Some time ago, Pan Shiyi will almost its several well-known SOHO landmark project, sold out. The street public opinion is restless, think Pan Shiyi to learn li Ka-shing hand, have network attacks: “don’t let Pan Shiyi run!”

But he was unflappable. On his 56th birthday, he posted a message on Twitter. Instead of talking about real estate, selling Apples, or Posting photos, he announced that he was moving into a programming language: Python.

! [fire all over the world over the past few years the Python momentum is so strong? (a full set of video tutorials)] (

A real estate developer, who doesn’t build houses, turns to programming. Is The magic of Python really so great?

Python, too, has been hot for years, and it’s still hot. Since its birth in the early 1990s, Python has been widely used in system administration tasks and Web programming. For those of you who have not yet learned Python, let’s take a look at the magic of learning Python!

One of the world’s three leading programming languages

Python is an object-oriented interpreted computer programming language with a rich and powerful library. It has become the third most popular language after Java and C++. Compared with other languages, Python is easy to learn, portable, extensible, embeddable, rich library, free and open source, etc. Python is very easy to learn and suitable for beginner programmers.

! [fire all over the world over the past few years the Python momentum is so strong? (a full set of video tutorials)] (

An efficient and reliable programming language

I’m sure any developer who has used Python will agree with its speed, reliability, and efficiency. You can use or deploy Python in a variety of environments with negligible performance losses.

Again, because of Python’s diversity, it means that you can span many fields, not just Web development, desktop applications, mobile applications, even hardware development. So you’re not tied to a single platform, the Python experience can be applied to any platform.

Whether you are a procedural, object-oriented, or functional programming enthusiast, You can find your own language paradigm in Python. What, they still write procedural code these days? Yes, for embedded systems, process-oriented design is still in vogue. Python makes it easier for everyone to transition to the top.

! [fire all over the world over the past few years the Python momentum is so strong? (a full set of video tutorials)] (

Ubiquitous programming languages

In May of last year, Python overtook Java for the first time, according to TIOBE. Python usage has grown linearly since 2004. Python has been in development for more than 20 years, starting from 10th in popularity, Python popularity has been rising, with the development of artificial intelligence is considered to be the best programming language in the future.

Internet giants are in desperate need of talent, and Python engineers are prized animals!

The power of Python has been recognized by many large companies, such as Google, Yahoo! , IBM, and many others use Python, and some of our most familiar products are developed in Python, such as Dropbox, Instagram, Pintrest, Mozilla, Quora, Douban, Zhihu, and so on.

A programming language that can do anything

Python is basically omnipotent, except for very few things it can’t do. System operation and maintenance, graphics processing, mathematical processing, text processing, database programming, network programming, Web programming, multimedia applications, PyMO engine, hacker programming, crawler writing, machine learning, artificial intelligence and so on.

! [fire all over the world over the past few years the Python momentum is so strong? (a full set of video tutorials)] (

Programming language for high paying jobs

At present, the growth rate of Python talent demand is up to 174%, and the talent gap is up to 500,000, which is an 8-fold increase in 3 years! In some fields, such as artificial intelligence and big data development, talents are scarce, and it is difficult to recruit people with an annual salary of 200,000 yuan.

! [fire all over the world over the past few years the Python momentum is so strong? (a full set of video tutorials)] (

So there’s a lot of money to be made, but real talent is nowhere to be found. Faced with such a huge talent gap, Python engineers have become a real hit in the job market!

In addition, with China’s investment and planning in ARTIFICIAL intelligence, the demand for artificial intelligence talents has exploded. Python is the development language for artificial intelligence. Now is your best time to learn Python.