Learn how to get data from the Internet. One of the must-have skills of data science.
The third-party libraries used in this article are requests, Parsel, and Selenium
Requests is responsible for sending HTTP requests to the Web page and getting the response, Parsel is responsible for parsing the response string, and Selenium is responsible for JavaScript rendering.
What is a web crawler
Web crawler is a program or script that can automatically grab website information according to certain rules.
How to crawl site information
Before writing a crawler, we must make sure that we can crawl the information of the target site.
But before we do that, we need to know three things:
- Does the site already provide an API
- Is the site static or dynamic
- Whether the site has anti – crawling countermeasures
Scenario 1: Site with open API
If a site has its API open, you can GET its JSON data directly.
XKCD’s About page, for example, provides an API for you to download
import requests
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So how do you tell if a site has open apis? There are 3 ways:
- Look for API entry inside the station
- Use a search engine to search for “a website API”
- Caught. Some sites use Ajax (such as guokr’s Waterfall article), but it is still possible to capture the JSON data in XHR.
How caught: F12 – Network – F5 to refresh fiddle and other tools can also be | or use
Scenario 2: A site with no open API
If the site is a static page, you can use the Requests library to send requests and the HTML parsing library (LXML, Parsel, etc.) to parse the text of the response
The parser library strongly recommends Parsel, which has a similar syntax to CSS selectors but is also fast, and Scrapy uses it.
You need to understand the syntax of CSS selectors (xpath is fine) and learn to look at the review elements of a web page.
For example, get all the original konachan links
from parsel import Selector
res = requests.get('https://konachan.com/post')
tree = Selector(text=res.text)
imgs = tree.css('a.directlink::attr(href)').extract()
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If the site is a dynamic page, selenium is used to render JS first, and the HTML parsing library is used to parse the driver’s page_source.
For example, get hitomi. La data (here chrome is in headless mode)
from selenium import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
tree = Selector(text=driver.page_source)
gallery_content = tree.css('.gallery-content > div')
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Scenario 3: Crawling websites
At present, common anti-crawling policies include verification code, login, and IP address blocking.
Captcha: Crack using a coding platform (opencV or Keras training chart if hard)
Login: Mock login using the Requests POST or Selenium mock user
Proxies: Buy proxies (free proxies don’t work) in Requests to proxies
Other anti-creeping methods: Disguise user-Agent and disable cookies
You are advised to use fake-userAgent to disguise user-Agent
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
headers = {'User-Agent': UserAgent().random}
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
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How to write a structured crawler
If you can successfully crawl the site information, then you have succeeded more than half way.
The crawler structure is simple: create a Tasklist and call the crawl function on each task in the tasklist.
For dynamic web pages with a constant URL, consider packet capture first, not selenium click next page. If you are looking for speed, Consider libraries such as concurrent.futures or Asyncio.
import requests from parsel import Selector from concurrent import futures domain = 'https://www.doutula.com' def crawl(url): res = requests.get(url) tree = Selector(text=res.text) imgs = tree.css('img.lazy::attr(data-original)').extract() # save the imgs ... if __name__ == '__main__': tasklist = [f'{domain}/article/list/?page={i}' for i in range(1, 551)] with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(50) as executor: executor.map(crawl, tasklist)Copy the code
Data storage, depending on your needs, are generally stored in the database, as long as you are familiar with the corresponding driver.
Pymysql (MySQL) pymongo(MongoDB)
If you need a framework
At this point in this article, you should have a clear idea of the basic structure of a crawler, so you can start working on the framework.
Lightweight framework (looter) : github.com/alphardex/l…
Scrapy: github.com/scrapy/scra…
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In this paper, the author
Alphardex,Pythonista && Otaku, one of the surveysers trying to change careers.
Address: zhihu.com/people/ban-zai-liu-shang
Submission Email:pythonpost@163.com
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