, the second layer controls the column.


#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @version : 1.0
# @Time : 2021/4/10 9:32
# @Author : cunyu
# @Email : [email protected]
# @Site :
# official account: Village Yuyao
# @File :
# @Software: PyCharm
# @desc: Exercise Example 23

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i in range(4) :for j in range(2 - i + 1) :print("", end=' ')
        for k in range(2 * i + 1) :print("*", end=' ')
        print(a)for i in range(3) :for j in range(i + 1) :print("", end=' ')
        for k in range(4 - 2 * i + 1) :print("*", end=' ')
        print(a)Copy the code

The results of

Examples of 24

The title

There is a sequence of fractions: 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13… Find the sum of the first 20 terms in this sequence.

Analysis of the

If you look carefully at the numerator and denominator of a sequence, you can see that the numerator of the current fraction is equal to the sum of the numerator and denominator of the previous fraction, and the denominator of the current fraction is equal to the numerator of the previous fraction;


#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @version : 1.0
# @Time : 2021/4/10 9:58
# @Author : cunyu
# @Email : [email protected]
# @Site :
# official account: Village Yuyao
# @File :
# @Software: PyCharm
# @desc: Exercise Example 24

if __name__ == '__main__':
    numerator = 2
    denominator = 1
    sum = 0
    for i in range(1.21) :sum += numerator * 1.0 / denominator
        tmp = numerator
        numerator += denominator
        denominator = tmp
    print('Sum of sequences:' + str(sum))

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The results of

Examples of 25

The title

For 1 + 2! + 3! +… + 20! And.

Analysis of the

It’s similar to the accumulation, you compute the multiplication, and then you add;


#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @version : 1.0
# @Time : 2021/4/10 10:02
# @Author : cunyu
# @Email : [email protected]
# @Site :
# official account: Village Yuyao
# @File :
# @Software: PyCharm
# @desc: Exercise Example 25

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sum = 0
    tmp = 1
    for i in range(1.21):
        tmp *= i
        sum += tmp
    print('1! + 2! + 3! +... + 20! = ' + str(sum))
Copy the code

The results of